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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 78 > Continuing Series > Dragonmist: Part Nine

Dragonmist: Part Nine

by jenjen26785

Untitled Document Not too far away, at that precise moment in time, a small red catlike creature with horns fell over a log and landed, head first, into a mud puddle.

     "Oh figs."

     Ambron stood nearby, laughing… or squeaking… hysterically. Safyre scowled at him.

     "Hey, I'd like to see you get through this death trap any better! Where are you leading me anyway?"

     The Snarhook shrugged and continued to skip, carefree, towards the opening of a cave with a very disgruntled Aisha trundling along behind him.


"My brother!"

     Ten minutes into the conversation and Angel still could not believe what she was hearing.

     "I always thought I was alone in the world. Having no blood relatives or people I could ask about my past. Where have you been hiding all these years?"

     "Here!" chuckled Aren. "This cave has been the perfect hideaway. But I haven't been alone -" he patted the Pinceron named Sid on the head "-and there's a Pride of Kougras that live nearby and keep me in check."

     Angel narrowed her eyes. "Kougras? You mean like the one you were fighting earlier before?"

     Aren flushed a little.

     "I'm sorry, but I've got to ask you why you've been chasing people off the Island. I'm Agent 7221 of the Neopian Special Protection Agency, and I've got to do my job."

     The red Eyrie grinned cheekily. "You're much more than that, Angel. Though you have come far since the attack on Denholm Valley. Shall we start from the very beginning?"


     Aren got to his feet and walked towards the raised platform where the microcosm was placed in the middle of the room. Hesitantly, Angel followed. Her eyes sparkled, being still quite overwhelmed by the beauty of the pool, and brought her foot forward

     "STOP THERE!"

     Angel was given a start, and stood in freeze-frame fashion, her foot hovering above the ground.

     "Don't stand on any of the veins! They're what feed the Patocol Pool!"

     "The what?"

     "This pool."

     Angel glanced at the ground. Sure enough, tiny veins of water had snaked their way from the trough of water from the waterfall into the roots of the pool, where it soaked in the water and fed upon it.

     "Aah, I see!" she chirped whilst dancing in between the veins. "'Don't step on a crack, or you'll fall and break your back'!"

     "It'd be a disaster if the pool lost its water supply," continued Aren. "The pool would dry up. Completely. I don't know what I'd do if that happened."

     Angel cocked an eyebrow. "I know it's beautiful and everything, but why would it be so tragic if it dried up? What's so special about it?"

     Aren gave her one of those all-knowing looks and, in a slightly hushed voice, said, "You'll see."

     Slowly he brought his paws over the glistening blue waters, his eyes focusing intently on the Patocol Pool. As he did, the water began to mist and fog before it finally cleared in a marbled swirl of colour. Then, suddenly, a figure appeared in the water. A beautiful Eyrie. She stood in a field of emerald green, her head held high and proud. Her paws were larger than a normal Eyrie's and looked clumsier, but she still moved with such grace and fluidity that would put the catwalk's most prestigious Kyriis to shame. Her vast wings - just like Aren's and Angel's - were tipped with a silver gloss, and across her head there was an arrow-like stripe, not unusual for a Striped Eyrie, but still prominent enough. If she weren't striped - if she were painted electric - she would look just like…

     Angel was mesmerised, half wanting to know how Aren had made this image appear, and half wanting to know who this familiar Eyrie was. Luckily he answered both for her before she could open her beak.

     "Patocol Potion," he answered, puffing out his chest proudly. "It's a rare gift. A liquid that can project a perfect image of your memories when you get close to it. That Eyrie there is a memory. A memory of our mother, Thyora."

     "That's Thyora…" wondered Angel. "Hey, isn't she the Thyora that Thyora's Tear was named after?"

     A small smile snaked across Aren's face. "Wait. I'm getting there."

     The Eyrie in the Patocol Pool turned to face Angel and Aren and winked cheekily before bounding off to join many other Eyries, all with silver wing tips and large paws. Suddenly the pool itself seemed to bound to join her, and suddenly Angel realised she was looking at her family through the eyes and memories of her brother. As she watched, Aren started to annotate the scene.

     "Our family was called the Kumlaa Clan of Denholm Valley. We were such a great family. As the first to transform into fully-fledged Eyries, and therefore among the strongest and wisest of Ancient Neopia's residents, we were entrusted with guarding an age-old secret from the world; to hide it from whoever may wish to discover it, and to defend it with our lives - the Dragonmist."

     The very mention of the word sent chills down Angel's spine. "What was it? The Dragonmist?"

