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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 64 > Short Stories > The Acara Criminal Returns

The Acara Criminal Returns

by petmaster616

After the last encounter with the The Acara Criminal, Lawhi34, the red Acara, had been scaring the teacher so much, that she got transferred to another class. So I did the next best thing, I decided to try and persuade my owner to buy me a Magical Red Acara Plushie. "Please, please, please! I won't ask for anything else ever again! Come on! Just this once! It's only 7,543 NP!" I, Draconnis2000, a rather attractive blue Shoyru pleaded.

     "NO! That's my final answer! You need to think before you spend all your money! Really! Like I'm going to spend 7,000 NP on something stupid and usele-Hey! Look! It says you can get a sponge bath for 9,000 Neopoints! Great deal! Wait here while I make an appointment!" replied my owner, Petmaster616.

     "But you still have eight packages of Bebe Deedee's Instant Bubble Bath!" I yelled out. I don't think he heard me. Then, I sighed and went home.

     The next day at school, I was sitting at my desk frowning. Now how am I going to scare Ms. Meercah out of her wits? Then, my best friend shaty_20301 ("Shaty" for short), a yellow Shoyru, came in and sat down at a desk next to me. He was eating a chocolate donut cheerfully. "I got sent to the principal's office yesterday," he said. Unusually, he actually liked to get sent to the principal's office. Suddenly, our teacher, Ms. Meerca (a yellow Meerca with a huge wart) ran into the room. She didn't look like she got much sleep. Then, with an evil grin on his face, Shaty pulled out a Red Acara Plushie out of his backpack. He threw it at the pimply Meerca.

     "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Ms. Meercah. She jumped into our classroom sink, and fell into the pipe. Everyone cheered. Then a Brown Shoyru came in the class. He had a bushy orange moustache and what was obviously a wig. He was wearing an extremely ugly tie.

     "'Ello. Me nahm is Prrrrrrroferssor Shoyra. I um yoor noo teacha!" he said (Everyone groaned) "NOW YOU! THE YELLOW SHOYRU IN THE FRONT! COUNT TO 7,200 BY EIGHTS!" screamed "Professor" Shoyra pointing at Shaty.

     "Uh, right, 8, 16, um, 87, button, worm, 67, umbrella, ugly tie, uglier tie, ugliest tie…" counted Shaty all the way up to "Vegan Cheese".

     "Congradyoolashuns'! Mista'!" said Professa' I mean Professor Shoyra happily. "You get an F!"

     "Yes! Hooray! I'm FANTASTIC! Oh-yeah!" said Shaty dancing on the ceiling.

     "You dolt! F stands for, uh, fantastic I guess. Then I change it to B+ which stands for Bad+!" said the teacher satisfied.

     "Aw man!" groaned Shaty concealing a grin on his face. I looked at the teacher in disbelief. Then, he droned on about George Washingmachine. I looked up at the clock, 1:06. I took out a remote control out of my backpack. In the morning, I planted a Haywire Device on the clock. Once I press the button on this remote, it goes haywire and automatically turns to 3:00 (the time school ends). I pressed the button. BOOM!!! A loud explosion came from the teacher's desk. It went up in flames.

     "Ha! Ya should've noon zat no un can trrrick Prrrrrofessor Shoyra! I noo aboot ze 'Aywire 'Ivice ze 'ole time! Oll rrrrrrrright! GO TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!" screamed Professor Shoyra.

     I got up from my seat and walked slowly to the principal's office (which was right across the hall). I was actually quite eager to meet the Principal (seeing as how Shaty was always glad to meet him) I opened the door steadily and gasped at what I saw. I didn't think the Principal's office was like this! It was even worse than I expected! I thought it was going to be like dungeon, but it's even scarier! It was horrible! It was terrifying! It was-

     A pink room filled with dolls and hearts and a hair dryer! I went up, and sat down at a chair. The principal's wheelie chair was facing the wall. It turned and faced me. I saw the face of a very young pink Poogle with lipstick and a very pretty dress. "Hello! You must be Jojo! How Pleasant to see you!" she said in a very soft and slow voice.

     "My name's not Jojo."




     "Guess again."

     "Mojo Jojo?"

     "My owner hates the Powerpuff Girls."

     "It's AJ!"

     "It's Draconnis."

     "Okay, Draconnis, let's decide what your punishment should BE!" her voice suddenly became rough and the room was suddenly filled with chains, and saws, gray wall paper, and Mr. Quacky Quack, my old rubber ducky (not that's what I expected)! I remember how Shaty always said that he shocked the Principal with the Improved Lightning Beam. I had one of those so I shocked her with it. Yes! It was, it was, IT WAS-not working. I decided now would be a good time to test out the Invisibility ability. In a second, I turned invisible.

     "HA! That trick won't work on me! I can smell you!" Oh, Why did I put on so much deodorant today? I quickly sped to the door. I wish petmaster616 trained me in speed more. Almost there! The Principal reached the door before I did. She was shutting it. Yes! I made it, but just barely. I looked at the door. On it was a label that said: The Janitor. At the moment, I didn't feel like going to the Principal's office. I walked back into the classroom (still invisible). I decided hide under Shaty's desk. He was sitting in the back now. I couldn't risk the teacher smelling me. *sniff* *sniff* I smelled rotten cheese somewhere. I don't think Shaty would be stupid enough to put rotten cheese under his desk (or maybe he would). He does after all have above average intelligence. I waited another hour and 286.2 seconds. Finally the bell rang. I covered my ears. Bring. Not as loud as it usually was. Oh well, at least I don't have to cover my ears anymo-BBBRRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG!!! "Ah! I think my eardrums cracked!" I said to myself. I walked to the door dizzily, but, since I was invisible, no one saw me, and I was trampled by twenty Neopets rushing out of the door.

