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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 58 > Continuing Series > Heilley Plays It Cool: Part Three

Heilley Plays It Cool: Part Three

by scriptfox

Breakfast the next morning went a bit better than the preceding day that Heilley had been with us. She managed not to upset anyone by saying something bad or strange. In fact, she dove into her omelette and didn't say anything for most of the meal. I did wind up passing her the syrup when she asked Kallisari to do it, but I figured that was to be expected.

     It was as we were finishing up that our owner made his little announcement. "Heilley, you're coming with me today. We need to get you something better for that room, maybe some personal stuff, and check out some of the sights around town."

     "Hey great, count me in."

     He grinned. "I thought you'd like it."

     I looked over at Kallisari who was biting her lip as she realised she wasn't going with him today like she often did. Get used to it, sister dear, I thought. The new pet always gets the owner's attention at first. MonoKeras hugged her, predictably enough, and she put on a happier expression when she realised that her disappointment had been noticed.

     I leaned back against the open doorframe and watched our owner and Heilley disappear down the street. Her red hair gleamed and rippled, and her little brown paw was tightly holding to his hand. I glanced inside as I heard a sigh.

     "Something wrong, Kallie?"

     "I guess not. I wonder if she'll sass him bad enough so that he'll put her back in the pound."

     I allowed myself a small chuckle. "You sound hopeful."

     Kallisari had the grace to look embarrassed. "Maybe so. But wouldn't it be better to end this sooner, rather than later?"

     I shrugged in a noncommittal manner. "Depends, I suppose. You never really can predict those things ahead of time."

     "I guess not, but..... oh never mind!"

     I was more than glad to let that conversation drop, and before too long Kallisari and I were both engaged in the tedious task of cleaning up after Emerald. Slorgs are known for leaving trails of slime, and Emerald was no exception. MonoKeras had brought home another potion from faeries only knew where, and we tried it out. It did a pretty good job of dissolving the slime, but it was still a big mess that took a lot of time to get rid of.

     I didn't even realise how long I'd been at it until I got a crick in my back. I stood up and realised it was early afternoon as our owner walked in the front door. He was carrying several bags of stuff, but....

     "Where's Heilley?" I asked.

     He grinned. "She's down at the gaming tables. I staked her fifty points to a round of Cheat and left her arguing with another Kyrii that looks almost exactly like her."

     "Gambling?" Kallisari said in a tone of disbelief. "I thought you never went in for that stuff."

     He shrugged. "I don't, but I had some points left over from our shopping, so I decided to let her spend it. I figure she's got some entertainment for her money, if nothing else."

     I frowned. "Maybe. But there's some real card Jetsams down there, you know."

     "Yeah, I know. But I figure she can make out OK. Besides, if she loses maybe she'll think twice before getting into something again just because someone challenged her pride."

     "It'd do her some good to learn a lesson all right," Kallisari said.

     My lips quirked underneath my mask. Kallisari had missed the whole point. It wasn't how much Heilley deserved a lesson that interested me, so much as it was our owner freely admitting that she needed one. I've always thought that air of not really knowing what's going on was deceptive, and I've told Kallisari and MonoKeras both that on more than one occasion. You think you're getting away with something and then you find out that you've been discovered and anticipated long since.

     His voice interrupted my thoughts. "Hey, blchocobo, come on up to Heilley's room and maybe you can help put some of this stuff up."

     "OK." I heard Kallisari's disdainful sniff as I left the room.

     We were soon involved in trying to sort out the surprisingly huge mound of stuff that we'd piled on Heilley's bed. I held up a Jazzmosis poster. "Wow, this must've cost you a lot."

     Our owner glanced at it. "A bit, but not too bad."

     I stared around the room. "Wonder where we need to put it."

     A quick flip of the hand, "that wall there looks fine to me."

     I didn't see that it was any different than anywhere else, but I took the advice. "I didn't know she was a Jazzmosis fan," I mused as I tacked it up.

     "I don't know that she is. I think she likes the black and white look. She called it 'cool retro', whatever that's supposed to mean. Looks like I'm going to have to start another drawer with hair grooming items here."

     "Why am I not surprised," I muttered to myself. "When are you going to pick her up?" I added in a louder tone.

     "Oh, she said she could get home by herself. I told her to make sure she got here for supper."

     Fifteen or twenty minutes of work later, I finished the job by placing Heilley's red Kyrii plushie on her pillow and went out into the kitchen to do some pondering on just what to fix for supper. Heilley's liking of asparagus flitted through my mind and I shuddered. I personally make it a rule to never eat anything that I have to squeeze past the gag reflex to get down my throat. How she stood that stuff was beyond me.

     MonoKeras got home from his work a little after five, and before we knew it the four of us were sitting down to supper. MonoKeras gave Heilley's empty seat a significant look. "So where's our new little sister this evening?"

     I shrugged, looking at our owner. He looked a bit worried, and I can't say that I blamed him. "I don't know. She promised she'd be home in time for supper, but...."