     Aren shrugged. "No one knows exactly. There have been some theories. Some say it was a kind of evil magic. Some say it was an answer to a long sought-out question, or a device created for taking over Neopia. Some say that the Dragonmist never even existed - that it was a ploy created to keep the imaginations of Kumlaa cubs amused. Baloney. I don't believe them, nor do I have any theories myself. But all I do know is that the Dragonmist struck fear into the hearts of even the strongest Kumlaa warrior, and that's quite enough for me."

     The misty picture on the water began to twist and transform, so that an entirely new scene could be made out. The happy family of Eyries disappeared. The sunny fields of Denholm Valley darkened and became altogether more sinister, fearful and hopeless. Upon the mirror-like surface appeared a small, yellow character with a shrewd and malignant expression, his face scarred and blemished, framed by a pair of bushy eyebrows that were knitting furiously. And around his neck on a yellow chain hung a large black tooth. Angel scowled at the figure. He unleashed a kind of deep inner hatred within her - a lust for revenge for years and lives lost because of his presence in her land, and now in her mind, became known to her. She scowled at him with livid, but not unreasonable, scorn.

     Slowly the yellow Jetsam was flanked by a number of darkly clad figures in similar dress to his own, and Aren resumed his tale. "Of course, the burden of responsibility that fell upon the Kumlaa Clan was not to be lifted easily. The fabled Dragonmist also held a high rank in Skeith mythology. They believed it was an all-powerful device that someone some day shall use to rule over others; preferably a Skeith. Many have tried to recover the Dragonmist, and all have failed. That is, until this guy came along. "His name is FiskMerrick. He is a criminal mastermind with many important links in the underworld, including, might I add, Malkus Vile."

     Angel's pupils narrowed in realisation at this name. Malkus - when they had come face-to-face a long time ago - had said he knew something about her past. Now it was all coming to light.

     "He may not be a Skeith, but he is incredibly smart and won't let even species stand in the way of world domination. Yeah, he's one of these mad villain types. So upon hearing of the Dragonmist legend, he rallied a bunch of the strongest Skeiths together and trained them in many forms of claw-to-claw combat. He called these fighters 'Darkgons' - a really poorly thought-out synonym for 'Dark Dragons' since they were dragons that always dressed in black. I'm guessing your memory triggered when you heard that name before - that's why you attacked me."

     The Eyrie flushed slightly, embarrassed now she knew that she had attacked her own brother. At that moment the scene changed yet again to Denholm Valley at nightfall. The Kumlaas were mostly sleeping. Aren's line of vision turned towards a smaller family of Kumlaa Eyries. Thyora, their mother, was curled up and ready to sleep, her tail entwined with another Eyrie. Fiery, handsome and with an air of absolute confidence about him, though he too carried the Kumlaa traits of silver wing tips and large paws.

     "Is that…?"

     "Iagan. Yes. He's our predecesor."

     Angel kept her eyes trained on this idyllic scene. But as she looked carefully, she noticed something hidden under Thyora's paw. She moved her paw slowly and gently, revealing the tiny form of a blue Eyrie cub with a spearhead shape of a darker hue on her forehead and tiny, silver-tipped sparrow's wings, and who wore a golden heart-shaped locket that was far too big for her at that age. Looking into the eyes of the cub, she felt a sudden twinge of recognition.      "That's… that's …"

     "That's you," Aren answered. "You were only just two at the time of the attack. With two marvellous, doting parents and a wonderful family environment. The 72nd of the 21st…"

     "Pardon me?"

     "The 72nd of the 21st. Did you not think the numbers after your name meant anything?"

     Angel looked at him blankly.

     "The Kumlaa dynasty - or ruling - that you were born into was the 21st. And you were the 72nd cub to be born into that dynasty. I was the 57th. You see, the Kumlaas had everything sussed!"

     As they watched, the scene in the Patocol Pool became darker and, without warning, and avalanche of Skeiths flooded over the sides of the valley, trapping its inhabitants.

     "But this wasn't to last. Almost seventeen years to the day, a huge army of Darkgons waged a deliberate attack on the Kumlaas as they slept. It was no accident. Led by FiskMerrick and his accomplice Malkus Vile, they charged the Eyries, taking them completely by surprise. Many were lost in the first attack. The Kumlaas were a peaceful race. They had no need for violence, and had to use only their swift and cunning to escape the Darkgons. Eventually, only a handful of Kumlaas were left, and they took shelter in this very cave beside the winding Kumlaa River."

     As he talked, the raging battle in the pool deadened, and a small number of Eyries were seen taking refuge in the cave. With tears streaming down her face, Thyora broke away from the crows and rounded the river for a spot of solitude.

