
Unhappy Fate

by Stardust3586

"Secret, wait up!" a voice shouted behind SecretLove.

"Miss WhiteLily, please, don't shout. It isn't very princess-like. And please don't run!" said Princess Whitelily's maid, GoldenHope.

SecretLove turned her slim body and faced her friend. She was a beautiful Aisha who had been painted with a paint brush of the stars. She was also a princess of a small kingdom in Neopia.

Whitelily was a white (it's kinda obvious with her name) Lupe. She was one of the most beautiful NeoPets in Neopia. And one of the nicest, too. All the guys liked her, and it was hard now that the two were of age to marry. The two had been best friends for years and didn't like the competition. They both knew the favourite among the guys. Whitelily.

Whitelily and GoldenHope came up to SecretLove and her maid, SweetAngel. The four went to a private school for royalty and their servants. The four talked of the graduation that was coming up. That meant that the girls would be forced to marry either a guy they chose or a guy their family picked. Whitelily had a whole list lined up including a guy they both liked.

"Hey there," came a familiar voice. There he was. He was a handsome fire Lupe named FieryHot. Both knew how much he liked Whitelily. Their future was pretty much decided. Graduation and marriage.


The months flew by, graduation came and went, and it was time to get ready to be married.

"Princess Whitelily of the Floral Kingdom, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" Prince FieryHot asked the beautiful white Lupe.

Engagements were formal and done at a big ceremony. By then most knew their soon to be husbands or wives. SecretLove stood sadly as couples paired up and she stood alone. Tears were in her eyes. Her turn was coming up. The princesses stood in a line and they went down the line and princes came up to ask for their hand in marriage.

WhiteLily looked at the handsome face and at her friend's. They had agreed she would marry him.

"Yes, Prince FieryHot of the Solar Kingdom, I will become your wife," WhiteLily said clearly, trying to not look at her friend standing next to her.

People clapped and cheered. The couple walked down the aisle to their seats.

"Princess SecretLove," the announcer said.

To her great surprise, BlackCourage, a black Lupe and WhiteLily's brother, came up to the stage.

"My dear Princess SecretLove of the Estrella kingdom, like your name I have loved you for years in secret, and now I will express my love for you. Will you become my wife?" BlackCourage said, kneeling on one knee in front of SecretLove.

Secret could not believe it. She had liked BlackCourage before and he was older than her. She finally found her voice.

"Yes, Prince BlackCourage of the Floral Kingdom, I too have a secret love for you as well. I will be happy to become your wife," SecretLove was beaming.

The two walked down the aisle.


The couples were married at big fancy beautiful wedding.

SecretLove and BlackCourage were quite happy. They had a daughter. Whitelily and FieryHot weren't doing as good. They fought a lot and had several children, three daughters and two sons. Their kingdom was on the verge of war with a kingdom of Scorchos. They ruled the Floral kingdom and Secret and Black ruled the Estrella kingdom.

FieryHot was realizing he only liked WhiteLily for her looks, and he really liked SecretLove. She was happy with BlackCourage. They lived happily for years. WhiteLily and FieryHot did go to war and ended up getting very ill, leaving their kingdom to their oldest daughter. Their kingdom was in ruins due to the constant fighting between the royal couple, but their daughter organised their kingdom and brought it back together. Life was peaceful once again.


Moral of the story: Get to know people before you start a relationship or marriage. Make sure you really care for them, and he/she does for you. Looks aren't everything.