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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 53 > Short Stories > Po and the Pink Aishas

Po and the Pink Aishas

by polayo

I pulled the dusty photo album from the shelf and opened it to the first few pages, pictures of me as a kitten. I hadn't looked at these recently, but I always enjoyed doing it.

     I wasn't a normal Aisha. Sure, I had the four ears, two stalks and two catlike ears; I had the tail; I had the fur-but wait. The fur-it was different. My fur was dark pink except for my paws, which were a lighter pink. Why was this, Omni had always wondered?

     Not long after, I was painted faerie and lost all trace of my previous fur oddity except for two pink rings around my back paws.

     I was a pink Aisha, the last one to ever be born. There will never be another one again.

     And, sadly, I never knew my family.


"Omni?" I called her from her room and she came into my bedroom, where I sat on the bed, holding the photo I'd taken from the album. "I need to find the pink Aishas. I need to. There's a part of me missing, and I'm not complete without it. They'll have it, I know it. The answer."

     "But..." she began, but she couldn't find the words to tell me no. "" She finally asked.

     "I'll ask someone-someone must know where they live. I know I was the last to ever be born-I think, at least-but they can't all of died out. I mean, pink Aisha's are the rarest species in Neopia."

     "All right," she said finally, in a defeated voice. "You may go."

     "Thanks," I said as I squeezed her in a tight hug, and started gathering a few things in a bag.

     Three hours later I was standing outside in front of my NeoHome, taking one last look at it before I went. "The pink Aishas are waiting for me!" I told Tikano, who was standing in the doorway, sadly watching me go. "I'll be back, Tika!" I called over my shoulder, as I sprinted down the driveway and into the streets of Neopia.

     I didn't know where I was going; all I knew was that I must find the pink Aishas. The fact that sometime soon I might meet my family was pumping my adrenaline, helping me run down the gravely road of Neopia Central.

     WHAM! I fell, face first, onto the road, sitting up, I squinted out the gravel in my eyes, and brushed my hand across he bleeding scars and winced. I couldn't make it back to the house; already I was in too much pain.

     I inched out of the centre of the road and leaned up against the fence post that lined the side of the road. I shut my eyes in pain, and just sat there, deciding what to do.

     I jumped, startled, as I heard a scuffling in front of me, and I opened my eyes. Standing in front of me was a majestic winged Aisha with a feathery tail, dark gray and white fur, and a golden halo around his left ear: Li-Sha.

     "Hello, Polayo," he said, his deep voice penetrating the peaceful silence. "I see that you've hurt yourself. As is my duty, I've come to heal you. did you hurt yourself? Why?"

     I took a deep breath; amazed at the sight I was seeing. Li-Sha was even more rarely seen than a clan of pink Aisha, which I was going to find. Gulping down my nervousness, I began to talk.

     "Yes, I have hurt myself," I said. "I was running down the street and I tripped. But if you need to know why I was running..." I trailed off, took another breath, and began again. "If you need to know why I was running, I'll tell you. I'm on my way to find a clan of Aishas. But not just any Aishas-the clan of the rare pink Aishas. I once was one myself, but when I was painted faerie, I lost it," I pointed to the rings on my back paws. "But I need to find out who my family is. I need to know, it's something I won't be able to live not knowing. Except, I do have one problem," I felt my wounds healing as I talked.

     "And what is that?" asked Li-Sha as coolness settled over my scrapes and bruises.

     "I-I don't know where they live, or how to find them."

     "Ah-easily solved. When I'm done healing you, you'll find yourself there. To come back, just say, 'I can stay no longer.' Unfortunately, I can't simply tell you the location: there aren't many of them left, you see, and revealing the locations-even to someone as trustworthy as you-is a danger for their long-protected safety."

     I felt the last ounce of pain drain from my body, and I had just smiled at Li-Sha and thanked him when I felt myself being flatted, squeezed, and going faster than anything in one, long millisecond before it stopped and I landed at the bottom of a tall, grassy hill.

     I shook my head to free myself from the daze that method of travel had put me in, and then, suddenly, it hit me. I was where the pink Aishas were!

     I kept in my squeal of excitement as I scrambled up the hill, and when I reached the top I found something I thought I would never find.

     A field of pink Aishas were laid out in front of me, some of them visiting with the other pink Aishas, some of the playing with their peers.

