
Diimund's Voodoo Part One

by i_luv_dawgs

"Diimund! Where are you going?' shouted Almanac. Diimund bounded straight into the shop and handed over the money. She skipped back outside happily, a smug smile spread across her furry face.

"What a waste of NP!" exclaimed Almanac in disgust.

"A voodoo doll? You've got to be kidding!" The Nimmo put his hands on his hips and frowned at Diimund. Diimund held her nose in the air. "No one was asking you!" she exclaimed crudely, flicking her little bobtail up at her friend. Almanac rolled her eyes. "Come on Diimund! Please, just listen. If you're saving up to buy that Water Mote for the Fire Faeries quest, then it's a waste to spend your NP on some silly superstition! Come on, be reasonable!"

Once again, the Cybunny held her dainty nose in the air and ignored her friend. 'I repeat," she said dryly. "No one was asking for your opinion, Almanac!" The green Nimmo turned a deep red in her anger.

"I was only speaking the truth, Diimund. If a little advise is going to make you all touchy, I don't know why I bother!" Diimund turned sharply to face her friend. Her eyes gleamed. She narrowed them and spoke deathly soft:

"I know why you bother! Right from the first grade, Miss Almanac, you were always trying to best me. Always trying to stand me up! Well, I've had it Almanac! I'm not going to stand for it anymore!" With that, she turned on her heel and marched away, leaving an astounded Almanac staring anxiously after her.

"Don't know what I saw in her!" Diimund muttered as she trudged home.

"I hate her!" Diimund looked down at the strange Voodoo doll in her paw. What luck! a genuine Voodoo doll!

"And I know just who to start on." Diimund thought aloud. She ran all the way back to her house, giggling wickedly. When she reached her home, she ran all the way up the stairs, ignoring her owner who sat waiting with a slice of chocolate cake for her pet.

"No time!" Diimund explained, pushing the cake aside and hopping up to her room. She pulled a photograph of Almanac out of her wallet and set it down on the table. She picked up the Voodoo doll and searched for instructions. A crisp white piece of paper fluttered down and Diimund eagerly lifted it to her face. Squinting at the strange handwriting, she read the directions slowly, twice over. Then, she picked up the photo, and, muttering some strange words under breath, tore the photo into tiny pieces. The voodoo doll shuddered, and some strange dust filled the air. Then all was still.

Coughing through the smoke, Diimund glimpsed the doll. It had taken on the form of a green Nimmo. And the Nimmo's body was scarred for life.

What will happen to Almanac? Will the voodoo doll have done its work? Find out in the next issue of the Neopian Times...