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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 78 > Articles > Jelly Chia, Destroyer of the Universe, Or Just Preservatives

Jelly Chia, Destroyer of the Universe, Or Just Preservatives

by dakrillin

Untitled Document JELLY WORLD - Most of you fellow Neopians know where jelly world is,(and for those of you who don't know where it is go to ) and have observed the place pretty closely, but have you noticed the sculpture of the infamous Jelly Chia?

Is the Jelly Chia a legendary defender of Jelly world? Or is jelly world an evil place?

On the side of it being a good place is the fact that it has a friendly shop keeper of the jelly world shop, and a great place that gives out free food for your pets, and to top that off. How could someone that likes jelly could be evil?

On the side of it's being evil, is the fact that the Giant Jelly guard is kind of evil looking, and that there is a monument of the infamous Jelly Chia…

For those of you who don't know, the Jelly Chia was an experiment created by deranged scientist by the name of Wizzle. He created what he called it an "Edible Friend" a pet that would be your friend.. until you get hungry...

Then one day, Wizzle began to approach his "Edible Friend" licking his lips. The Jelly Chia then enveloped Wizzle with his jelly-like (jelly?) body, slowly disintegrating him. It is said that the Jelly Chia hangs around what the chocolate factory in Neopia Central.

I, for one do not really consider the Jelly Chia evil, as he only defended himself in the time of desperation. His loved owner, who was thought to be trustworthy tried to eat it, and it responded in violence. However, there could've been better ways for the Jelly Chia to deal with it, (such as running away).

I went to the chat board and asked people what they thought about the Jelly Chia Here are some of the responses:

I want to find him, and then eat his arms and make him grant meh 3 wishes! Will he? *eats arms anyway* -knifehappy_kirby I wanna crush him and give the pieces to the poor noobs -magikxknight

Discovering this shocks me, since most Neopians know what happened to the last individual who tried devouring the cuddly little blue... thing... In my opinion I believe that the Jelly Chia will be a defender of Jelly World… He may end up being like the Snowager, and you are only able to visit Jelly World while he is sleeping, because he doesn't like watching his fellow jelly friends being eaten. Hopefully it wont require luck, and you will ALWAYS be able to visit Jelly World when he is asleep, rather than him envelop you and your pet every now and then =)

Or maybe, just maybe he has learned to deal with the fact that people eat jelly, just as long as they don't eat him. And he will just defend jelly world from evil. Heck, maybe he'll run his own shop! Maybe the Jelly Weaponry shop will be ran by him.

Another theory I have is that maybe that jelly statue will be like Coltzan's shrine, you know a place you can go to help your pet! But maybe instead of giving random stats and items to weak pets it will give your pets random jelly foods. (Thanks to fleeting_muse for this suggestion)

I also hope that there will be a "Wheel of Gooeyness" You know, like the Wheel of Excitement and the Wheel of Mediocrity. I expect it will have a ch ance of winning in between those two. And hopefully, it'll give out even more jelly food :)

Maybe, since he seems to have some skill fighting, as he is a pretty powerful Battledome challenger, he will have a training center, can you picture it? "Jelly World Training School"

What other shops will be in jelly world? How about a jelly armour shop? Heck, if jelly can cause damage, why can't it defend your pet?

I also hope for a new quest, some.. weird quest where you get special jelly items, for retrieving things for someone (maybe the Jelly Chia?) I also hope that there will be a jelly paint brush. It would be awesome for peoples pets to look like the Jelly Chia. Hopefully there will many different designs, such as strawberry jelly paint brush, lime jelly paint brush, and lemon jelly paint brush.

There were also probably be Jelly petpets! Neat little kritters that slide around on the ground, and if your pet gets hungry, and you're low and money, hey it's a snack! (So what if the Jelly Chia wouldn't be happy hearing me say that)

I also hope that there will be fun Jelly World games. Maybe even games where you act as the infamous Jelly Chia Going through Neopia collecting Jelly food and other Jelly items, kinda Magax: Destroyer-esque. It'd also be pretty neat if they made a game similar to Igloo Garage Sale - The Game, where you ran around catching jelly stuff. Of course there is Jelly Processing plant, and there will probably be a link to it in Jelly World.

Speaking of Jelly processing plant, maybe there will actually be... a jelly processing plant, you know… a place where they make jelly. It may also be an area that you can enter and try to steal jelly out of, kinda like the Snowager, hoping that the security guards don't catch you, rather than being blasted.

I believe the Jelly Chia may have some side kicks, maybe some other "Edible Pets" he himself created for friends (you know like the Jelly food shop owner) How was he able to create "Edible Pets" maybe when he absorbed Wizzle he also absorbed Wizzle's genius, the probably with this is that Wizzle was also deranged, and maybe the Jelly Chia will become the same…

Again, I went to the Chat Board to ask what other peoples theories were about WHY there is a jelly Chia statue in Jelly World. I got mostly obvious answers like the following, as people didn't really know what to say…

Jelly Chia... Jelly World... I'm seeing a theme here -bubblegumsgirl

I hope that, in times to come jelly world will be an ally to Neopia and will not wage a war against it.. if it did, we would gather up all our Skeiths and Grarrls, and have them eat Jelly World!

And now for a happy little part about me! I have been a member of Neopets for 2 months (so what if that's not a very long time) and have learned much about from friends. My favorite pet is the Kyrii and my favorite celebrity pet is the Jelly Chia (what a shock =))

*SPECIAL* I'd like to thank Epk for inspiring me to write this article!

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