
Sense of Fate: Part One

by Ultima999

As Rekozen sat under the radiant moon to enjoy his favourite book, the Kacheek Book, he started to get very sleepy. He decided to take a little nap, so he closed his eyes and had a strange dream......

Sizzleburn: Hey Rekozen, don't you think we should help Ultima999 with moving into our new home on the Mysterious Island?

Rekozen: You go on ahead. That kind of bone-breaking work is for humans! I'll be in the back yard picking flowers if you need me.

Sizzleburn: Yeah, yeah. So it's my job to help our generous owner?

They hear a loud THUD outside and go out to see what happened

Ultima999: You know....you could....help...me carry...some things.....

Rekozen: As the Kacheek that helped you carry junk last time, I do believe Sizzleburn should do it alone while I enjoy myself in the back yard!

Ultima999: Whatever. Sizzleburn, help me get this desk off me.

Sizzleburn and Ultima999 bring stuff into the house for rest of day

Rekozen: (sniff) I do believe this flower is good. (throws it into a large basket.)

A bright light appears out of no where, and Rekozen is blinded by the sudden flash for a few seconds then it disappears. rubs his eyes sees Space Faerie approach him

Space Faerie: I come with an important message!

Rekozen (who has never encountered a real faerie before): Uh...uh....

Space Faerie: Listen to me! Dr. Sloth has returned!

Rekozen: Um...well...

Space Faerie: The News Station was closed and I can't get the word around fast enough! Help me warn everyone!

Waking up, Rekozen laughs at what he just experienced. He forgets all about Dr. Sloth and continues reading. As the stars begin appearing in the sky, Rekozen switches books.

Rekozen: Nooooo! I don't have any new books!

Book Holder: Hey! Don't blame me! I'm just an inanimate object that can talk!

Rekozen: And I'm not sleepy! Oh wait. Here's one…..

As Rekozen read the book, he couldn't help but think of Dr. Sloth and his evil creatures.

When it got late, Rekozen prepared to go back inside. Then he heard some noises coming from the bushes. Rekozen froze. He had heard about many horrible creatures that lived in Neopia. Slowly, he walked toward the bushes. The bushes shook even more. Rekozen continued to walk slowly towards it. Suddenly, a large beast appeared and let out a roar! Terrified, Rekozen quickly ran into the house. He noticed the lights were on, but he didn't see anyone.

Rekozen: Hello? A-a-nyone t-t-t-here?

Sizzleburn comes down from upstairs

Sizzleburn: Keep it down Rekozen. I'm tired from all that moving and-

Rekozen: T-t-there i-is a-a b-b-big m-m-monster o-o-utside....

Sizzleburn: No need to worry! We just have to get our Black Frost Cannons and blast that thing into dust. Where are those things anyway?

Rekozen: I think they're....in the tool shed...which is-

They hear glass breaking.

Sizzleburn: Outside....Rekozen, I have a plan.

Rekozen: What is it?

Sizzleburn:You distract him, I'll get to the tool shed and get a frost cannon.


Sizzleburn: Hey, I had to carry stuff into the house all day! Now get ready....

Rekozen: Before we go, where's Ultima999?

Sizzleburn: He went to his shop to pick up NPs from the till. I think he's going to the low prices of sailorangel14's shop.

Rekozen moves around the house, with Sizzleburn right behind him. They hear a loud noise coming from the kitchen, and Rekozen motions Sizzleburn to stay back. Then he jumped from behind the wall.

Rekozen: Hey bug face come and get-

Bug Guy: ROAR!!!

Rekozen flies across the room and smashes against wall

Rekozen(to himself): This is going to be harder than I thought.

Sizzleburn runs across the kitchen and gets to backdoor outside

Bug Guy: Blah, blah, blah, blah....

Rekozen: Oh shut up.

Bug Guy stares at him with cold eyes, and then charges Rekozen

Rekozen: Ahhhh!!!

Rekozen runs from the kitchen and back into living room, then he gets cornered at the front door

Rekozen: P-Please don't eat me!

Bug Guy: Actually, I like to eat Chias. Not that they're tasty, but I hate them.

Rekozen: I agree! They're so stupid and ugly! Not like us Kacheeks!

Bug Guy: Exactly! May I have some tea?

Rekozen: Sure!

Bug Guy and Rekozen chat have tea, then Sizzleburn comes in

Sizzleburn: Take this!!

Sizzleburn freezes the Bug Guy

Rekozen: About time! I almost got eaten!

Sizzleburn: Why were you sitting there and having tea with him?

Rekozen: Only way I could distract him. I also learned some important information.

Sizzleburn: Like what.

Rekozen: He must be from Dr. Sloth. That makes it true that Dr. Sloth is back. And that means the Space Faerie wasn't kidding....

Sizzleburn: Space Faerie?

Rekozen: ...and he hates Chias.

Sizzleburn: YES!

Just then the door opened and Ultima999 walked in....