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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 52 > Short Stories > Magnolia and the New Agent

Magnolia and the New Agent

by peachifruit

N.P.I.A. Headquarters, an Undisclosed Location in Neopia Central

Agent_Magnolia the red Aisha strolled down a wide hallway, keeping a lookout for her office. Earlier that day, she'd received notice that she was being moved a new room, and, to say the least, was very much anticipating the move. Sys-op, her Kadoatie, poked her head out of Magnolia's large black bag which she was carrying along with her.

     "Are we there yet?" she inquired.

     "I barely even remember what floor it's on," Magnolia answered. "I wonder why we even moved--oh, 621, 623--here it is, 625...I think." Magnolia swung open the door. Behind it was a well-furnished office with many potted plants, a bookcase, and--

     "A piano?" Sys-op asked as she went inside. "What are we going to do with that?"

     "I don't know," Magnolia said, looking around the room. "I can only wonder who's in our old office now." Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" Magnolia called from her new desk.

     At that moment, Chief the yellow Wocky and a blue Zafara entered Magnolia's office. "Hi, Chief," Magnolia greeted him.

     "Good morning, Magnolia," Chief replied. "I suppose you were wondering why you were moved here."

     "Actually, yes. Why is that?" Sys-op queried.

     "This is Jasmine, she's the newest in the Agency," Chief said, pointing to the Zafara, who waved. "She just moved into your office downstairs. Anyway, Jasmine here is on her first case, and I thought it would be a good idea if you, being more experienced, could go with her."

     Magnolia blinked, glanced at Jasmine, and then back at Chief. "Oh, um, you want me to accompany her on her first case?" she asked.

     "That's what I said," Chief replied.

     "Oh." Magnolia gave a forced laugh. "Um...Chief, can I talk to you for a second?" She paused. "Um... outside."

     "Of course." Magnolia dragged Chief out into the hallway. "You've got to be kidding me," she told him.

     "Why would I do that?"

     "I just got off a case--no, better yet, out of the hospital--again! Doesn't that mean ANYTHING to you?" Magnolia fumed.

     "Well, you were the first person to come to mind!" Chief explained.

     Magnolia turned away. "Okay, I'll go with her," she concluded. "But after this, no more cases for three weeks, okay?"

     "Three weeks? Isn't that a bit lengthy?"

     "Fine, I won't go with her, then."

     "Okay, okay. Three weeks, then, and that's it. The idea of her going out by herself just doesn't rest well with me, that's all." Magnolia nodded in reply as she returned to the office, Chief following suit.

Five Minutes Later...

     "So, Magnolia! I'm your new partner! Isn't that GREAT?" Jasmine perkily exclaimed.

     "Fine, sure, whatever," Magnolia mumbled.

     "Gee, Magnolia; you don't seem too excited about this." Sys-op remarked facetiously. "I mean, this is your first case with someone BESIDES Natalie, and you're just as thrilled as a palm tree."

     Magnolia ignored this comment. "Okay, well, who's the client, Jasmine?"

     "Glad you asked. This is the client!" Jasmine held up a photograph of the Faerie Queen. "Last night, all of the documents at the Employment Center were stolen, meaning no one can get a job at Faerieland. We're going to need to speak with her about--"

     "No way!" Magnolia interrupted. "I am NOT about to go back into that castle!" Magnolia was a bit paranoid of the Faerie Queen, and with good reason. (See 'Agent Magnolia and the New Faerie Queen'.) "The last time I went there, I got an all-expense-paid trip to the Neopia Central Hospital!"

     "You always get all-expense--"

     "Shut up, Sys-op. Anyway, the answer is 'no'," Magnolia finished solidly, turning her head away.

     "But the city's in need! We can't just leave Neopia as we know it unemployed forever!" Jasmine cried. "This is serious, Magnolia."

     There was a long silence before Magnolia finally complied.

     "Well, okay, if you say so. I'll go, but I won't like it."

Faerie Castle

     "I can't help but wonder why you're hiding behind that pillar, Magnolia."

     Magnolia sheepishly poked her head from behind a pillar to face Queen Fyora. "Um... I just love this pillar, though. Whoever did the décor in here..."

     "Well, anyway," Sys-op said, turning her attention to Jasmine and the Faerie Queen. "Which documents were stolen, Your Highness?"

     "All of them; past jobs, present jobs, open jobs--everything's missing! The only thing they left was this hair ribbon." The Faerie Queen handed a red spotted ribbon to Magnolia, who had just come out from her hiding spot.

     "Hmm, this ribbon is--"

     "Distasteful!" Magnolia was cut off by Jasmine, who insulted the ribbon awkwardly. "It's got those disgusting red polka-dots on it!"

     "Err... I suppose you could say that," Fyora continued. "But I do want you to find out who this ribbon belongs to."

