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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 24th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 95 > Continuing Series
Aisha Theives 2: Part Seven

"You sacrificed yourself. You released the jewel!"

by stormydreamer

Gone Buck Wild: Part Three

As Malice was about to proclaim her reply, the school bell rung. Everyone stampeded inside, ready to try out his or her new style.

by apparent

Jhudaberries: Part Seven

"No, you don't poke him, you gotta tickle him," said Ghicaccio. She tickled Pants on Fire, who instantly bolted awake.

by twayblade807

Just Ixi: Part Six

 The Kougra snorted. "Looking for your Neopets here?" she said, obviously amused. "And how exactly did you end up here? I mean, this is Paradise."

by superixionffx

Saving Time: Part Five

Light was spilling from a grate nearby, but it wasn't the same flickering green light as the rest of the castle. It was sunlight.

by bekalou

So You Want to be a Faerie: Part Four

Turning around, I saw no one there. Then I realized that that Faerie was me!!

by superixionffx

The Game is Neohockey: Part Two

"Three... two... one... COMMENCE!" Coach Bridge yelled as he dropped the puck in between the two players.

by too_kule

The League of Super Authors: Part Five

As they passed through Mystery Island, they began to notice numerous crumpled papers in the garbage cans lining the streets. The closer they got to the harbor, the more papers there were in the garbage cans...

by erika_idle

The Reality of Dreams: Part Nine

How does one defeat something that even the Faeries had trouble with? How in Neopia could I fight something that I wasn't even sure existed in the same way I did?

by sabreur

The Tale of Jeran: From Boy to Warrior--Part Four

"How dare you hide from action, Pooglex!" Domar yelled, "You're a disgrace! This is the second time you've hid from action. Why?!"

by jiggles24944

The WereLupe Files: Case 3-- Part Four

 “What’s going on?” she said trying to get out. She felt her body tremble and suddenly grow!

by neojolteon2

Zarrelian and the Fifth Grade Neoschool Camp of Doom: Part Three

"None of us brought our snacks! In fact, we hardly packed anything on that dumb list!" he snorted. Mr. Bronston was shocked.

by battlesunn


"Alumrylin and the Monoceraptor" by eatm1ce and shoyru_lover91 - Lumry smiled. He had the best idea of what he was going to do as a thank you for his owner... more>>

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Jhudora's Doglefox
"Ugh... Star, where are we?" Maybelles said as she woke up. As soon as she saw Maelstra, she shrieked.

by cuttie_pie1991

Tahlix’s Great Petpet Search
Tahlix often times got very lonely. He longed for a petpet of his own.

by onda_bianca

Learning Languages You Didn't Even Know Existed
Okay, so we've all tried to learn Tyrannian. Some of us have figured it out, some of us are still caught up on 'Ugga'.

by noremac9

A Guide To Writing An Actual Book
Have you ever been restocking in the book shop, seen a cool sounding book, read it, and thought it was cool?

by noremac9

The Sloth Chronicles
Sloth origin theories...

by les_deux_autres

Shoyru Squadron: Agents of Faerie
The Draco Debacle Part 6

by the_darkjedi

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