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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 44 > Articles > Mystery Island Training School

Mystery Island Training School

by everhidden

MYSTERY ISLAND - Have any of us ever taken the time to see what really goes on in there? I'm sure most of us just get a codestone, drop off our pet, and then a couple hours later we come pick it up, with it now a little stronger.

But really, DO you know what goes on in there? I began to wonder. A few days ago, I had some extra income I earned from my shop, so I decided to bring my pet to the training school to get stronger. Before I left him there though, I decided to take a look at the training video. What I saw there...was appalling! Sure, all you may see is the Techo Master doing some fancy stunts, but look at that poor kacheek in the background! It can't even stand up, not to mention it doesn't too happy either. What if that was my pet? Am I really cruel enough to force my poor cybunny to go to a place where it can get beat up and hurt? There are other ways, I thought to myself, even if they may take longer and be a bit more expensive.

Not being too hasty, I went to go talk with the Techo Master. I walked in, expecting to hear exactly what went on in that training school, but unfortunately, my attempt was unsuccessful.

The Great Master glared at me and squinted, and then said to me, "Wax on. Wax off." I stood there blinking, wondering why he said that too me. Grunting, the master then waved me away and I was forced to go.

I was still determined enough to try and find out what went on in there, though. Later, when I picked up my pet, I decided to question him.

"So, Vallin, how did training go today?"

"Great, I learned how to defend myself against other pets!"

"That's good. Say, *cough*haveyouevergottenhurtwhiletrainingbefore*cough*?"


"I said, uh, have you ever gotten hurt while training before?"

"Well, I did get a couple bruises and scratches before, but it's nothing big. Besides, if you do get hurt, then they give you some healing potions to make you feel better! It's really great, and although they are strict, they teach me the coolest things!"

Upon hearing this, I sighed with relief. Apparently, not only is my pet safe there, but it's also a fun activity that will help him in his life. Now if any mean Grarrl try to boss 'em around he can show him some of his new nifty Neo-fu techniques. ;D

Now, I take my pet to the training school happily, no longer doubting if he'll be okay or not. Although, I have yet to go talk to the Techo Master again. Some things, I will admit, are better off just being left alone.

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