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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 63 > Continuing Series > Oresetes Icetalon: Part Three

Oresetes Icetalon: Part Three

by battlesunn

Image by thephoenixofeio

Oresetes flew for a full day and night, not stopping for anything, before finally collapsing, exhausted, on a rocky cave ledge. The air was getting colder, he had noticed, and the skies were often a stormy gray in colour. He knew that he was getting closer. Oresetes relished the feel of the wind ruffling through his feathers, it was such a great sensation. He felt better, to. As if a huge weight had been lifted off his back. He was free! Only, what would he do now? He supposed that he could try and find his mother, or his father, it didn't really matter. He needed a goal. He couldn't just linger for the rest of his life. Oresetes stared out over the star-strewn sky, his eye set on the huge, glowing white moon. He sighed, he felt so pointless when he witnessed sights like these. How many people really cared about him? Julie probably didn't, no anymore. And his mother... She obviously had no problem abandoning him when he was little more than a kit. Who was he, anyway? And what was he doing here?

     "What did I expect?" he whispered.

     Suddenly, all of his elation at being free disappeared, and was replaced by a large, empty feeling in his stomach. No one was here for him, no one cared. Oresetes looked down from his ledge out over the huge expanse of snowcapped forest. His eyes came to rest upon a huge lake, shimmering silver in the moonlight. Oresetes blinked once, furrowing his brow in concentration. He felt like diving down at the water, letting it seep through his mane, sink into his feathers... Before he could stop himself, Oresetes had dove of the cliff face and put himself into a pitch-dive, headed straight for the lake. Oresetes shrieked in alarm and tried pumping his wings to regain altitude, but it was a lost cause. The force of the rushing air was too powerful. He let one low moan of despair escape his throat as he plummeted into the crystalline depths of the lake.

     Oresetes crashed down through the glassy surface, and plunged maybe a few meters into the lake, but he came bobbing back up. He couldn't sink, he was too light. Oresetes shook his head. The icy water had cleared his mind. He was surprised the lake hadn't been frozen. Oresetes clambered clumsily back onto the shore, and lay down, wheezing. He lay there for awhile, looking out over the lake, not really feeling anything. He had almost drifted to sleep when he heard a sharp crack! sound, coming from behind him. Oresetes snapped back up, his eyes roving around furiously. He growled low and threatening, trying to discourage whoever was out there from coming any closer.

     "Don't worry, I mean you no harm." As if out of nowhere, a wizened, female Eyrie came padding softly forward. Oresetes gasped in shock, he recognised her! The flowing rags of birchcloak, the necklaces, it was Ternayro. He remembered now, being in her nest, looking fearfully around. And his mother, she was so sad. But why? He took a step backward. Ternayro smiled softly.

     "You returned, Oresetes Icetalon."

     Oresetes clacked his beak. "Yes, I did. I was different from those other, wimpy pets. I wanted more, I wanted independence and freedom."

     Ternayro bowed her head. "I know. I sentenced you to that life."


     "I needed to. You were full of anger, I could see it. You were not fit for the life of the wild Eyrie. You were dangerous. Though I see now that you were not meant to be a pet, either." Her eyes sparkled. "You certainly are a broken puzzle piece, eh?"

     "Why did you take me away? Do you have any idea what I've been through?"

     "I've been watching you."


     "The lake. It is no ordinary lake, Oresetes. I can see the past, the future, and the present. But only I can."

     Oresetes turned away. "I don't believe you."

     Ternayro cackled. "Don't believe me, eh? Don't think the lake is magical? Well look at you! See how you've changed!"

     Oresetes raised a brow. Clearly the old Eyrie was crazy, but he decided to humour her. "All right, I'll go look at myself in the lake."

     The surface of the lake was so calm and still, that it was as good as any mirror. Oresetes looked over the edge, and almost did a double-take. There, staring straight back at him, was an Eyrie. Icy blue in colour, with a perfect white snowflake mark on his right foreleg. That Eyrie was him. Oresetes trembled. What had happened to his electric paint job?

     "The lake has powers, sonny boy, powers that you'll never be able to comprehend."

