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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 65 > Short Stories > The Price of Greed

The Price of Greed

by ember188

The display was an attractive one: the faerie paint brush sat on a velvet pillow in a glass case, surrounded by photos of Neopets with pastel coloured wings savouring the wonderful gift of flight. Daisy stared at it wishfully. "Someday," she said to the sunny yellow Kacheek in her arms, "someday, Sunshine, that will be yours."

     Sunshine smiled wistfully. Daisy had only come to Neopia a couple of weeks ago, but she had already saved up 10,000 Neopoints in what she called her "Paint Brush Fund." Owning a faerie Kacheek was Daisy's dream, and being able to fly was Sunshine's dream. But with faerie paint brushes costing well over 100,000 NP, they were both a long ways away from seeing their dreams come true.

     Daisy brought a red apple up to the counter to make a purchase. The shopkeeper was a teen-age Wocky with a face full of pimples. He suddenly shouted, "DING DING DING!!! Wez gots a winner!" and pulled a rope hanging down to shower confetti all over Daisy and Sunshine. He rushed over to shake their hands. "Congradz, kiddies! Me ish pleased to announce youz our two-hundreth customer and win an faerie paint brush!!!"

     Sunshine gaped. "Did you say a faerie paint brush?"

     "I ish did, all righties!" he said, with grammar that would make his first-grade teacher roll over in her grave. "All yaz gots tah do ish fill out dis form with yours personalish info."

     Daisy sighed. "Come on, Sunshine. What he probably means by that is that I'm some sort of ‘finalist' in his little contest, and he'll probably take our e-mail address and start spamming us. They do that on Earth, too."

     "No no nos!" the Wocky insisted. "Youz no need tah say your e-mail. Youz ish only just needing tah write down yours username and one another tinyish detail!"

     "Well..." Daisy looked at Sunshine, who was doing her "bambi-eyes" routine. "All right." She filled out the form and handed it back to the Wocky.

     "All righty!" the Wocky beamed. "Tomorrow wez will come byish tah deliver da paint brush."

     "Tomorrow?" Daisy asked. "Then I really am THE winner?"

     "Da one and onlyish," the Wocky assured her.

     "Wow! Thank you!" Daisy started to leave but turned around and asked, "By the way, what type of accent is that?"

     The Wocky looked offended. "Me ain't no gots a accent, mam. Me ish one-hundred percent Neopianish."

     Daisy rolled her eyes. "Well, thanks anyway!" And the two of them left. As they walked, Daisy sang their favourite song to Sunshine. "You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray."

     I've got a pretty good life, Sunshine thought. And tomorrow, it's going to get even better once I have my faerie wings.

     "Me's owner is gonna be so proudish of I," the Wocky said as he scooped up the confetti to dump on the next sucker who came to make a purchase. As the last lines of Daisy's song rolled back to him, he smirked at the irony of the words they held. "You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my Sunshine away."


The next day, while Daisy was at school, a visitor came knocking on the door of her NeoHome. Sunshine ran and answered the door to a short, scrawny teen-age boy with a bony structure and a pimply face. "Hey, there," he said. "This is daisy_gal101's house, aint it not?"

     "Are you here to give me the faerie paint brush?" Sunshine asked excitedly.

     "That's right," the stranger smirked.

     "I knew it!" Sunshine said excitedly, then added "When you said ‘aint it not' it reminded me of how your shop keeper talks."

     The boy grimaced. Honestly now, he thought, I can't possibly be THAT bad. "All righty then," he said, unaware that that too sounded like the pimple-covered Wocky, "before I can give ya the paint brush I got to have a look around you're house. Can ya give me a tour?" When Sunshine hesitated, he pulled out a small brass key and said, "See? You can trust me. Daisy even sent me the key." He demonstrated by locking and unlocking the door from the outside.

     Sunshine nodded. "Okay." She let him in.

     "It's bamboo," the boy said with a bit of disappointment as he looked around. "Small, too. It doesn't got no upgrades, either. Aint nothing too impressive here."

     "That's because we just got here," Sunshine said.

     The boy snorted. "Of course. Newbies. Should've known I wouldn't get nobody else... coming to my shop, I mean."

     Sunshine wasn't at all sure she liked being called a "nooby," whatever that was. She wasn't even sure she liked this guy. But for a pair of pastel wings, she decided it would be worth putting up with him. "So," Sunshine said sweetly, "you never told me your name."

     "Huh? My name? It's Zito. Why do ya wanna know?" Before she could answer, he added, "Don't you even have any furniture here?"

     "Sure, in the other room."

     "THE other room?" Zito asked. "Man, I sure don't want to live here!... I mean, not even hippothikelly."

     "Hypothetically," Sunshine corrected him.

     "Whatever," Zito said, and wandered into the next room. "Holy Kau! Where you little newbies get this?" he asked.

     "What, you mean the heart-shaped bed?"

     "Of course that's what I mean! There's nothing else in here! Doesn't that cost, like, 150,000 Neopoints?"

