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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 42 > Continuing Series > The Zafara Assassin: Part Two

The Zafara Assassin: Part Two

by meratocat

I slowly turned to face the creature that had caught me and there stood a young yellow Zafara who had a helmet and a green vest on. "I asked who are you?" he said to me, and by his look I could tell that he was inexperienced, and would be easy to trick. All I had to do was to come up with a lie that sounded reasonable.

I walked up to him holding both of my hands in front of me, "I just got separated from my fellow workers, and when I was trying to find them I got lost. Now I can't find the kitchens so I can't help prepare the food. It is only my first week working here, and I am not yet used to this castle. Do you think that maybe you could lead me to the kitchens? " I lied to him looking as innocent as I could.

He smiled at me and said, "I will help you find your way back to the kitchens. I had trouble finding my way around here my first few days. By the way my name is Corinth, what is yours?"

"I am Skitrey," I quickly said to hide my identity. "And this is Dorono," I said pointing to Tarnox.

"Follow me Skitrey, I will take you to the kitchens." Corinth, having fell for my lie, took Tarnox and me right to the kitchens. I felt like laughing aloud, because of the fact of how dumb Corinth was, but I kept my wits around me and kept quiet. When we got o the kitchens Corinth bid us farewell. "Goodbye Skitrey, goodbye Dorono. May we meet again." And he walked off leaving Tarnox and me to finish our job.

"Dorono, Skitrey, what kind of names are those Zerral Charmain?" Tarnox said to me chuckling. "Maybe next time you could think up some better names."

"They are names that I had to come up with in a moment's notice Dorono."

"Hey! Don't you start calling me that Zarrel," Tarnox said grinning. "If you start that I will start calling you Skitrey."

"Okay Tarnox as soon as we get out of this castle we will never use those names again."


"But Tarnox, as long as we are in this castle we will use those names okay."

"Okay." And we walked into the doors that lead to the kitchens; both of us were ready to do our job.

Inside many workers were running around preparing food and getting plates ready. While they were doing that I had to find the plate that would be served to prince Pailoth, that was the only plate that I could put the poison on, and I had to be right for I had only enough poison left for one plate. I walked around looking for the plate that was Prince

Pailoth's, and just when I thought that I never would find the right plate I saw the plate that would be his. Luckily for me a plate was laid out with a nametag on it that said: Reserved for Prince Pailoth. This was going to be easy.

I put on my gloves, and then I reached into my bag and pulled out the vile. I put the gloves on, because I didn't want to risk getting any of that deadly poison on my hands. I then loosened the top, and I poured half of what was left on Pailoth's food, the other half into his drink. I put the empty vile back into my pack, and had just put my gloves away when I heard someone coming. I had to get going.

I slunk off into the bathroom to change my disguise once more. I took off the working maiden outfit and I started to dress as a noble. I put on a long flowing red dress and I washed the dirt off of me and straitened up my hair. I put on a necklace and I put a bracelet on my left wrist. I even tried to make Tarnox look nobler. I put a petite, lightweight cape on him that fit over his wings, and then I walked out with him on my shoulder.

The feast was about ready to begin so I went over and I got a seat at a big long table in the main dining hall. Soon, after all the guests had arrived trumpets blared to announce that the king was entering. He walked in a tall, proud Kougra. His daughter, the Usul princess, was on his left wearing a blue gown. His son, the Shoyru Prince Pailoth, on his right side. The princess and the prince helped their father into his seat, and then they too sat down.

The food was then served. Many workers filed out of the kitchen putting plates filled with food in front of all the hungry guests and to the royals. I smiled to myself when prince Pailoth picked up his glass and toasted "To my father, the kings, good health." Then he drank the poison never to know that it would be his last drink in this world. The other guests lifted their glasses and drank to that, and then the feasting began.

I slowly ate, keeping my eyes on Pailoth as he scoffed his food down. Soon the poison would take its affect, and then I could leave. I was holding some food up for Tarnox to eat when someone cried, "What is wrong with the prince? Is he choking?" I looked up, the poison was working, and soon Pailoth would collapse.

The princess Laiondite was at his side asking what was wrong when Pailoth collapsed to the floor. Laiondite bent down to assist him back up then she let out a bloodcurdling scream. "The prince is dead! My brother, the prince is dead!" every one gasped and panic went out about the guests.

That was my queue, as every one jumped out of their seats and flocked over to Laiondite, I got up and made my way towards the exit. I ran up to the exit, and two guards blocked my path. "Prince Pailoth is dead!" I yelled to try to get the guards out of my way, but they didn't even budge.

"So we've heard," one of them said to me, "Kings orders that no one comes in or goes out until we get to the bottom of this."

I was stuck, and if I could not talk my way out I would have to fight my way out. I pulled out my dagger and said, "Let me pass, or prepare to fight."

"Your just a maiden. You can't put up much of a fight, so don't even try," the guard said making me extremely angry.

I swung my blade at him making him jump back, a shallow gash on his left arm, "Let me by or be destroyed!" I said fire blazing in my eyes.