     "HA! That serves you right Dracon!" said Professor Shoyra. He knew I was here the whole time? I hate this teacher even more than Ms. Meercah-okay, maybe not. But, before I turn visible again, I thought it was time to pay the Acara Criminal one more visit.


     I rushed back to the school. Really, I wanted to see what would happen to Professor Doo-doo Brain. I went in the classroom and sat at a desk. In a flash, the Acara Criminal jumped into the classroom, and ran after Professor Shoyra. After a minute of chasing, Professor Shoyra finally spoke up. "Wait, aren't you after Meercas with huge warts below their noses?" he asked confused. The AcaraCriminal frowned. He flicked on the Television, and turned to channel 4. SuperShoyruGuyMan was on! He had just defeated the FLOWER!"

     "Oopsies, wrong channel," said the Acara, blushing a little. He flicked the remote to channel 3½ . It was Neopian News Channel 3 ½ at 3:30.

     A Blumaroo News reporter was saying, "-and that's why Jimmy the baby Aisha wet his diapers over and over for 40 days and 40 nights. Well that wraps up the news for tod-Wait, there's more news? Okay, um-Oh No! I have just received news that the Acara Criminal has escaped from jail once again! He is after brown Shoyrus currently at the Neopian School wearing an ugly tie. So like always, if you are a Shoyru at the Neopian School, and are wearing an ugly tie, well, you'd better have your will ready. Well, have a nice day!"

     "Hey! My tie isn't ugly! It cost me two whole Neopoints at the Flea Market!" said Professor Shoyra. The Acara Criminal took out a K-Bomb (I know, K-Bombs only work for Kikos, but we aren't in the Battledome now, so that rule doesn't apply) and prepared to throw it at the Professor. As expected, Professor Shoyra went running around screaming and tripping over his tie. His moustache exploded because of the K-Bomb. His wig fell off into the air and landed on me, same with the tie (they turned invisible as soon as they touched me). I decided to put them on (Professor Shoyra got away). I went outside to tell Shaty what happened. First I had to turn visible.

     "Ugh," I tried and tried to turn visible again but couldn't. I stayed invisible too long! I flew to the park. "SHATY! SHATY!" I yelled. I ran over to the dirt pile where he was standing. "Shaty *pant*! I stayed invisible too long! I can't turn visible again! Quick! Do you know where there's like paint or something?"

     "Uh, yeah. I have some paint," He threw the brown paint all over me. Yes! I was visible! Oh goodness joys! I can be seen! Suddenly, something occurred to me.

     "Shaty, what were you doing with the brown paint?" I asked curiously.

     "I was painting the dirt," he replied.

     "Painting the dirt?" I raised an eyebrow.

     "They looked kind of dark umber to me,"

     "You're delusional," I replied.

     "HA! I've got you! You can't hide from The Acara Criminal!" yelled the Acara Criminal. I looked behind me, then back at myself. I had the tie on. I had the wig on (they were glued to my head because of the dried paint). I was brown.

     "Wait, It's not what you expect!" I said! Well, I couldn't battle him because I used up all my energy on invisibility, so the next smartest move to do was--

     "RUN AWAY!" cried Professor Shoyra three blocks away.

     I ran as quickly as I could. "Ha! You'll never get away!" screamed that furious beast. Today was not my day! I thought.

     I ran to the beach and tried to hide there. I jumped for the water, and crashed into Shaty. "Hey! How'd you get here so fast?" I asked.

     "Duh, everyone takes the shortcut here, just jump that fence and go through Old Man Arrrrrrnold's yard," he said. "Imagine someone taking the other way! You know, the long way! Ha ha ha, isn't the funny?" he laughed. "Uh yeah, real funny," I laughed feebly. "Hey do you know a shortcut to the status page of the Battledome?" I asked.

     "Fly away home! (which is two blocks away)!" Duh, my house was right next to the Haunted Woods!

     "I FOUND YOU!" screamed a familiar voice behind me. The Acara Criminal was pointing a hawk wand at me. Immediately, I flew to the Haunted Woods. I spotted the Arena right ahead.

     "Feeeeed Meeeeee," groaned the Esophagor.

     "Can't you think of anything else besides FOOD!" I replied.

     "Yeah, well what about you chubby!" it said.

     Without replying, I sped to the Arena and into the Status Area. Yes! I was blue, and had all my HP, and I was VISIBLE! I walked up to the red Acara. "You know, I always wanted to do this…" I said to him. I quickly baked a coconut cream pie, and threw it right into the Acara Criminal's face (he was allergic to coconut).

     "AHHH!" he screamed. "I'm *wheeze* gonna *choke* die!" he gasped as he ran into the Neopian Jail.

     Proudly, I announced, "Another job well done, thanks to--"

     "FATSO!" finished the Esophagor.

The End

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