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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 2 > Continuing Series > Controlling Fate: Part Four

Controlling Fate: Part Four

by karoia

Read this story from the beginning!

The world still was dark. karoia_ knew this day would come, and knew she should of thought harder on it. Viator, still wondering where the ground went, kept tapping her foot trying to find it. Jshottie, now knowing his sister was right, had millions of things on his mind.

As the darkness faded, the world came back to the forest scene. Nothing. Nothing but the light breeze was around.

"Ooookay. That was weird." Viator tapped the ground one last time, making sure she was standing on it.

"I told you she wasn't coming," Jshottie lied, knowing the Dark Faerie would, but hoped that his words would change the situation.

But they didn't.

A sudden gust of wind knocked over the three pets, they looked up, and seen none other then.....Gazel_ and _Pups_. The winds were calm again.

"Huh?" Jshottie was completely confused, he practically had a question mark hanging over his head.

Viator merely greeted them. "Hey Gaz, hey Pups." But no reply.

"Dark Faerie...." karoia_ said softly to herself.

"What's the matter?" Jshottie asked his sisters.

They were indeed Gazel_ and _Pups_ were standing before their very eyes, awake and breathing, but they were as stiff looking as a board, staring at karoia_, Jshottie, and Viator.

"It's a trap..." karoia_ realised. But she was too late.

Jshottie had already jumped up and ran over to his sibling's sides, juts as karoia_ had discovered why they were there.

A quick blow to his head and Jshottie was out cold, laying flat on the ground. karoia_ and Viator gasped.

"Hello again...remember me?" the same awful voice called out. The Dark Faerie appeared before them, the Orb floating by her side.


"What do you want?" karoia_ demanded.

"I want revenge. It's simple, revenge. And in order too do so, I have can I put it, destroy you!" The Dark Faerie was about to strike them.

"This isn't such a good place!" Viator blurted out.

"What are you doing?" karoia_ asked.

"What do you mean not a good place?" the Dark Faerie asked with interest.

"I mean...." Viator started, "It's so 'blah' here. Why don't we fight somewhere else? And about this whole thing 'I'll hit you over the head and your dead' thing would cramp your style."

"How?" The Dark Faerie raised an eyebrow.

"I if you just destroy us, and brag about it. What's there going to be to brag about? 'Oh, I blasted them. The end.' That won't impress anyone. Let us fight you. All of us." Viator indicated the five pets. "And when you defeat us, you'll actually have something to talk about!"

"What are you doing!" karoia_ asked Viator.

"I see what you mean, but what would you care, you'd still be dead. But it still would be fun watching you suffer..." The Dark Faerie turned her back to them.

"Exactly!" Viator agreed.

karoia_ nudged Viator's side. "And you thought I was crazy! What are you doing?!?!?!?!"

"Maybe if she lets us all fight her one of us can grab the orb, and I don't exactly want to fight here we might gain some attention.." Viator whispered.

"Okay, get all of us hurt why don't cha!"

"Fine!" The Dark Faerie turned her head towards them. With one movement Gazel_,_Pups_, and Jshottie were wide awake and healed.

"What happened?" _Pups_ asked, moving her stiff leg.

"I don't know," Gazel_ replied.

"What, hit my head?" Jshottie asked.

The Dark Faerie lifted herself high above the five pets, the Orb flying by her side. A sudden strong wind picked up as it did earlier. The five pets expected something to happen to them....

karoia_ opened an eye, to see they were not in the forest any more. But seen a whole new world. But actually, recognised this land as Tyrannia. They were standing on a large cliff, that was sure to have a steep cliff.

"This is a good spot, nothing lives here but worthless creatures that can't even speak proper Neopian. Now, the battle will begin after this..." The Dark Faerie created a small image of a purple Shoyru above her head, and lifted it down on the ground.

Then the image came to life, it was li_maige. "Why am I here?" he asked, feeling dizzy.

"Now we shall begin, six against one. The winner will be the owner of the orb," the Faerie explained, then as a sign to begin, she shot a streak of black magic towards the pets, it hit the ground, causing the ground to crack slightly.

"Why am I here???" li_Maige demanded.

"Just fight!" karoia_ called out.