     "Okay, then. Thanks, Highness," Sys-op said, turning to leave. "Come on, Magnolia."

Later that Night at Magnolia's House...

     Magnolia sauntered to her vanity drawer where she rolled her second pair of ears into two buns, (how she always wore them when she went to sleep.) She was clad in her favourite juppie-print night-gown and sleeping cap. Sys-op slept in a small wooden bed on the coffee table next to a flower vase.

     "Good night, Sys-op," Magnolia said, crawling into bed.

     "Good night, Mag," Sys-op replied, turning over.

     Hours after Magnolia and Sys-op had fallen asleep; there was a loud crash outside. Sys-op bolted upright, but Magnolia merely continued her slumber. "Magnolia," Sys-op said. "Magnolia..." There was no reply. Sys-op decided to investigate the noise by herself.

     Sys-op headed outside and into Magical Road. She could see many bright lights shooting into the sky in the distance, and the sound of many sirens could be heard. "That doesn't look good." Sys-op turned to the house, and then decided against waking Magnolia up. She ran off towards the High Street.

Neopia Central - 1:34 AM NST...

     Sys-op, once at the bazaar, looked straight up to where the lights were pointing. A giant green Aisha robot wreaked havoc on the city, sending owners and pets alike running for their lives.

     "Okay," she began, attempting to console herself. "Giant Aisha robot--you should know what to do at a time like this, Sys-op." She paused, looking ahead. The colossal machine was headed her way!

     "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" was all Sys-op could exclaim in her state of shock.

     "What's this? Someone left their cute little Kadoatie here!" Suddenly, a yellow Pteri grabbed Sys-op and ran away before the machine reached the area. "Who left you out here all alone? Don't you know it's dangerous out here?" Suddenly, she got a bizarre notion. "Oh, you ran away from home! Poor, poor thing! You must have come from a neglectful family."

     "B--" Sys-op began.

     "It must be hard for petpets like you! Come on, I'll take you to a loving family!"


     "Who would be so cruel? Poor thing!" The Pteri exclaimed, running away from the site of the commotion.

Magnolia's House, the Next Morning...

     "Sys-op, are you still asleep? Sys-oooooop..." Magnolia looked over at the coffee table. The bed was empty. "Sys-op? Where'd she go?" Magnolia climbed out of bed, slightly irate. "Don't tell me you went outside and messed up the flower patch again."

     Magnolia looked everywhere, but Sys-op couldn't be found. There was no trace of her Kadoatie anywhere. Now she was beginning to worry. Where could she have run off to, and why didn't she tell Magnolia about it?


     "Aww, now that I can see you in the light, you're even cuter!" the Pteri cooed, cuddling her new petpet.

     "Meow," Sys-op replied. She had decided to play along with the Pteri's idea that she didn't talk.

     "You're a cutie! Now what'll I name you?"


     "I know! I'll name you Ophelia!"

     "WHA--err--Meoooooooow!" Sys-op screeched, making herself sound as unhappy with her new name as she could.

     "Oh, you don't like it?" the Pteri queried. "My mom's name was Ophelia."

     Sys-op looked intrigued.

     "She took a plane overseas, and then..." Her voice trailed off. "Y-you don't want to hear about that, though." She wiped a tear from her eye.

     "M-meow. Uh, meow, meow!" Sys-op cried. That's why she hadn't seen the Pteri's mother in the house.

     "I knew you'd like it, Ophelia!" She shouted, giving the newly named Kadoatie a hug.

     "How am I going to explain that to Magnolia?" She asked herself.

     "Oh! Speaking of names, I'm Marianne. I guess I never introduced myself." "Meow."

N.P.I.A. Headquarters, an Undisclosed Location in Neopia Central...

     "By the way, where's Sys-op?" Chief inquired.

     "I don't know. She's been gone since last night, and I'm really beginning to worry about her," Magnolia answered. "I saw on the news that a giant green Aisha robot attacked the marketplace last night."

     "Yes, I heard about that, too. Um...have you seen Jasmine around lately? I told her to come with you."

     Magnolia looked through the office door. "I haven't seen her either. Where's everyone off to lately?" Suddenly, Magnolia's office phone rang. "Hello?" she greeted, answering the call.



     "I tried calling you before, but I guess you were away. Anyway, I'm okay. I'm's in Neopia Central, but I don't know the address. A Pteri named Marianne lives here, and--"

     "Oh, Ophelia, did you get the phone off the hook?"


     The phone was hung up as a long tone sounded. "That went well."

     "Where did she say she was?" Chief asked.

     "She couldn't really specify." Magnolia looked over at the phone. On the screen read:


Marianne's House...

     "I don't want you running up the phone bill while I'm away, okay, Ophelia? My father's waiting outside, so I have to go now. I'll be back this afternoon."

