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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 70 > Articles > My Quest For Hit Points

My Quest For Hit Points

by too_kule

BATTLEDOME - In the crazy days of the war, we find ourselves faced against one thing. Well technically, many things. Some chose to face Drackonacks, Draconian Pets, the Draconian Grarrl as well as many other Darigan foes. Others chose to fight Morris the Quiggle, the Peasant Militia Mob, the Green Knight as well as many other Meridell warriors. Some (like me) picked one side, and then switched to the other! Whatever side you're fighting for, all of these...for lack of a better word, things have something in common. They all fight to weaken your hit points. Here's a little quest I went on that sort of made me...angry.

I had taken out several of the Darigan warriors (until I switched sides) with my faithful pet, SilverEmerald. He was a blue Grarrl (or was at that point) and was ready for more. We decided to fight against the Draconian Skeith, part of the newest wave of attackers. A couple of blasts form SilverEmerald's two Wands of the Air Faeries allowed me to defeat the Skeith several times. I was ready to take him out again. I used the wands and fired. Apparently I had gone too far, and the Skeith overpowered me.


SilverEmerald collapsed on the ground and was defeated. I was still ready for some more fights, and I could still choose to fight some weaker foes such as the Drackonacks and the Draconian Moehog. I got the nearest flight to Faerieland. I burst into the Healing Springs and demanded some healing. The Water Faerie looked at SilverEmerald and muttered some weird words under her breath. SilverEmerald started glowing.

"All of your pets gain twelve hit points, I hope this helps!" she said cheerily. Actually it didn't help; SilverEmerald still needed more than 100 hit points. Don't you hate it when others do that? I checked my pets. GoldenRhino, JadePaw and EmeraldBlitz all had more than max hit points. If only I could transfer their hit points into SilverEmerald, he'd be fully healed! Then I got a brilliant idea! Sometimes when one of my pets is injured, I can take him or her to fight in the Battledome! Some of the 1-player opponents are so weak (such as the Chia Clown or the Zafara Rogue), I can beat them without losing more than five hit points! 1-player opponents also heal your pet if you win against them.

I entered the Battledome and checked my options. I looked around but none of the 1-player opponents were there. I saw a sign that had some bold black letters on it. This is what it said:

UPDATE - While the war is in progress you may only challenge the forces of Darigan or Meridell, the other opponents are off-limits!

Rats! Now what was I going to do? I really wished I hadn't gotten rid of my collection of Healing Potions and Elixirs...but that reminded me. I did have a Juicy Elixir in my inventory from a previous trip to the Healing Springs. I picked up the bottle and tried to use it on SilverEmerald. Unfortunately, my only options were to feed it to SilverEmerald (being a Grarrl and all) or equip it to one of my pets. How come the description said it could be used any time, even in the Battledome? This is a time! Mental Note: Send a letter to The Neopets Team. I'd do that after I got my poor Grarrl healed.

Then it hit me! I didn't need to own any Healing Potions, I could buy one! I'm really bad with Roman Numerals, but buying some potions wouldn't be hard. I bought about ten Healing Potion IIs. I used them all on SilverEmerald and realised something. Roman Numerals weren't that hard to understand. I meant one, II meant two and III meant three. I just gave SilverEmerald twenty hit points, and I had spent more than 2000 NP! Another rats.

I was remembering some of the olden days. I had used Puce Elixirs in the Battledome to heal against enemies. Puce Elixirs healed fifty hit points...I should buy one! I spent about 3000 NP on one. I went to my inventory and realised two things. 1) I'm not able to use Elixirs outside of the Battledome. 2) Puce Elixirs don't heal fifty hit points, they heal fifteen hit points!

Then another idea got to me! The Wheel of Excitement! Sometimes, the Light Faerie would heal all of your pets! I went to Faerieland again (and I get airsick) and I went to the Wheel of Excitement. Without ruining the Light Faerie's dress (if you know what I mean...) I asked her to spin the wheel.

Around and around it went...around and around...yuck. Some Korbats flying right beneath the cloud I was on got a little...surprise. Eventually the wheel stopped...on the Pant Devil! He snatched the Puce Elixir I was planning to sell and flew away cackling. I couldn't spin the Wheel of Excitement for another two hours.

At this point I was angry. Really angry. I went to the Shop Wizard and I searched for the words 'Healing Potion'. He located a few shops that had Healing Potion XVIs. He gave me the directions, and I went off. I found the shop, burst in, and bought one of those potions. I used it on SilverEmerald. Faster than you could say 'Mortog', SilverEmerald was fully healed. Smiling, we went off to the Battledome.

So what did I learn? Thought-out plans stink. It's best to go with your gut, and see where that takes you. I hadn't fully recovered from my trips to and from Faerieland, so my gut was taking me to the bathroom. See you later!

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