
The Odd One

by bonnieshale

Once upon a time, far away in Neopia, a new pet came about. No one knew where it came from, or even knew what it was. It just appeared. Should they be afraid? Or should they say, "Welcome!" and smile sweetly. They did not know if it would bring danger or not, so they decided to keep away.

A very wise old Lupe had a strange feeling about the new comer. He gathered his spells and potions and started to make a spell. He spurted out all kinds of words, words no one has ever heard of. "Kala Mal, Dewa, Tewa! Call this odd one Jubjub Sewa!"

The very next day, huge crowds of nasty Neopians, gathered around to tell of what they heard in the night. They had heard several screechy noises, they were deafening. They suspected the new comer. No other Neopian could project their voice at such a high pitch. "The new comer! It's the new comer! He's the one making noises at night! I know it!" said a vicious old lady. The wise Lupe was in the crowd as well. But he didn't feel the same way as the other Neopians. He didn't want to protest. Somehow, he knew that the new comer wasn't dangerous.

Not long after the new comer had arrived, the wise Lupe approached him. The new comer seemed scared. He was hiding in the bushes and was hungry and cold. The wise Lupe offered him some food and told the new comer to come with him. He took the new comer back to his cottage, where he gave him a place to sleep. Suddenly, the new comer, said, "Thank-you". The wise Lupe stood back and gasped. Could he have learned that by listening to other Neopians? Or is it natural? Is Neopian his language? The wise Lupe tried to talk to the new comer and tried to get him to speak Neopian again. But he had no luck.

Still, the fellow Neopians didn't trust him. Whenever the wise Lupe took him into town, they stood back in horror. Some even covered their children's eyes. Were they ever going to trust him? If only the wise Lupe could make them believe that maybe, just maybe, the new comer was a Neopian himself and had been here all along.

One fine day, all was well. The Neopians were still ignoring the poor new comer. The wise Lupe was very angry at his friends. They didn't talk to him anymore. They called him a "Traitor" and other mean things. If only he could prove that the new comer wasn't mean. He was simply just an unknown species of Neopia. The new comer and the wise Lupe went into town again, to buy some groceries. A child came from the crowd and touched the new comer on the hand.

"My parents told me to keep away form you. But I think you are nice. Would you be my friend?" The child said cheerfully.

"I'll be your friend," the new comer suddenly said.

He sounded just like a child. The wise Lupe jumped up, along with all the other Neopians. The crowd suddenly fell silent. No one spoke. They were speechless. Maybe now they would accept the new comer.

"He is a Jubjub," The wise Lupe cried with joy and hope.

"Jubjub," said the Jubjub, continuously. "Jubjub."

From that day on, the Neopians learned to live with the Jubjub. But one day, the Jubjub disappeared. They were sad to see him go, but the wise Lupe knew he wouldn't be gone forever. He soon returned with other Jubjubs. More than you could imagine!