     MonoKeras snorted. "And you just left her somewhere to do whatever? You've been without a youngster in this house for too long."

     "Oh yeah? When you were her age, you were out fighting a war!"

     MonoKeras grimaced. "OK, OK, point made. But still, where is she?"

     "I don't know," our owner repeated before adding, "..but I plan to find out!" He stood up, dropped his silverware onto the table, and strode towards the front door. I heard him open it, but instead of simply closing it, his voice carried back into the kitchen loud enough for us all to hear. "And where have you been?"

     "Oh, out playing. I wanted to do a couple more rounds, but you said be home for supper..." Heilley walked into the kitchen. Her long red hair was matted with sweat, but she had a wearily triumphant look in her eye.

     "So I did. Well at least you got here, even if you are a little late. Any luck?"

     Heilley laughed. "It ain't luck, it's skill!" With that, she lifted up two trophies and plopped them on the table. I stared. They were both shaped in the form of a Kyrii One was bronze and the other silver.

     MonoKeras whistled. "Out playing cheat, were we?"

     "Out winning at it, guy. Don't forget to add that last part."

     "Then why no gold trophy?"

     Heilley shrugged. "I didn't have time. I'll get that one tomorrow morning. Those house players are pitiful once you learn how the game works."

     Our owner was looking at the trophies in a bemused fashion. Kallisari was looking rather depressed, and MonoKeras had that neutral expression and intent look that he gets when he's on a case. I decided to interrupt his questioning. I laughed a bit before chipping in with, "You sure sound confident of yourself, Heilley."

     "Well of course! In fact, I think I'll publish a guide on how to play cheat. It'll be a best-seller, and I'll make a fortune!"

     Our owner interrupted Heilley's bragging. "Good, but before you become a famous authoress, go wash your paws and come have something to eat."

     "OK," she chirped. She picked up her trophies and started to leave the room. "I need to find some place good to mount these, too."

     "Why don't you have them bronzed?"

     Heilley's eye rolled back towards MonoKeras. "Ha. Ha. Very funny- not."

     He snickered as she left the room while Kallisari let out a pent-up sigh. "What sort of slang was that, anyway," she groused.

     MonoKeras shrugged. "Search me. She's got her own vocabulary."

     "And a mouth to use it, too," I added. But my tones were so soft that they were muffled by my mask and no one paid any attention to me.

     Heilley was soon back and eating with the rest of us. She was obviously on an adrenaline high as she chattered about her games and her opponents. We heard all about what a rotten player the other Kyrii was. I made appreciative noises, but inwardly grinned at her indignation. I wondered if her distaste for this Capara was caused by the fact that they were too much alike and that she didn't like the competition. MonoKeras reached the same conclusion, and lost no time in pointing it out to Heilley. She treated the whole idea with disdain, and carried on with her tale.

     She went to her room immediately after supper, claiming a need to rest before her "big day tomorrow".

     After she was gone, Kallisari sighed sadly. "Well that was an 'interesting' meal. Tell me, dear, did we miss a single thing about how to play cheat?"

     MonoKeras resumed that thoughtful expression that I'd interrupted earlier. "Actually, yes. She never said what she did with her winnings."

     "Her winnings?"

     MonoKeras grinned at the ragged chorus the rest of us responded in. "Yeah. No one here ever played Cheat before, did you." We all shook our heads. "Uh-huh. Well if you're good at it, Cheat is a nice source of income. You get points every time you catch a house player cheating, and more points if you win a round. The amount gets higher with each round. Of course, you need at least fifty points to start your first round, but..."

     "I gave her that," our owner interrupted.

     "Really? Well you might ask for it back. Unless she's spent it all already, I'd guess she's got somewhere between five hundred and a thousand Neopoints in winnings stashed somewhere."

     A soft whistle came from the head of the table as MonoKeras' little bombshell hit us. I couldn't help but remember Heilley's admission that she could hide "a lot of things" in her hair, and began to understand just how true that actually was.

     Kallisari shook her head. "She really is holding out on us, isn't she. No wonder I didn't trust her. All that money, and we're not supposed to know a thing about it, are we."

     MonoKeras gave a slight shrug. "I guess not. She sure didn't mention it."

     "Hmph. Are you going to let her get away with that???"

     Our owner blinked at Kallisari's indignation. "Get away with it? What's that supposed to mean?"

     "Why, her keeping all that money without us even knowing she's got it! Aren't you the one that handles all the money around here?"

     "Well not quite all, MonoKeras has his own business..."

     "Oh, that! I mean our recreation. Every time any of us wins anything anywhere, you're the one that keeps it. Why not now?"

     I sucked in my breath as Heilley's bitter words from the night before echoed in my mind. 'Nothing is owned by a pet, you know that.' I looked at Kallisari and sadly wondered if my denial that we weren't like that had been wrong after all.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Heilley Plays It Cool: Part One

Heilley Plays It Cool: Part Two

Heilley Plays It Cool: Part Four

Heilley Plays It Cool: Part Five

Heilley Plays It Cool: Part Six

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