     All I could do was stare. I was here! I was here! I had made it!

     It wasn't long before I saw a strong, leader-type looking Aisha approached me. He nodded his had at me, and I did the same to him.

     "Who are you and why do you come?" He asked in a deep voice,

     "My name is Polayo," I said, as firmly and bravely as I could. "I've because...well, it's a long story, but I've come because I was once a pink Aisha. You can't tell it anymore, since I was painted faerie, but I still have the blood. I came-I came to find my family."

     The Aisha's face broke into a wide smile. "Polayo, my child," he took my paw and shook it heartily. "Welcome back, dear, welcome back."

     I was puzzled. "Wait...what do you mean?" I asked as I followed him through the crowds.

     "I'll explain in a moment. I'm sure the rest of us will be very happy to see you."

     "Aishas!" He called out. "I'm sure you all remember this young Aisha, and she's pleasured us with a visit. Cassandra's daughter, Polayo, is here."

     The Aishas erupted into applause, and I looked around, completely bewildered.

     "Apparently, she has no idea who Cassandra is. Unfortunately, she is not here to explain.

     "I will take Polayo to the hut, and explain it to her as best I can. For now, continued what you were doing, and later we'll have Polayo herself explain why she came."

     I continued stepping along behind him, until we reached a small wooden hut. The windows were cracked and dirt, and the white walls of the hut were covered with marks of weather and time.

     He opened the creaky drawer and we stepped into the most crowded space I'd ever been in. Books and photo albums lined all of the walls; bags and chairs were clustered in the middle. He picked his way carefully over the mess and to one of the walls. He seemed to be searching for something.

     "You stay right there, Polayo," he kept saying. "I'll be over in a moment."

     Finally, he found what he was looking for. "Aha!" He exclaimed, and made his way over to me. He carried an old, molding photo album, covered with pink fabric. Sewn into the front was the name Cassandra. He flipped to a page where there was one, large yellowing photograph. It was of an adult pink Aisha with the same design as me. A mini version of her was perched on the older one's back, smiling as if she had no troubles in the world. That's me, I thought. I didn't have any of my markings-my earrings or my star tattoo-but I knew it was me. I couldn't miss that face anywhere.

     "Your mother was Cassandra, one of the Aisha who used to live here," he began. "She was much loved in this clan, always happy, joyful, and bubbling with things to say. She was bold, beautiful, and wild. There was never a dull moment with her.

     "In October of 2001, she gave birth to you. The tribe was looking forward to a Cassandra copy, someone to hold us in stitches for another few generations. But then, the tragedy occurred-Cassandra got sick, in mid-October, only two weeks after she'd had you. She was so sick, she could barely stand up, and she had just enough strength to eat. An eerie silence settled around all of, we were so scared of losing Cassandra and having to give you away. Three days after she got sick, she went. When we found her, you were snuggled next to her, asleep, and we were afraid you had gone with her. When we woke you, you cried for days, and then we brought to the Create-A-Pet centre. We couldn't keep you here. Your family isn't here for you to see, but your roots are deep. You and your mother will always be remembered here."

     I could see his eyes tearing up and he wiped one away.

     "Thank you for telling me," I said quietly. "I've found the piece that was missing."

     I stopped for a moment, wondering. "I'd appreciate it if-wait, what was your name?"

     "My name," he said, "is Cloud."

     I nodded and began again. "I would appreciate it, Cloud, if you would tell the rest of the Aishas why I came. Tell them that I'll miss them dearly, although I don't remember any of them. Any of you may come and visit me anytime. But, sadly," I took a deep breath, "I can stay no longer."

     I felt the same whipping sensation of the world falling apart around me, and then, seconds later, I found myself back by the fence, staring into the sunset.

     I ran over the events of the day in my head, but still I couldn't comprehend it all. My old life...I shook it out of my head for the moment, and smiled as I looked down at my hand, which was still clutching the photo of Cassandra and I.

     The photograph now hangs by my mirror, along with photographs of me, Ev, Reggie, Tazz, Cali, Omni, and other of my closest friends. Omni and Tika were glad to have me back, and when I told them about what I'd learned, the comforted me. Silently, I still thank Li-Sha for helping me find them and I still thank Cloud for helping me figure it out. Nothing's the same anymore-some pets think they know who they are. I thought I did too.

     Now, even though I've learned more, I'm even less sure...

The End

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