"I just wanted to follow karoia_ and Jshottie, why did I have to be a part of this?" Gazel_ whined, which she always did in such matters like this.

Strong winds whistled a high pitched sound. A rain storm picked up, along with a few claps of thunder, and awful streaks of lightening in the sky. The five pets stood strong as the Dark Faerie.

"This isn't going to be easy......" karoia_ started, as the wind ruffled at her mane, "But we at least have to try."

The pets knew this wouldn't be an easy battle, but did they really have a choice?

karoia_, Viator, and li_maige would have no problem. All of them being above level 20. But karoia_'s siblings lacked training, and were all a mere level 6. How could they match with the Dark Faerie's Orb?

But karoia_ was one not to give up, she would try and motivate her siblings throughout the whole fight if she had too.

li_maige looked around, completely unaware of what was going on. He barely remembered when he first met the Dark Faerie. Gazel_ continued to whine, and _Pups_ didn't know weather to help her older sister, or go fight. Jshottie stood next to karoia_'s side.

Viator looked over at karoia_ and Jshottie, she had slight fear in her eyes, but also wasn't going to give up either.

Jshottie, full of fear, knew that he had no choice.

karoia_, ready over a month ago for this, stepped forward.

"Now, prepare to watch each other be destroyed." The young Faerie laughed, and shot a twirling, black beam towards karoia_.

Dodging the attack with particular ease, karoia_ did a back-flip, as the attack merely dissolved in the ground, not a scratch anywhere. Wondering where the affects of the attack went, karoia looked around at the ground. A sudden explosion that irrupted from he ground told her where it went. karoia_ flew backwards.

"Still want to fight?" the Dark Faerie taunted.

Gazel_, realising her help was needed, ran over to karoia_. "I'll help you but it doesn't mean I'm gonna stop whining!"

_Pups_ eagerly padded over. Li_maige, deciding to go with the flow, flew over to help them.

"Everyone, all we can do is try. Just attack, use only your best attacks, we're up against a mighty powerful Faerie," karoia_ yelled out, forcing herself up.

"I wonder why she's after us anyway..." Viator asked.

"Well we kind of stopped her. And that got her mad," Jshottie reminded her.

"But we didn't stop her, she wore out the Orb power stressing it.....leaving her powerless.. so we attacked," Viator went on.

karoia_, hearing the conversation, hopped over. "Viator, that's the most helpful thing you have said yet today!"

"Really?" Viator asked, then fell over as a sudden attack hit near her feet.

"Stop talking and fight you puny weaklings!" The Dark Faerie hurled more attacks at the NeoPets.

The weather grew more violent, it seemed to have a connection with the Dark Faerie's anger.

"Hey! Why don't you use your Orb, afraid you'll stress its powers out again?!" karoia_ called out in a taunting voice.

The Dark Faerie stopped, "I wasn't the one that stressed it out, you stressed me out, then I stressed the Orb because of you." The Dark Faerie continued hurling more attacks, one aiming just towards karoia_'s head.

Merely ducking and dodging, the attack zipped past karoia_'s head. She stood up, seeing that Jshottie, li_maige, Gazel_, and _Pups_ were now attack the Dark Faerie from all angles.

As Viator went to join the fight, she looked back at karoia_, gasping.

karoia_, not knowing what upset Viator, looked down at herself, seeing that she was fading away! Before her very own eyes!

"Oh no!" karoia_ cried, she was still fading, but still visible. "It must be the Dark Faerie...."

"karoia_?!" Viator flew over to karoia_, but as she landed, karoia_ had faded away.

"What happened?" Jshottie asked, then got slammed into the ground by the Orb.

"It's karoia_, she's gone..." Viator looked around, wondering if she was still there but invisible.

"Just come and fight! Or do you want us to lose?" Gazel_ whined crossly.

The Orb had now joined the battle. But was only attacking Jshottie. Viator flew over.

The fight had to go on, with or with out karoia_, so the four remaining pets carried on, fighting with all their might. But the loss of karoia_ wasn't helping.

As for karoia_.... she felt herself being lifted away in complete darkness.

"Is this what fading away into nothing feels like?" she asked herself. But then felt a hard surface under her feet.

"Where am I?"

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Controlling Fate: Part Three

Controlling Fate: Part Five

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