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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 19 > Short Stories
Friends Like These!

Bubbles was a blue Kacheek. He was very handsome.

by melimelimeli

Ghost Sleepwalker

by ticketytock2kay


"How's this," said WolfMaster, "If one of your pets beats my pet, I'll stop bugging you."

by azuredragon92

The Bearog War

I was blasting those horrible Bearogs as fast as I could.

by jonathan963

The Darkness Begins

LightHeart the White Lupe woke up with a start.

by unicornheart

The Greedy Usul

"No FAIR!" squealed Princess, "You get a HUGE candy cane!"

by britishgurl96

The Package

WHAM!! As soon as the poor fella opens it he's covered in goo...

by shadow5656

The Sands Song: The Story of Peopatra

The PetPets! Who would feed them? Who would sell them? They'd be all alone without her. She had to go back to the desert!

by adreama

What Goes Around Comes Around

"It looks as though the tables have turned does it not Loran?" she replied.

by aquariatennis13

Why Am I Different?

Remember that time when I spilled my paint set on her? She cried like a baby for a week!

by asuretaya


What, What Wocky?

Wockys all over Neopia celebrated their day, Wocky Day, with three new Battledome moves: Wocky Stare, Shield and Scratch! If you own a Wocky, then you probably already know that they don't care that they are only twenty-fourth on the list because, to them, everyday is Wocky day. In other news, eight out of ten Neopians still wonder, "What's a Wocky?"

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Other Stories

Anyone Can Win In the Battledome
So you have been losing all of those fights you tried so hard to win.

by matrixspongebob

Article Writing Workshop
As a professional (and often published in the Neopian Times) writer, I am frequently Neomailed with questions about how to write well...

by shidi

Who I Am: Part One
Now, I need to find out who I am. Am I still a warrior-in-training? Or just a pet with no past?

by the_anime_angel

How We Were Trapped: A Tale of Escape - Part One
PIRATES! They surrounded us and pointed bubble guns and swords at us. We had been captured!

by frogman123us

Fluffy the Cobrall
What some PetPets go through during the holidays.

by al_the_chia

Is That Why They Call Him the Pant Devil?
Go see for yourself!

by aiella

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