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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 62 > Articles > So You Want to Be a Stock Market Success

So You Want to Be a Stock Market Success

by angelchi6

NEOPIA CENTRAL - Okay, I'm pretty sure the heading speaks for itself. My name is 88Cheerio88, and I'm the writer of this article. It really should say 'by 88Cheerio88', but it doesn't (awww). So anyway, you want to become a very rich Neopian. Right? Right? Am I right? YES! Well, enough of me blabbing - off to the races!

I. What is the Stock Market, and where can I find it?
Okay, first tip: know where & what the Stock Market is (heh heh heh… I knew that). The Stock Market is located in the Games Room at the bottom. There is a little Nigel the Chia icon; click that icon. Now you are staring at the screen going What on earth is this? It is the stock market. This is the place where many Neopians earned their life savings, but then again, this is also the place where many Neopians have lost countless amounts. Hopefully, if you follow this guide, you will be one of those people with the "happily-ever-after" kind of ending.

II. Okay. Now what?
Ah, you say. Now I know. So… what exactly do I do here, anyway? The basic rule of the Stock Market is "buy low, sell high". For some extremely lucky Neopians, low may be 8,000,000,000 NP. But, for most of us regular peoples, low is (on average) around 15 - 20 NP. Before rushing out and buying the first stock you see within that price range, you might want to do a bit of research. Try for some stock histories. Take my advice, though: Don't listen to Nigel the Chia! He is the worst at predicting stocks! Once you find a stock you think looks profitable, you're thinking…

Sample: I find BOOM; it looks profitable.

III. Right. Gotcha. Um, now… How exactly might I, uh… buy this stock?
Go back to the Stock Market, and click on 'Buy'. Type in your stock's ticker symbol (the 2 - 4 letter nickname, such as SMUG or AAVL) and then enter a number between 1 and 1000. Sorry, but you can only buy 1000 shares a day. There's always tomorrow!

Sample: I buy 1000 shares of BOOM at 16 NP each. I have spent 16,000 NP now.

IV. Where exactly is this stock that I just paid 15,000 NP to have?
Again, go back to the Stock Market (or stay there, depending on where you are). Click on the link that says 'My Portfolio'. This will be the place where every single one of the stocks you currently own is. The first two columns of that little graph you can ignore. The next one is labeled 'Open'. This would be how much that stock opened at exactly 12:01 am that morning. The next row of boxes would be what the current price of the stock is (the higher, the better!). After that is a nice little row that says Chg (change, hehe). If the number beneath that is green, good. If it's black, okay. If it's red, uh oh! The next few boxes are simply the number of that stock that you have, and how much you paid for it. Following that is the market value and the percent change. Once again, the higher the green number is, the better your profit (sorry, it doesn't work that way for red numbers, aww).

V. Three weeks later… It still hasn't gone up!
Did anyone say the Stock Market was instant success? Nope. Maybe you made the wrong choice when buying, or maybe your stock is just going through a rough patch right now. Sometimes your stock might hit the sky the day after you buy it, or maybe it will gradually work its way up the ladder. Just try to wait until your stock has gone up by at least 20% before you sell it.

VI. Woo-hoo - It went up by 100%! How do I sell?
See, didn't I tell you it would turn out okay in the end? Now, to sell you do roughly the same thing you did to buy the stock - click on the word 'Sell' in the Stock Market, and type in the ticker symbol and the number of stocks you want to sell. Remember, Nigel the Chia takes 20 NP out of the amount you get for "commission" (I think he's just trying to upgrade his phone!).

Continued Sample: BOOM has gone up to 32 NP a share! I sell my 1000 shares and get 29,980 NP (stinky old Nigel had to take 20 NP, remember?)! That is a profit of 15,980 NP! Wow!

VII. Conclusion
You did well - congrats! Now will you buy me… no, just kidding (heh heh, had you going there, didn't I?)! Keep in mind the tips I have given you, and you will always (okay, most of the time) do well!

No carrot-eating Flouds were harmed in the making of this article.

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