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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 48 > Continuing Series > The Tears of the Sea: Part Four

The Tears of the Sea: Part Four

by sol_luna_estrella

"DON'T WORRY," LIJALANA said softly. "I have just what you need."

        The Water Faerie pulled out a box from a small invisible pocket in her fin. She held it out to the two pets, who took it and examined it.

        "The tears of the sea," Lijalana said, smiling gently. "Krent should be his own man again because of what just happened, so he shouldn't give these to Jilmarah. However, he can find his own uses for them, for they can be very powerful. He has strong healing magic, and should use his independence to heal, and these will help him on the way."

        "But where did you get these, and how do you know about Krent?" La_Estrella_de_Sol asked.

        "Jilmarah wouldn't stop talking about how stupid her servant was," laughed Jilmarah. "The truth is, he is not an evil man. He is not stupid, either. He is quite intelligent. I got these tears from you two. You see, when the water took you away inside itself, that was when you realised your true feelings about the ocean, which gives rise to the tears. The tears are stored away in a box such as this, someplace inside yourself, and they come out of your soul when they are finally needed. I received yours by magically taking them out of you while you were unconscious. Tears of the sea are wonderfully good out of the soul, but might cause strange emotions if you keep them inside your body for too long. They are odd things, tears of the sea. Open the box and see them. They are beautiful."

        Listillo carefully opened the box. Inside were liquid crystals, each carefully formed as if cut like a gemstone would be cut. However, they were never cut. They were naturally shimmering and cut like that, and they were liquid-like, yet solid, almost. They were solid enough to stay in the same shape, but still like liquid.

        "They are beautiful," La_Estrella_de_Sol whispered in awe. "Extremely. Thank you, Lijalana."

        The two pets bowed and said goodbye, Lijalana kissing both on the forehead, and then they set off, back to the Haunted Woods.

        "Wait!" cried the Water Faerie, waving her hands a little. "I can make you a portal to Krent's cabin. It will be much easier for you."

        Her hand left a trace of gentle blue smoke, which instantly cleared and showed Krent's cabin.

        The pets thanked Lijalana and climbed through the portal.

        Krent was there, making some tea. He turned and saw the pets and welcomed them heartily.

        "I feeleth mine own independence," he crowed happily, then set a cup of tea in front of each of them. "I do not hath to follow Jilmarah. I am mine own man, and I shalt do what I hath always wished to do. I shalt heal each pet of hurts, and I shall move to a new place. I shalt go to Neopia Central, where some can see me. I wanteth to go. Not many shalt know me, and I may be invisible, but I shalt be living there, mayhap with a pet or two of mine own."

        Then, Listillo presented the old man with the tears of the sea, and Krent was extremely happy with them.

        "Now, my dear pets," said Krent, face becoming serious, "There arest many evil things that lurketh around. The time hath cometh for me to show thou the way to avoideth evil."

        Krent sat.

        "All right," said the Aisha.

        "Avoideth the darkness that doth not feeleth safe and friendly. Some dark is good. Other dark is bad. Avoideth the bad kind, thou must. Light is good. Avoideth the creatures that are evil, being the Pant Devil and Lava Ghoul and such. Never approach them at will. There arest many things I must telleth thee."

        He went on, warning the pets of the evils of Neopia, and the pets patiently listened and memorised the information. They were a little puzzled about why Krent would do this, but accepted the warning with gratefulness.

        When he was finished, he created a portal for the pets to go through, and they found themselves at their NeoHome, right where Jilmarah had appeared to them.

        They walked inside together and saw their owner cooking dinner. Their owner had tears in her eyes.

        "We're back," said La_Estrella_de_Sol, running eagerly up to her owner and nuzzling her leg while Listillo did the same.

        "You weren't out for very long," said the owner, looking down at the pets.

        "We were out for very long," said Listillo, confused.

        "More than a week, at least," La_Estrella_de_Sol said. "That's why we thought you were crying, because we had been gone so long."

        "No," smiled the owner. "You were only out a few minutes. I was only crying because I'm preparing two open top onion sandwiches for dinner."

The End

Previous Episodes

The Tears of the Sea: Part One

The Tears of the Sea: Part Two

The Tears of the Sea: Part Three

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