     "She lost her brother, didn't she?" whispered Angel in a mournful tone.

     "Yes. Her brother Ponfrie was felled in the first attack. While Iagan and many others were still plotting their escape, I watched her slip into a small dell on a meander of the Kumlaa River and cry until her heart ached. Luckily for us, a passing Water Faerie took pity on her."

     A tiny figure, fifteen - maybe twenty - centimetres high, with long blonde hair and the appearance of a mermaid waltzed onto the scene. As Angel watched, they engaged in a deep and truthful conversation, the Faerie and Eyrie.

     "Thyora told the Faerie, Nereid, everything about the attack and how she lost Ponfrie, and that if they could not escape now they had no hope of survival. Feeling a deep sympathy within her heart, Nereid used a huge amount of her own magical energy to forge a beautiful crystal talisman out of a single tear for her to wear which would protect her from all harm, and named it 'Thyora's Tear'.

     "But I thought the Thyora's Tear was mined only in the deepest caves on Mystery Island, and the Thyora's Tear story was just an Old Wife's Tale to go with it. Like Faerie Toadstools. Everyone knows Faeries don't live in toadstools! They live in Faerieland, like any other respectable Faerie would."

     Aren chuckled under his breath. "I like to believe otherwise, and am convinced that our mother was the co-creator of the Tear."

     Angel's eyes flickered towards the Patocol Pool, where the Water Faerie was placing a beautiful glowing necklace around Thyora's neck.

     "Days later we were in further trouble. After we had gone into hiding with the Mystic on the island, the Darkgons and FiskMerrick turned Denholm Valley upside down looking for the Dragonmist, and since their quest was to no avail, were taking their frustrations out on everything in sight, slowly hacking the rainforest to pieces in search of the remaining Kumlaas. A pride of Kougras named the Feeralls kept them back for a little while, but not for too long. We had to act fast and I quickly volunteered to act as a distraction. Of course my parents and other members of the Clan objected, but by then I had already sent Sid here ahead with Thyora and Iagan."

     Aren patted the Pinceron on the head and watched the waters swirl as the host - a young Aren_72_21 - peered down upon a vast sea of malevolent eyes, which rapidly turned to face him.

     "It was my finest hour," he declared proudly. "I stood upon that mountain and told the Skeiths exactly what they had done. That the Kumlaas were the guardians of the Dragonmist, and therefore only they held the key to its true location. They had destroyed their own prize! As I told them of their great mistake, the rest of my family escaped into the north and split up, flying to separate parts of Neopia."

     "How did you get away?"

     "I had the Thyora's Tear at the time. Our mother gave it to me just before she left. Then, as soon as they were out of sight, I took to the sky and flew as fast as I could in the opposite direction, destroying the Tear before I went so none of the Darkgons could use it. It was a fierce chase that ensued, but luckily I collapsed on the right part of the island. The Feerall Kougras that had been fighting the Darkgons reappeared and attacked again, protecting me against them. These Kougras - though they may have looked slightly odd with spots instead of stripes - were incredible fighters and it wasn't long before the Skeiths were run out of the area, and the Feeralls returned with minimal casualties. "For the rest of my life I never stopped thanking those creatures. Seeing the threat the Dragonmist posed not only to their own kind but to others too, they protected me until the very end and tended to my wounds, then took me in as family. Not long afterwards Sid returned with the news of my parents' demise, and I assumed also yours, as the Feeralls really were the only family I had. That Kougress you saw me fighting with was Keilani, one of my closest friends. The reason she was fighting me…"

     He stopped quite suddenly, pondering over whether to reveal that information was such a good idea. Angel started to grow impatient.

     "Why were you fighting, Aren? Why try and drive people and tourists off the island?"

     Aren gritted his teeth and sealed his eyes shut, ignoring her savage demands until he finally cried out: "I'M DRIVING EVERYONE AWAY COZ I DON'T WANT ANYONE HERE WHEN THE DRAGONMIST IS FINALLY REOPENED!"

     Angel felt her heart jolt, and she took a step back. "What? Aren, you're not thinking of telling them the location of the Dragonmist, are you?"

     Aren snickered. "I'd rather die. But somehow it is going to be opened. I can feel it. The son of the Mystic who helped out parents is still around, and he feels it too. All we can do is try and stop the big ugly Jetsam from doing so, otherwise we're all goners." He looked at her confused expression and seemed to read her mind. "How do I know it's FiskMerrick? Simple. He has been much more active in the crime syndicate recently. I heard rumours not too long ago about him reinstating Vile to a higher position of authority and attempting to steal the strongest wild animals he could find to train in preparation for a fight - the only other time I've seen this kind of preparation was when folks were preparing for the war a few months ago. You can't just dismiss something like this. It's too big."