     "I don't know. It was a gift."

     "A GIFT!" Zito shouted. "Wow! Now THERE'S something worth swiping... I mean... sweeping... erm, sleeping. Yeah, sleeping in, that's what I mean."

     "What's a swiping?" Sunshine asked.

     Zito gave her an odd look. "You can pronounce hyperthetickly-"


     "Whatever. But you don't know what swiping means?"


     "Whatever. Anyway, um, I have to go get the paint brush and then I'll be back. Okay?"

     "Okay. Buh-bye!"


The big Skeith at the bank adjusted his reading glasses and looked at the waiting list. "Daisy_gal101?"

     Finally, thought Zito as he approached the desk.

     "Good day mada-" the Skeith looked up at Zito. "Erm, sir. I'm sorry, young man, but you'll just have to wait your turn like everyone else. I just called up Daisy_gal101. Is YOUR name Daisy_gal101?"


     The Skeith gave him an odd look. "I don't think so."

      "It is."

     "No it isn't."

     Zito showed him a card and the Skeith shuffled through some papers then looked up. "My apologies, sir. It is only that... you don't LOOK like a Daisy_gal101. You haven't been using the lab ray on yourself by any chance?"

     "I ain't even got access to it." Zito assured him. "Now, I'd like to withdraw everything from my account and my safety deposit box. I'd also like to take a look at my personal files."

     "Quite," the Skeith said. He was about to leave when he turned back and said "If I were you, I would change accounts FAST."


Sunshine was lying in her bed, daydreaming about wings and rainbows, when she felt the ground shift beneath her. She looked over the edge of the bed to see that two Elephantes wearing painters' clothes were carrying her away. "Hey!" she shouted, "What are you doing?"

     The Elephantes looked up in surprise. "Get off the bed, kid! We're moving it to a different NeoHome!"

     "What?!?! Why?"

     "'Cause your owner told us to, that's why!" And with that, they shifted the bed so that the thoroughly confused Sunshine rolled onto the floor.


Zito was on his way to pick up Sunshine when a yellow Lenny dressed in a mail carrier's uniform swooped down. "Neomessage for... Daisy_gal101?" The Lenny looked at Zito. "Well, like, I guess you can call yourself whatever you want. Here you go." She handed him the letter.

     The letter, which Zito assumed was from a friend of Daisy's, read something like this:


     The words that filled in the blank, which will not be mentioned here, contained dollar signs in the oddest places.

     "Would you like to send a reply?" the Lenny asked casually, taking out a pen and a notepad.

     "Yeah. Say, ‘she shouldn't have given me her password.''"

     The Lenny blinked. "Like, um? I'm not allowed to, like, say that? You know?"

     Zito slapped his head. "I mean, say ‘she shouldn't have given me her p-a-s-$ word."

     "Okay, like, will do," the Lenny said and flew off.

     No sooner had she left than Sunshine came running up. "Zito! Zito! Something's happened and you were the first person I could find and-"

     Zito cuffed her on the head. "Shut up! Ya want to know what's been going on today? I'll tell you." He grinned coldly. "Ya know that information form you wanted your owner to fill out? It asked for her password. And she gave it to me. That means that her account is MINE. Everything in Neopia that once belonged to her is MINE. And you, little pet, you are MINE. At least until we get to the pound." Before she could recover from the shock, he scooped her up and stuffed her into his backpack along with everything he'd taken from Daisy's safety deposit box.


Zito left the pound very pleased with himself. The whole raid had gone through without incident. Well, unless you counted the embarrassment for having such a girly account name. But all in all, it could have been a lot worse.

     Suddenly, a group of police Chias jumped out from behind various hiding places and surrounded him. They were armed with what appeared to be miniature frost cannons. "Zito!" shouted one of them, "You are hereby frozen for swearing, scamming other users, and using multiple accounts to play potato counter."


Sunshine sat in the pound weeping. She remembered how happy she had been before she became obsessed with getting a faerie paint brush. Daisy had always been there for her. They would sing and play Kacheek seek and other games. And they would always have plenty to eat. And just maybe, if they hadn't been in such a hurry, they could have someday afforded a faerie paint brush.

     She had been in the pound only for a few hours, but she figured she could be there for years. That's why she was surprised when a young girl - older than Daisy, but not quite a teenager - stopped right in front of her. "This is the one, Rose!" she called to a pink Uni who quickly came over and and let Sunshine out.

     While the girl was filling out the adoption forms, Sunshine talked to her other pet, a Jubjub called Poley. Though Poley assured her that the girl was a good owner, Sunshine could see that there was something troubling him. When she asked, he sighed. "Oh, it's just that... well... she doesn't earn very many Neopoints you see? I mean, she can always afford to feed me, but nothing else. And... I've been wanting a Halloween paint brush. I keep hoping that someday we'll be able to afford it, but now that there are two pets to feed that will never happen."

     Sunshine smiled. "Poley, trust me on something, okay? If your owner is really as great as you say she is... it's worth it."

The End

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