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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 50 > Articles > Forgotten Shopkeeper... Owner of the Gift Shop

Forgotten Shopkeeper... Owner of the Gift Shop

by moonandsun211

THE NEOPIAN BAZAAR - May_4545, my cloud Kau smiled and shoved the article in my face "Look! Moon That makes three articles! The Slushie Shopkeeper, the Tropical Fruit Shopkeeper and the Space Weapons Shopkeeper makes three!" I beamed at my smiling Kau We were sitting on the lawn of our NeoHome reading The Neopian Times (Something we enjoy doing) May and I have been traveling around Neopia telling the true stories of forgotten shopkeepers.


"OK, May," I told my Kau the next morning at breakfast, "where to next?"

May looked down at her plantmelon and cocked her head to one side in thought. "Um..." May wondered, "um... well, I don't really know..."

I stared at my food and swirled it around my plate quietly. "Somewhere close," I thought aloud.

"Right!" May chimed in, "Um, somewhere different."

"How about here, I mean Neopia Central?" I said, thinking of the many shops, and shopkeepers.

"Well, we've been to most of the shops. Um, I guess," May answered reluctantly. "Yea, I guess. Plus I'd like to pick up some books from the book shop."

"Okay, then it's settled," I told May. "After breakfast we'll go to Neopia Central to try to see if we can find some sort of Forgotten Shopkeeper. May nodded and filled her mouth with food.


May hooves made a clip clop noise as we walked the streets of Neopia Central. Owners turned to look as May pushed her hooves harder, making the noise grow louder. I looked down in embarrassment. "May!" I whispered, "Do you have to do that?"

May smiled widely and shrugged. "Yep."

We continued down the streets of Neopia, stopping at the chocolate factory to pick up some lemon sweeties, May's favourite. We stopped in front of the smoothie shop, then shook are heads and continued walking. We did that so many times, I was giving up. Yet my little Kau kept going.

"May," I told her sadly, "I think you were right, I mean we know all the shopkeepers here..."

My voice trailed off, and I looked around for May. "May!" I called, a little nervous. "Oh," I sighed. There she was, walking into the gift shop. I ran to follow her, and pushed open the door to the little, barley noticeable shop. May was already in there.

"Oh, Moon!" May smiled at me and pointed to a red Scorchio. "Here, Our next forgotten Shopkeeper."

I had to admit, May was right. I wasn't sure who the Scorchio was. So I smiled and nodded. "Take it away May; go ahead with the interview...."

May stood up very straight and said in her most official voice, "Who are you? And what is your life like?

The Scorchio smiled slyly and said, "I am Verano," he started confidently, "I sell gifts to all Neopia! It's my family business, it was my father's shop, and then I took over the shop. I was raised here in Neopia Central in a small house behind the shop, actually. I was an only child so I had to run the shop, it's kind of boring; no one ever buys from here. I think I might just abandon the shop, I mean I don't have any children to run it when I retire. What's the use? The only reason I kept the business going was to make father happy, and now he's retired and living on Mystery Island."

"I do have one friend," the Scorchio's mood changed completely, He gently pulled out an Anubis. "This is Flet, my Anubis, isn't he cute?" he smiled then turned to us. "He was my father's pet, now he is mine." He then glared at me and May. "Okay, that's enough!" he told us, "Don't you have some story to write!"

May and quickly ran out the door. May glanced back, "Poor Verano, he has to run the shop."

We continued to walk home slowly...

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