The two guards each pulled out a sword and stood in a battle stance. "You can still just back down, and we will just forget that this ever happened maiden."

"I don't back down to any one!" I jumped forward swinging my blade and then defending myself from both of them at the same time. Tarnox was off my shoulder and he was in the air diving at the two guards attacking with his beak and talons. I swung my blade forwards at the one guard, and then I swung it backwards defending my back from the other. I was fighting with all my strength, and skill, but even so I was being pushed back, for it was hard to fight in a dress. I swung my blade wildly at the two of them making them back off, and in that split second I ran past both of them Tarnox close in the air behind me.

Some guards on the roof fired a number of arrows at me, nearly all of which I dodged effortlessly, but one made me jump to the side, and it almost hit my right ear. As I ran I threw off the dress I had on, and stuffed it in my bag to make running easier, and Tarnox wiggled out of the cape that he had on. Soon I was out of range of the arrows, but I still kept on running, for it was not smart to stop until I made it back to the security of the forest.

When I reached the forests outskirts I turned around to see a group of creatures coming after me. "We will head into the forest until we find adequate protection. Then we will wait until our pursuers loose us or give up, and then we will head for Teralk's fortress," I said to Tarnox as I continued to run.

"Okay, you lead the way" he said, so I held out my arm for him to land on, and I continued into the pitch-black forest.

Being used to running in the dark I ran past tree and rock getting farther and farther away from the orange glow of my pursuers torches as they searched the dark for me. I ran until I found the perfect place to wait out my pursuers. Two boulders had collapsed on each other creating a small cave. The cave was open at both ends, so that if one end was discovered I still had another end to escape through. I crawled inside, and although it had a musty smell, and wasn't the most comfortable spot to rest, it would do.

I sat in the dark silently with Tarnox dozing on my arm. I could wait without moving until dawn if I had to, and I was not going to give myself away unless I had to. Suddenly from the end I had entered a howl echoed waking Tarnox. "Drat!" I cursed and I jumped up and ran out the other end of the cave. "Tarnox they have tracking Gelerts with them. They will track up if we continue on the ground. We have to go into the trees." And with help from my blade I climbed up into a tree.


Once I was high in the tree I could see my pursuers clearly. There were two tracker Gelerts and about fifteen different creatures after me. I had to go before they got any closer. This time my only advantage was a head start, and I had to hurry for my progress would be slow in the trees. I scampered past branches, and I put my hand in front of my face to protect it from the leaves. Fortunately for me the trees in this area of the forest grew close together, so that most of the time branches from one tree touched branches from the next, so I did not have to worry about jumping.

I heard another howl, and so I looked behind me just in time to see a Usul holding a dagger between his teeth hurry up the tree with a Pteri flying up close behind him. I rushed through the branches trying to get out of sight of the Usul, because one of the last things that I wanted was to fight a Usul blade to blade twenty feet in the air. Even so that ended up being what happened. Having the fact that the Usul is a tree creature no matter how fast I went he caught up to me. As he neared me I knew that I had no chance but to fight so I turned, pulling out my dagger and faced him.

We each swung our daggers at each other, and he used his advantage of being able to jump around the tree to attack me. Even with his advantages I was coming out at the top. I was forcing him to back away from my blade when he tripped over a branch dropping his dagger. I walked up to him helpless, lying on the ground. Even I have morals and it wrong to attack an enemy who does not have a weapon, so I gave him a stern face and I started to walk away. Suddenly from the side the Pteri rammed into me knocking me off the branch. I grabbed the edge of the branch with my hand as I fell. Tarnox flew over and attacked the Pteri, and the two of them fell towards the ground talons locked, snapping at each other with their beaks. I watched them near the ground, but at the last second Tarnox unhooked his talons and flew back into the air, but the Pteri wasn't as fast. After Tarnox let go it tried spreading its wings, but it was too slow and hit the ground with a large thud, and lay still.

Tarnox landed on the branch above me as I grabbed on with my other hand. I got my face up to the branch when I saw behind Tarnox the Usul waking over. He reached into his shirt and pulled out a concealed dagger, and held it in the air to bring down on Tarnox. "No!" I yelled as I swung my arm into Tarnox knocking him to the side as the dagger crashed down into the tree branch. With this motion I slipped almost falling off the branch to my doom. No one could survive a fall from this height so I had to hold on for dear life. The Usul walked over to the area above me. He scowled, and then he stepped on my hand making me draw it to my side. I howled in pain, but I still had one hand left holding me up. The Usul put his foot above my other hand, and he said, "So long… Assassin!" He began to bring his foot down, but before he hit my hand Tarnox rammed into him pushing him off the branch next to me. He held on with one hand as he used the other to swing his dagger at me. He slashed it at me giving me a shallow gash across my belly. I held on with both hands scooting across the branch to try and get out of range of the Usul He swung his blade at me once more, but with that last attack he lost his balance and he fell from the branch leaving me holding on to branch as he fell to his death.