     Angel fell silent for once. From being a gentle-mannered investigator on her holidays she had become entangled in this web of secrets, legend and deceit, at the centre of which was FiskMerrick and this elusive Dragonmist, whatever it was. She just replied with the only thing that was still nagging in the back of her mind: "How do I know I can trust you?"

     With the gentlest look she had ever seen him give, Aren gave her a gaze that bore deep into her with sincerity and said, "Do you know that you can trust me? Are the fates of so many lives so small a risk you are willing to take just because you don't trust me? Look inside your heart."

     The Eyrie gently rested his paw on her shoulder, and Angel felt the recognition of his reassuring touch. She could definitely trust him. Whether they hadn't seen each other for seventeen years of seventeen minutes, he was still her brother, and the only family she had in the world.

     "Y'know what?" she asked, as her voice gave a calypso of laughter. "I always thought being 'the last of your kind' was really cheesy. But I guess it's much more tragic than I thought."

     At that moment a bright red blur whizzed around Aren and stood between him and his sister.

     "Hey! You're the one that caused all that commotion outside! Thanks for finding him, Angel. You - er - whatever your name is, I'm arresting you for --"

     "Leave it, Safyre."

     "The Halloween Aisha gave Angel a funny look whilst fighting Ambron for space in between the two Eyries."

     "Since you haven't been at work for a while I'll excuse you for that comment. Now if you'll just come with me, Mr. Eyrie …"

     "Saf, he hasn't done anything wrong! He's told me his side of the story and it's totally justified."

     "What?! He has been scaring tourists off the island and ruining the business. Justify that!"

     Angel shot a look at Aren, who glared savagely at her, not wanting his secret to be revealed. She sighed ruefully. "It's justified, alright? Just take it from me."

     Saf looked slightly worried. "O-kay. But at least tell me who you are." "With pleasure. My name's Aren_57_21…"

     "57_21? Bit unusual. It sounds a lot like you, Angel."

     The Eyrie tossed her head and laughed. "Well of course it would! He's my brother."

     "…Come again?"

     "My brother."

     Saf blinked. "I thought you were an only child."

     "Well, I also thought I had no family ties or history at all, not in the least one that spans all the way across Neopian history. Until today."

     Safyre crossed her arms, giving a look that was a cross between concentration and bemusement. "Well, you two have got a lot of explaining to do…"


The new-found siblings told Safyre part of what they had learnt in that small space of time. They missed out a few details, but all in all, Angel reassured Saf that the case had been solved, and the Aisha returned to file a report at the NSPA headquarters that night.

     Angel, however, stayed with Aren for a few more days, desperate to find out any more information he had about the Kumlaa Clan. But after a few days she decided it was time to leave. She was missing her friends in Bunbury Acres and - to be honest - didn't trust her owner with ~The*Eyrie*Oak~ for much longer.

     "It's been great seeing you again," mumbled Aren, his voice giving a twinge of melancholy gentleness, "But before you leave, I have something for you."

     He picked up an empty clear vial from the floor and walked over to the Patocol Pool, which looked as bright and radiant as the first day she clapped eyes on it. With careful precision, he placed the vial into the kaleidoscopic waters and drew out a measure of Patocol Potion.

     "But I thought this stuff meant everything to you, Aren," the Eyrie whispered. "Why are you giving it to me?"

     "It's not all of it. And besides, you'll need it more than I do."

     "What do you mean by that?"

     Aren bristled. "I don't really know. I just… do."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Remember that riddle inscribed in the Kumlaa Scrolls? Keep in mind - it *may* have a distinct relevance in the next issue…

I love to know the audience's opinions on my stories, so if you have any compliments, criticisms, whatnot, send 'em on in!

Previous Episodes

Dragonmist: Part One

Dragonmist: Part Two

Dragonmist: Part Three

Dragonmist: Part Four

Dragonmist: Part Five

Dragonmist: Part Six

Dragonmist: Part Seven

Dragonmist: Part Eight

Dragonmist: Part Ten

Dragonmist: Part Eleven

Dragonmist: Part Twelve

Dragonmist: Part Thirteen

Dragonmist: Part Fourteen

Dragonmist: Part Fifteen

Dragonmist: Part Sixteen

Dragonmist: Part Seventeen

Dragonmist: Part Seventeen

Dragonmist: Part Eighteen

Dragonmist: Part Nineteen

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