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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 32 > Short Stories > Barik Von Lupe and The Stolen Jewels

Barik Von Lupe and The Stolen Jewels

by shaz777

I was called upon an interesting case not so long ago. A rich Uni called Isabella was robbed of all her valuable jewels. She had come back from the Mystery Island Fruit Festival of Gadgadsbogen to find all her jewels stolen. The jewels were in a safe, which only Isabella knew the combination to. But on that day the safe door was open, nothing was inside of it and no prints were found.

The suspects are: Sylvester the Mynci, Lady Blumaroo, Lord Simon the Scorchio and Elizabeth Gelert. Only Elizabeth Gelert went to the Fruit Festival with Isabella, so it is highly unlikely that she committed the crime, unless she had an alibi of course. Also, at that time Sylvester had visited his uncle. Lady Blumaroo was at the salon getting a manicure and since Lord Simon was allergic to fruits, he decided to go test his skills in the Battledome.

I went to all the suspects and talked to them one by one. First Sylvester. He was in a puzzle on who would do such a thing, but had lost his Neopian Aeroplane tickets as proof that he'd visited his uncle.

"Since it was only for a day I took only two pairs of clothes in my bag," he said.

Next up, Lady Blumaroo. But Lady Blumaroo could not see me as she'd caught the Neopox.

Lord Simon told me it was a peculiar case and that he was in the Battledome that day.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink?" he said.

"Yes, thank you. An apple would be nice," I replied back.

"Sorry my good fellow. I have no fruits here, since I'm allergic to them."

Lastly, I visited Elizabeth Gelert. Elizabeth told me Isabella was in quite a state and that she was with her the whole time in Mystery Island.

Now that I'd received all my information I called all the suspects and Isabella to her mansion. Isabella was weeping, but I told her not to worry because I knew who the culprit was. She and everyone else gasped.

"Who is it?" she said.

"The NeoPet who has stolen all of Isabella's jewels is none other than… Lord Simon the Scorchio!"

At that moment Lord Simon was about to run, when my friends the Chia Police came in and caught him.

"Lord Simon, stay, I'm sure everyone would like to hear how you nearly managed to get away with it. So I shall reveal all. You see I found out that Lord Simon indeed used to be a billionaire. But then his share in the Stock Market crashed and he lost everything he had. Simon was lucky however since he still had his NeoHome and told no one that he was broke. And right next door, Isabella had just moved in. This was his chance. He told Isabella that he too was a Neobillionaire and the two became 'friends'. He soon found out that Isabella had a safe with all her valuables. So one day he gave Isabella three cups of Tigersquash and made it look like he was drinking it too (though it was really water he drank). She revealed her safe combination without knowing it. Simon was lucky again since he was allergic to fruits and the Fruit Festival had come. He told Isabella he was going to the Battledome since he was allergic. So Isabella went with Elizabeth. And no one was in Isabella's house. But I found out that Lord Simon never went to the Battledome that day since his name was not in the Records. So Lord Simon crept into Isabella's house through an open window. He then made his way to Isabella's safe. He was wearing special gloves and opened the safe using the combination he had found out. He then crept back out, hid the jewels in his house and took a stroll in the park. By the time he came back Isabella was weeping and Elizabeth explained to Simon what had happened.

So there ends the mystery of Isabella's stolen jewels. Take Simon away my friends, he shall not be coming back here for a long time," I said.

And with that the Chia Police took Lord Simon away.

"Thank you very, very much," Isabella told me. "But please can you tell me one thing?"

"Certainly. What is it that you would like to know?" I said.

"How did you know that Lord Simon gave me the three cups of Tigersquash?" she said.

"It was quite simple really. You see through the powers of deduction, I found out that you enjoy foods and drink from Mystery Island. Which is why you went to the Fruit Festival. Am I correct?"

"Yes, you are quite right."

"And so, I found out that Tigersquash is a very strong Mystery Island drink. And that whoever should drink three or more cups of it is liable to give out certain information."

"Mr. Barik Von Lupe. You are the smartest detective there is in Neopia!"

"Yes, you are quite right."

The End

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