     Oresetes turned. "W... why do I look this way?"

     "Because," Ternayro said, "you are the Eyrie of winter."

     There was a blinding flash of light, and Oresetes had to cover his eyes with his wings. When he looked again, Ternayro was gone.


Stearoyx had spent the last month strengthening and reinforcing his troops. He now had a total of ten-score Draik soldiers, each one a cold-hearted mercenary. Stearoyx stood before them, the firelight playing eerily on his grotesque features.

     "In three days, we march onto Eyrie territory. Take no prisoners! Soon we will have their land, and we will say goodbye to these putrid caves forever!"

     One thousand Draik warriors raised their weapons in salute and began chanting,

     "Stearoyx! Stearoyx! Stearoyx! Stearoyx! Stearoyx!"


Oresetes was searching for his home. He knew that, when he saw it, he would remember it. Hopefully he could find it, and if he did, hopefully his mother would be there. He wanted to see her so badly, and tell her how sorry he was. He was dangerous, he realised that now. He shuddered, remembering his outburst upon discovering his true name, and then all the deceit and lying that he had done. Oresetes suddenly felt ashamed, no wonder Julie had wanted to abandon him! He straightened up, resolution shining in his eyes. Well, now things were going to be different. He was going to be kind, and just and brave and all that bunk. No, he reprimanded himself sharply. It's not bunk. It's good, very good. He had watched some adventure shows on television, and he knew how the heroes acted. They were always valiant and perilous. They were perfect. Was he perfect? No, of course not... Oresetes was temporarily brought out of his reverie by the sight of three large Eyrie, flaying in an arrowhead fashion. Oresetes was puzzled. Why were they in a such a tight-nit group? He didn't have much time to ponder this, because the three Eyrie soon caught sight of him and came gliding over to him. The Eyrie at the front, a yellow female, stared suspiciously at him.

     "State your name and heritage." She commanded curtly.

     Oresetes stared blankly at her. He had suddenly felt overcome by a strange, warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest. The yellow female clacked her beak impatiently.

     "Well? We don't have all day here!"

     Oresetes shook his head, to clear it. "Uh, I'm Oresetes Icetalon. Son of... Son of..."

     He smiled, embarrassed, at her. "I don't really remember my parent's names."

     "What? What do you mean, how could you forget your parent's names?"

     Oresetes lowered his head sadly. "Well, you see, I was sort of abandoned at birth and..." He looked into her eyes. "I never knew my parent's names."

     The Eyrie furrowed her brow, as if trying to recall some forgotten detail. "Hang on, you said you were Oresetes, right?"

     Oresetes nodded.

     "Oh! I know about you, my mother told me about you. Apparently Ternayro said that you were dangerous or something, and that you had to be expelled from the colony." She raised a brow. "And now you're back? Oh well, I suppose that's okay. You don't look that dangerous to me."

     She smiled warmly. "You're the son of Galewing Stonebeak and Kenya Freefeather."

     Oresetes grinned. He knew his parent's names! That was great! He smiled gratefully at the yellow Eyrie. "Thank you! But, who are you?"

     The yellow Eyrie raised her head and folded her ears back against her head. "I am Celeste Sharpeye. I serve under all the Eyrie in the colony, to protect everyone from the invasions of the vicious Draik lord Stearoyx." Celeste bared her claws and curled her tail proudly. "I am the daughter of Ulysses Barkclaw and Termina Brightfeather, and I am a warrior!"

     Oresetes grinned. "Nice name, Celeste. Do you think that you could take me the colony's leader? I wish to speak with him, or her."

     Celeste and her two companions lowered their heads respectfully. "Our brave king, Falstaff Oakwing, went onto rest after suffering from great wounds in a terrible battle against the Draik packs in the west. They have been attacking us frequently, and we fear that a war may break out. We have no king, or queen. No candidate for either position has stepped forward."

     Oresetes sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. Do you know where my mother, Kenya Freefeather's nest is?"

     Celeste nodded. "Yes, I do." She made a vague gesture with her wing. "Her nest is in the northern area of the forest, I'll take you there, if you like."