I little by little climbed back up onto the branch and sat next to Tarnox. "Tarnox get a long piece of fabric out from my pack." So Tarnox walked over to my pack and dug around in it, and then he walked back over to me carrying a long strip of dark red fabric in his beak. I took it from him and rapped it around my waist making sure that it covered the gash that I had gotten from the Usul "Let's go Tarnox. We have a long walk in front of us." So I slowly walked through the trees back towards home with Tarnox perched on my shoulder.

I woke up at dawn still up high in the trees. I woke up Tarnox who wasn't too far from me. "I think that we can get down from the trees now Tarnox." And I climbed down the tree, and I stretched once I was on the ground. "Let's hurry Tarnox, for we do not want to keep Teralk waiting."

"You can hardly even tell that you were in a life and death situation last night Zarrel Charmain," Tarnox said snickering at me, "Except that you have a large piece of cloth stretched across your belly."

"Your right Tarnox, I'll have to fix that." So I took the fabric off of my waist revealing a gash that looked worse then it really was. I took my needle and string out, and I sewed up the rip in my tunic, and then I put my cape back on. "Okay Tarnox, now we can go." I got up and started walking towards Teralk's HQ.

As we neared Teralk's HQ Tarnox bent over and whispered into my ear "Zarrel, there is someone following us. At first I wasn't sure, but now I am certain that I hear footsteps behind us."

"Yes I know," I said to Tarnox. "They have been following us since we got out of the tree. I really do not want to have to fight someone again, so I will just let them follow us." Tarnox nodded and we continued with some followers.

I walked up to the gates of Teralk's fortress, and at them the same two Tonu stood guard. "State your name and business!" roared the red one.

" I really am starting to get sick of this. This must be about the fifteenth time I have come her in the past four months. I am Zarrel Charmain, and I come here to see Teralk because I have finished my assignment!" I yelled out.

The blue Tonu stamped his foot in front of mine "Teralk is expecting you. You are permitted to enter. I followed him inside and then he had us follow him all around the fortress trying to confuse me once more to the location of Teralk. Normally I completely ignore the surroundings for I have seen them so often, but this time we went into a room I had never seen before on the wall many shields and swords were hung up. Also there were about fifty different styles of armour and chain mail. I stared in amazement at how large the room was. At the opposite end I was at there even was a group of creatures using a giant stove to create more weapons. The Tonu led me out of the room, and the rest of the way to Teralk's chamber.

I walked inside the chamber and went up to Teralk who was sitting facing his window. "Zarrel Charmain I presume that you have completed your assignment."

"You presume right. Now I shall take my leave." And I started to walk out, but before I got more than three steps Teralk snapped his fingers, and the guards shut the door.

"Not yet Zarrel Charmain. You are not leaving this room until I say," Teralk started. "You have worked for me these past years and not once have you failed. So I tested your abilities on prince Pailoth, and you came out great. Yet I am surprised that you never have asked why I employ you."

"A good assassin does not need to know why they are employed, but just that they have to do their job," I said a little confused at the way Teralk was acting.

"Even so I will tell you why I always have employed you. I have been working on a plan that will get me the kingdom of Laxcorna, and any time anyone got close to discovering what I was planning I sent you out to destroy them. I had you destroy prince Pailoth, because he was young and strong, but his father is old and weak, and without protection from his son. Tonight I will march out to destroy the old king Tantro and then I will rule over this land as king. Join up with me Zarrel Charmain, and we can rule this kingdom side by side."

I looked at Teralk, appalled by his act. "I would never join up with a filthy rat like yourself Teralk," I said right to his face.

"You should not have said that Zerral Charmain. For that I will have you thrown into the dungeons. Guards! Take her away." Slowly the door guards got up and started walking towards me. Tarnox and I were being backed against the wall when Tarnox jumped off my shoulder and flew at the guards flapping his wings in their faces and clawing at them. I jumped back into the middle of the room, and pulled out my dagger to help Tarnox fight off the guards. I was so busy fighting the guards that I didn't see Teralk walk up behind me and lift his sword into the air ready to strike, but Tarnox did. He flew at the Lupe's face slashing with his talons "Kill the Airax!" Teralk yelled "Kill it!" he swatted off Tarnox who flew out the window. As Tarnox turned to come back for another attack one of the guards put an arrow on his bow, and pulled back the string to fire.

"Tarnox, no!!!" I yelled, but it was too late the arrow left the string and hit Tarnox on his unprotected back. Tears streaked down my face as his crumpled body fell from the sky. All the fight was gone from me, so I just sat there looking out the window as the guards walked over to me. They picked me up and carried me off to the dungeon. They tossed me into the cell, and then they walked off locking the door. I stood up, and slowly walked up to the one window. I looked outside, and one more tear slid down my cheek.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Zafara Assassin: Part One

The Zafara Assassin: Part Three

The Zafara Assassin: Part Four

The Zafara Assassin: Part Five

The Zafara Assassin: Part Six

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