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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 27 > Articles > The Importance of Reject Toys

The Importance of Reject Toys

by plur_boy_derek

Have you ever bought a Rainbow Reject Cybunny Plushie in a rush at the toy shop and then gotten excited because you, out of millions of people playing NeoPets, got a rainbow plushie? Did you hurry to the Shop Wizard and look up how much it's being sold for, expecting the lowest price to be around 4,000 NP? Well, if you have and did, then you probably know that a Rainbow Reject Cybunny Plushie ranges from about 400 NP-1,000 NP on the Shop Wizard, when just a normal Rainbow Cybunny Plushie costs about 2,000 NP-5,000 NP on the Shop Wizard. Well, here's why:

Of course they're not normal, they're rejects. Well, if they're not normal, that doesn't necessarily mean they're bad. In fact, it's rather the opposite--they're unique.

Most people believe that reject toys are worthless, simply because they're deformed and strange. Why would anyone want a rejected, or rather unwanted, toy? I mean, the toy companies didn't just reject them for no reason. They made a few mistakes. Well, how can YOU benefit from these mistakes? Why are these reject toys so special?

Here's why:

Reject toys are unique, reflecting very rare mistakes made by the producers of the toy companies. Well, if these mistakes don't happen very often, then neither do the results, meaning that any and every reject toy is a rare, priceless and unique artifact. Anything that special should be held on to, and if not, sold for WAY much more than the original!

b) They're not very abundant AT ALL. As mentioned earlier, these mistakes don't happen very often, making reject toys very rare. In fact, the companies might even learn from their mistakes soon, and the production of reject toys will most likely stop, making them even MORE rare and valuable!

Now let's take into consideration a very popular trading card from a very popular trading card game. Let's say it's an extremely rare, holo-foil version of the most popular card of all... but what if it's title were to be misspelled, right on the card? Would it's value go down? Of course not! It would be a "misprint" card, making it's value nearly double the original! Well, reject toys are the exact same thing--they're the "misprints" of all Neopian toys and games, making them MORE valuable than the original versions!

Reject toys are worth much more than people believe they are, so go out and get all those funny-looking, deformed, misshapen, and erratically sewn toys! You won't regret it, and remember, reject means unique, unique means rare, and rare means valuable! Good luck!

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