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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 2 > Short Stories > That Sure Put You In Your Place!

That Sure Put You In Your Place!

by chocolate_luver_111

It was an ordinary day at the Neopian Junior High School. Miss Cybunn's class sat in their seats to start a new day. Miss Cybunn was a Halloween Cybunny. "Class," said Miss Cybunn. "We have four new students today."

One very snobby white Wocky named Topaz smirked at the four nervous faces that came through the door. Topaz had been at that school all her life, and always made new pets feel rotten.

Miss Cybunn smiled. "This is Griffyndor2001," she said. "He is a red male Eyrie. You can sit beside that young disco Eyrie there." She pointed to FireFlame, a male Eyrie painted disco. Griffyndor2001 walked to his seat. Then a blue Pteri came. "This is Merolae the blue Pteri. Take a seat beside William there, please." William was a fire Lupe, and very handsome indeed. Topaz growled. She had a crush on that Lupe! Merolae blushed and sat down. William gave her a warm smile. Merolae blushed even more. "This is Rowena_RavenClaw2001, the yellow female Kougra. Sit on the left of that green Gelert at the back there."

"And finally, this is Talypso, the female blue Aisha. Sit beside Raynestep the white Aisha, please." Miss Cybunn passed out papers. "Work on these until recess. They are your journals. Today, any topic. I would like the whole page covered."

At recess, a bunch of pets came out to really meet the new pets.

"Wow, Talypso, you have such nice fur!" said a Chia.

"Thanks," said Talypso the blue Aisha. "But looks don't really matter."

The rest of them tried to make friends before they saw the Club, led by Topaz. The Painted Club was for pretty pets only. And once a new pet sees the Club, she doesn't want to be friends with anybody.

"Why, look who's here," sneered Topaz, heading towards them with about thirteen pets behind. "I'm so sorry that you were fed a Transmogrification Potion. Oh sorry! That's how you always looked," laughed a Stars Uni to Merolae.

Merolae's eyes filled with tears, and without a word, ran away. "Bye, Ugly-lae. I mean, Merolae," said Topaz.

Griffyndor2001 the red Eyrie marched up. "You, Topaz, are NOT NICE," he yelled.

Topaz grinned. "You, Griffyndor, are NOT PRETTY."

"So?" he said. "It's what's on the inside that counts. With that, he stomped away with the other new pets.

After school, Talypso and Rowena_RavenClaw2001 gathered all the pets who had been humiliated by the Club and told them a plan. "We are going to put this Moehog Transmogrification Potion in her lunch. Then we're ALL gonna watch her eat it!" The pets cheered.

That day, Topaz had a sausage and pepperoni omelette for lunch. She obviously didn't notice that the sausage had been taken out and filled with potion, then replaced. About forty pets watched her movements as she raised the omelette and took a generous bite. Then another bite. And another.

Then it started. Her eyes bulged. She grew tusks. Her fur disappeared, and her skin turned green and peach. She let out a hopeless cry as her mutant Moehog crest grew out of her head. She was now a mutant. Topaz looked in the mirror, then shrieked and ran from the room.

"Mommy!" Topaz cried, bursting through the door. "Quick! I need a white Wocky Morphing Potion!" She was spoiled, and if she wanted it, she got it. So the next day, she was her old white self. Sitting down in her seat, she saw the calendar. Tomorrow was the dance. Her eyes lingered over to William the fire Lupe. She would ask him what was up.

At recess, she scooched over to William. "Willie," she said. "You're coming to the dance with me tomorrow, right?"

He turned. "Sorry, snob. I'm going with someone else," he smirked.

"WHO?!" Topaz screamed.

William looked at her and said, "Rowena_RavenClaw2001."

Topaz laughed. "Not that old mangy yellow thing!"

"She's not yellow," said William.

"Let me show you. ROWENA! ROWENA_RAVENCLAW!"

Rowena_RavenClaw2001 walked out of the crowd of pets and said, "Yes?"

But she was not a yellow Kougra with no makeup and messy fur, but a beautiful white Kougra with midnight eyeshadow and neatly combed fur that smelled like flowers. Topaz was stunned but wouldn't admit it.

"I don't like you anyway, Willie!" she said and stomped off in search of Feather the handsome speckled Pteri. But he was hand-in-hand--or rather, wing-in-wing-- with Merolae. But Merolae was not blue, no. She was yellow with black dots decorating her back, head, and belly. Topaz screamed, and went for a Faerie Meerca who she fancied. His name was Calypso ('alypso' was a common ending for names, because in that school there was Calypso, Kalypso, Palypso, Zalypso, and Talypso) But he simply said, "I have a Faerie pet to go to the dance with me. Her name is Talypso."

"But Talypso is blue!" Topaz protested.

"No, she is Faerie." What was happening? Topaz thought wildly.

Rowena_RavenClaw was white. Merolae was spotted. Talypso was Faerie!

Suddenly a paw tapped her on the shoulder. She whirled around to see a purple Eyrie It was Griffyndor2001. He smiled and said softly, "That sure put you in your place."

The End

Author's Note: This story is half fictional, but half true. Rowena_RavenClaw2001 was a yellow Kougra, now she is white. She is my pet. So are Griffyndor2001, Talypso, and Merolae. Griffyndor was red, now he's purple. Merolae was actually red, too, not blue like in the story. Now she is spotted. Talypso was blue, now she is Faerie. William, Topaz, Calypso, and Feather are fictional...but Calypso is my sister's old Pteri that she abandoned.

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