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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 66 > Continuing Series > Mangstar Evil: Part Three

Mangstar Evil: Part Three

by snickering_1


     Safyre groaned and rubbed her head, blinking in the dark. What had happened? She had fallen through some sort of passage way in the tree. But where was she? Had the others followed? Where was whoever cut the power line? Saf's head swam with questions, but her thoughts were cut short as something flickered in the darkness.

     It was a TV screen!

     "Is it on? No no no, the other way you idiot!"

     The upside-down picture of a green Koi was suddenly turned rightside-up.

     "Hello, Shining_Safyre. I bet you're wondering how I know your name. Well, you see, you carry a badge, do you not? You're an agent. For the NSPA."

     Safyre scrambled around in the darkness, feeling for the purse she had been carrying - but it was gone. As was her badge, that had been inside it.

     "Pay attention!"

     Saf turned, startled, back toward the TV.

     "You are about to board Mangstar space station. Not even your little friends can help you now, Safyre. You're doomed! Doooomed!"

     The Koi's eyes rolled back into his head, and he threw his head back and laughed insanely.

     "And since I'm a good villain, I'll tell you all about my sinister plan before it even starts, just like in the movies," the Koi continued, once he had calmed himself down.

     "I am Franky639, also known as Dr. Frank."

     Safyre spat. "You don't deserve that title. I bet you never even finished elementary school, you creep."

     The Koi gritted his teeth. "Shut up, you stupid cousin!"

     Safyre blinked. "Cousin?"

     "That's right, I'm your brother, Safyre! Your foolish owner found me on the streets and dragged me home so that I wouldn't starve! Such a kind sole. She'll pay as well!"

     Once again Frank laughed freakishly, making Safyre shiver.

     "And so, anyway, there is a large ray positioned on the moon. It's going to target all Krawks, both Neopet and petpet, and infect them with a virus. This virus has three stages. At the first stage, the Krawks start to act strangely, biting their owners and harassing other pets. At stage two, they all turn into hideous mutants! And at the final stage, the Krawks will perish, along with their owners and family members! Muahahaha!"

     Safyre gasped. Half of the people she knew were Krawk-lovers and family members to Krawks!

     "But why?" she asked. "Why Krawks? What did they ever do to you?"

     Franky sneered. "Never mind what they've done to me! Now, on the other fin, what shall I do to YOU?"

     At that precise moment, a door in the wall opened, and the TV flickered off. The shadowy form of a Lupe was outlined in the light, but its face was... different. Safyre had to shield her eyes, for she hadn't seen light in a while.

     Before she knew it, she was being picked up by Lupe paws. She squirmed and shouted, but the paws held her by her tail, and dragged her along the halls. The more she struggled, the more she felt like her tail might fall off.

     Strangely, the Lupe seemed familiar.

     Safyre twisted in his grip so that she could see his face. It was covered by the large white skull of a Moehog...

     "RattleBone?!" Safyre gasped in shock.

     But the Lupe did not look at her, only continued to drag her down the hall. Bone was also her cousin. Oh no, my family has gone mad, Safyre thought.

     RattleBone carried her down the bleached hall way and into a room where Franky sat in a large, evil-looking chair. "And soon all of the Magical Krawk Plushies and Krawk Morphing Potions will also be infected with the virus, and the world shall be rid of Krawks and their treachery."

     Safyre glared. "You'll never get away with this, Frank!" she yelled.

     "Oh?" Frank snickered. "Care to stop me?"

     Safyre gritted her teeth. What could she do?

     The Duquad 23! It was in the purse! If she could only get to it, she could warn the others!

     She saw her purse sitting high on a shelf behind monitor screens. The screens spilled out tables of information, coordinates, and other things Frank needed to know to set off his ray. Maybe if she could distract him...

     Saf wriggled out of Bone's grip and began to press random buttons on the computer set before the monitors.

     Franky, who had been fiddling with a different monitor, looked over and gasped. "You fool! Stop that at once!" he cried, rushing over.

     Safyre looked for the most dangerous, hazardous looking button to press. She finally found a large red button, and pressed it down. An alarm went off, and the computer began to say something...

     "Bone! Grab her you idiot!" Frank yelled as he pushed Saf out of the way and typed furiously with his fins, trying to shut it off.

     RattleBone growled and started to lunge for Safyre, but she was quicker. She jumped on the desk and grabbed the purse, then leaped down and ran out into the hall.

     "Stop her, you pathetic waste of a Lupe! STOP HER!"

     Safyre skidded out into the hall, taking every turn she could, trying to loose Bone. She opened up the purse, feeling around for the Duquad 23. There! She grabbed it, turning another corner, with RattleBone close behind.

     "This is Agent Shining_Safyre, at Mangstar space station!" she yelled into the device. "There is a ray gun on the moon that will infect all Krawks with a deadly virus! You've got to stop it!"

     Angle stared back at her through the screen. "Safyre, what's going on? Who's behind this?"

     "Franky639, my cousin! He's a green Koi! And RattleBone, another relative of mine, red Lupe!" Safyre turned another corner, where she came to a...

     Oh no. It couldn't be.

     The wall blocked her path. There were no doors.

     It was a dead end, and RattleBone was closing in on her, his claws outstretched.

     "SEND EVERYONE TO THE MOON TO DESTROY THE RAY!" Saf yelled. "It could go off at any minute!"


     RattleBone lunged, knocking the Duquad away. It sizzled and sparked on the floor, obviously damaged by the blow.

     Safyre trembled, not knowing what to do. She dug through the purse, throwing gadgets at him, but they did no good.

     He raised his paw, and hit her on the head. And everything went black.

     Once again, Safyre awoke, this time surrounded by cold.

     She was drifting weightlessly, through nowhere... But nowhere? Impossible.

     Space. They had flushed her out into space!

     Safyre gasped for air. Air! Her lungs sucked, but did not inflate! AIR! Weightless in a vacuum of death!

     A light! A bright, burning light... someone's hands grabbed her earstalk.

     She was being pulled through a door. The door of what, though? A door, out here in space?


     The sound of something spraying, a slight wind.


     Safyre breathed in deeply, her lungs stinging. How good it felt to have oxygen in her lungs again!

     Her vision began to clear. She saw now, that she was in a space ship. Two blurry figures stood above her, one green and the other all different shapes of electric blue...

     Angel! Rockhound!

     She saw them more clearly now, their faces relieved as she blinked at them.

     "What's going on, guys?" Safyre said, suddenly very hyper.

     Angel smiled. "SAF YOU'RE OKAY!" she exclaimed happily, burying Safyre in an enormous hug. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!"

     Rocky smiled and patted Saf on the back. "Glad you're okay, Saf." He tried to slip away but...

     "OH I MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH!" Saf threw her arms around Rockhound's neck in a group hug. He smiled weakly.


     They all looked down to see a white Aisha plushie riding a Cobrall slither up to them.


     Saf looked down at Angle. "Yes?"

     "Great job," Angle said. "You saved the lives of hundreds of Neopians everywhere."

     Safyre smiled. "So you destroyed the ray?"

     Angle nodded.

     She felt a burst of energy. Whooping and yelling, she jumped around the space ship.

     "She's back to normal all right," Angle said, smiling.

The End

Note: Franky639 was arrested for four months before he escaped and took up the trade of bounty hunting. Authorities haven't been able to trace him since. Safyre was painted Halloween shortly afterwards for security reasons (and fashion reasons too, of course), and RattleBone was put in a mental hospital.
Previous Episodes

Mangstar Evil: Part One

Mangstar Evil: Part Two

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