     "I'd very much like that."


Oresetes and Celeste were flying at a fast pace towards Kenya's nest. Celeste had instructed her companions to continue and patrol and notify the Eyrie general if they caught any sight of a Draik scout. Oresetes liked flying with Celeste. She never ran out of interesting things to say, though she was just as happy listening to Oresetes' stories of the Neopian world, where pets were made to serve the humans. Celeste made a face.

     "That's awful, who would want to live a human? I'd hate it. I'd much rather be free."

     Oresetes grinned. "That's the way I felt! That's why I left."

     Celeste chuckled. That was another thing that Oresetes liked about her, she had a great laugh. "Wow, you'd have to be pretty brave to fly off on your own!"

     Oresetes nodded. "I had wild blood in my veins, I was never meant to be a human's pet."

     Celeste blushed, and turned away. "Here we are." She suddenly said.

     "Where?" Oresetes inquired.

     Celeste pointed with her wing. "Over there, here, follow the direction my wing is pointing in."

     Oresetes squinted, and at last he saw it. It was a tiny little bundle of twigs and mud, nestled snugly between the boughs of two massive, dead pine trees. With a sense of bewilderment, he soared softly over to the nest, searching for any signs of movement. When he made it, he saw that the entrance was very small. Almost too small for him to get in. Oresetes stuck his head in the nest and peered around.

     "Mom? Mom, it's me, Oresetes."

     Oresetes heard a soft rustling sound, and at last his mother came into view. She yawned, and looked at the large, icy blue Eyrie that had made it's way into her home. She blinked, and gasped.

     "Oresetes? You came back! But why?..."

     Oresetes nuzzled her affectionately. "Because, I didn't belong in Neopia. I longed to be free."

     Kenya pulled away from her son. "Ternayro ordered me to. She said that you were, that you were..."

     "Dangerous." Oresetes whispered.

     Kenya nodded, tears forming in her eyes. "Did you think I wanted to? I didn't. My only son... I had to say goodbye before I even met you, really. Ternayro said that you were dangerous."

     Oresetes bowed his head. "I know mom, I was. But I've changed, for the better. I identified my faults, and I dealt with them."

     She stared off into the distance. "With you gone, I was all alone."

     Oresetes stepped forward. "What about my father, Galewing?"

     Kenya sighed sadly. "He's dead. The scouts said that he was ambushed by a squadron of Draiks, and... and..."

     Kenya buried her head in Oresetes' wing and sobbed. Oresetes stared forward, his eyes like twin chips of ice.

     "The Draiks will pay. If they start a war, I'll fight them. I'll fight them as long as I have air in my lungs and a single talon. I'll fight them to avenge Galewing and Falstaff's deaths."

     Kenya looked up, surprised. "You know of Falstaff?"

     Oresetes nodded. "Celeste told me."

     Kenya smiled. "Celeste? Is she here? Such a nice Eyrie, she is."

     Oresetes blushed. "Yeah, she's nice. And she's here, to. Celeste, hey Celeste! Mom wants to see you."

     Celeste poked her head shyly around the entrance, smiling at Kenya. Kenya beckoned her in with her wing, holding out some apples that she had stored in the nest.

     "Poor Oresetes. You must be hungry."

     Oresetes wolfed down the apple in seconds, Celeste frowning and kidding him good-naturedly about his eating habits.

     "Really, Oresestes. You're acting like a starved Lupe! Didn't those humans teach you to chew with your beak closed?"

     Oresetes batted Celeste playfully with his wing. "And why aren't you eating anything? Is an apple not good for you, or is it my presence that's offending you?"

     Kenya chuckled, watching as the two young Eyries play-fought, tumbling around on the floor of the nest. Everything would have been perfect, had it not been for that frantic Eyrie messenger that burst through the entrance, carrying his bad news.

     "The Draiks are coming! Ten-score of them, everyone come with me to the central roost for a council of war. The Draiks are coming!

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Oresetes Icetalon: Part One

Oresetes Icetalon: Part Two

Oresetes Icetalon: Part Four

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