     "Meow." Marianne went out the door, headed for her grandmother's home. "Ophelia," Sys-op muttered. She looked around. Scattered on the floor were a few broken toys. Marianne's family was a poor one, so they couldn't afford much.

     Marianne's grandmother on her father's side had passed as well, but she had lived in a mansion with more money than she could do anything with. Her maids had found her will in her bedroom, and her father had to go to the house today to see if he had been left anything.

     Sys-op really hoped he had been left something.

     Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling noise. The Aisha android had returned. It left large prints in the concrete where it stepped, and marched straight past Marianne's apartment. Sys-op ran to the window and flung it open. The robot was coming back, straight for Marianne's building!

     "OH, NO!" The robot lifted its leg right over the building. Sys-op, in a panic, leapt from the building right before it was crushed. She sighed, but not for long. Now she was in a worse dilemma.

     "AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Sys-op was nearing the ground now; it was all over. She didn't even have time to say goodbye to Magnolia first.

     All of a sudden, a hand grasped Sys-op's tail. "OUCH! Will you watch w--MAGNOLIA!"

     "Hi, Sys-op." So it was--her cheery Aisha owner clasped onto a helicopter ladder.

     "How'd you know I was here?" Sys-op asked in surprise.

     "I followed the area code of your telephone number. Oh, and the directory in front of the apartment building had someone named Ophelia on it--the person who lives in the apartment, and who owns the phone you called on."

     "Liv-ED, and own-ED, you mean," Sys-op corrected solemnly.


     "No time to explain. We have to stop that robot from destroying any other buildings."

     "You're right."

     Magnolia and Sys-op were pulled into the helicopter, which was being flown by Natalie. "Oh, I thought you were on another case, Natalie," Sys-op said.

     "I finished it," she replied. "There's someone piloting that android from the inside of the head. I think we might be able to get in through the second right ear. Again, I think."

     "I don't know," Magnolia said sceptically. "Your 'I think' isn't always right."

     Needless to say, before Natalie answered that remark, Magnolia and Sys-op were dropped through the ear of the giant green Aisha robot.

     "Have fun!" she called after them. "Hmph," she grumbled after they left. 'Isn't always right.'"

     Android's Control Room

     Magnolia and Sys-op hit a cold, metal floor before the control room. Sys-op was the first to look at the pilot, who indeed was...


     (Dun dun duuuuun!)

     "What are you doing destroying buildings?" Magnolia questioned. "Don't you work for the agency?"

     "I SAID I did, yes. That was just to distract you, Magnolia," Jasmine answered, pointing to a red spotted bow on her head--the same one from the Employment Agency! "Notice the bow on my head? It's mine. I'm quite fond of polka dots. I stole the documents to put all of the shopkeepers out of a job. Little did I know that it would only affect Faerieland's employment. I needed to put the space shopkeepers out of a job so that I could buy the parts to repair my Aisha robot. I tried running it last night, but it didn't work."

     "So you shut it off and came back today," Sys-op said.

     "Yes. Later on, I just decided to steal the repair parts, and what do you know, it worked! Now my robot's up and running, and I can finally use it to DESTROY THE WOOOOOOOOORLD! MUAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!"

     Magnolia groaned. "Is that EVERYONE'S motive now--to destroy the world? Well, anyway, I'll need to stop this little shindig of yours, so if you'll kindly--"

     "NEVER! NEVERRRRR! You can't stop me, Magnolia! I'm quite capable of destroying you and your little Kadoatie in an instant. I've both the brains and technology to--"

     *WHACK* Jasmine was hit over the head by Magnolia with a metal pole she'd found on the floor.

Later that Day...

     "Ophelia! Guess what?" Marianne asked as Magnolia handed Sys-op to her. "Grandma left us the house! We get to move!"


     "I suppose we'll have to go now. Our apartment doesn't even exist anymore." Marianne looked up at Magnolia. "Um...Papa says we can't take care of a Kadoatie right now...can you look after her?"

"Of course," Magnolia replied cheerfully. "I'll take care of her like she was mine."

     Marianne climbed into her father's car. "I'll miss you, Ophelia!" she cried as she rode off into the distance. "Don't forget about me, okay? Bye! I'll miss you..."

N.P.I.A. Headquarters...

     "Well, as it turns out, Jasmine was running that big Aisha thing," Sys-op explained.

     "Really? I never would have guessed," Chief replied. "Good work, Magnolia."

     "Mmm-hmm." Magnolia looked out the window. "I suppose you'll keep up with your end of the deal, then?"

     "What end?"

     "Three weeks without any cases, remember?"

     "What? Three? I said two!"

     "We agreed on THREE!"

     "You said two!"





     Sys-op sighed. "The people I work with."

The End

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