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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 24th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 27 > Continuing Series > Elemental Distortions III: Part Eight

Elemental Distortions III: Part Eight

by selphie_tilmitt

Dynamite Rave (cont'd)
"All right, I'm gonna do this!" shouted Kargupi, clenching a fist in the air. He looked over at Ghwely, who nodded in encouragement.

"Okay then!" he yelled, closing his eyes.

Murikaze had begun to get used to manoeuvring in the air, under levitation. He swooped back, to catch a quick breath. The breath was lost in a sudden gasp as a beam of green light hit his hands.

"Whooah," he grinned happily, looking down at the large battle axe that had formed. It glistened with green crystal in the moonlight, and bore the insignia of the Earth Dragon on the handle. "Good weapon choice," he murmured to himself as he began to rush forward, axe poised in his hands.

"I DID IT!!" shouted Kargupi triumphantly. Ghewly grinned at his enthusiasm, and began to concentrate on his own.

He began to mutter a few incoherent Latin words, and raised a hand to the moonlight.

As Murikaze sped forward, he smirked when he noticed the armour form on his body. He felt the shoulder guards form in place, as well as arm, ankle, and a tail gauntlet. The final touch was his breastplate. All of his armour glowed a soft green, and crest of the Earth Dragon shone brightly in the moonlight.

"Okay. What do I do again," sighed Hokurii, trying desperately to recall what the Water Dragon had told her. "Oh!" she yelled, throwing her arms up in defeat. "I'm useless!" she cried. She sighed as she saw all the Dragon Knights already wearing their armour, and toting their weapons. "I should have known I couldn't do this!" she cried, slumping over.

"You can do it," said the voice of Sholady, who appeared beside her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Just remember that you're a Dragon Sage like the rest of us." And she waved a hand to encompass the group. "And you can do just about anything!" she laughed, winking at Hokurii.

"I can," sighed Hokurii, smiling at her friend, then turning to face the fierce battle. "I CAN!" she yelled, clenching both her fists, and throwing her head forward.

"EEYAAH!" yelled Ethine in surprise as the two bolts of blue light hit her. She gawked as the form of a light blue boomerang materialised quickly in her hoof. She blinked again as the light blue shoulder guards appeared, as well as a breastplate, face guard, hoof gauntlets, and tail gauntlet. The final touch was the crest of the Water Dragon, which quickly materialised on all the armour, and boomerang.

"Perfect," smiled Ethine to herself, as she turned to catch a quick look at her sage.

Hokurii merely smiled, and waved sheepishly at her accomplishment.

Viator glanced around at her fellow dragon knights, and realised they all wore their armour and held their legendary weapons. She heard a great cheer arise from the circle of Sages around them.

"All right then." She smiled to herself, as she stopped to hover in mid air. She glanced around at the other knights, who stopped around her. They shared a quick look, and turned to face NeroFautica, who's face was contorted in rage.

"LET'S GO!" she yelled, speeding forward in the air. She heard Dethonis and Murikaze cheer behind her as they started forward. Ethine screeched another war cry, and followed their example.

Nero frowned to himself. He knew that they were still weaker then him, even with the armour, and he was never going to give up until he restored his master.

"No contest," he sneered to himself, pointing at the knights coming towards him. He quickly drew his sword, and braced himself.

"TaaAAAH!" yelled Viator, as she rushed forward, thrusting her lance at Nero. He grimaced as it slashed his arm before it clanked against his broadsword. Viator smiled at her progress, and drew her lance back, spinning it, and thrusting it on his other side. Nero spotted the move, and ducked quickly to the side. As he leaned over, he stabbed forward with his blade, and it clanked against Viator's breastplate.

She winced as she heard the metals connect, sending a bright spark into the air from the impact. She flew back a foot, and pitched a fireball at the Scorchio. He scowled, and slashed his sword at it, reducing it to nothing. He narrowed his eyes, and pointed the sword at the fire Shoyru.

"DEMIAS' BLADE!" he yelled loudly. The sword glowed in a strange shadow, and in less then a second, a second shadow sword appeared behind Viator. She began to turn to see it as Nero slashed down with his blade, causing the other to slash down against her.

"No!" she cried, spiraling downwards at the impact. She fell quickly past the other knights, and out of the ring before she disappeared in the night sky's depths.

As Viator flew back, Ethine let out a piercing yell, as she rushed forward to take on the darkness knight.

"Ayah!" yelled the Peophin, quickly flinging the boomerang at the Scorchio. He merely tilted his head as it flew past. Ethine took advantage of his distraction and launched into a spell.

"FREEZE!" she pulled back both hooves, in the fashion of Viator's Flare Arrow attack. "ARROW!" and with that cry, she sent forth three icy fangs at the Scorchio. He raised a quick hand, and punched each one, shattering them to dust.

"Hmm…" sneered Nero, lunging at her right side. She cried out as she dodged to the left, not realising from his grin that his blade was already there.

Ethine shrieked again, and flew back, out of the ring. But what Nero had failed to notice, was the boomerang that came sailing back, knocking into his back, and lurching him forward as it sent a bolt of ice around him.

"NO!" he shouted, squirming in the large ice block that had formed around his arms and sword.

Dethonis winced quickly as he watched the second Dragon Knight fly out of the fighting circle. He couldn't help but grin as he saw the boomerang hit Nero, and flapped his wings energetically as he started forward to pick up where Ethine had left off. "NOO!" yelled Nero again, grimacing as he struggled to break free. With a great cry, the ice around his arms shattered, only in time to avoid one of Dethonis' well aimed arrows.

Dethonis grinned again, and formed another ball of light between the bow's strings. He dodged a sudden burst of black lightning from Nero, and shot the arrow forward. He smiled again, as he saw the arrow hit it's mark. The Scorchio gripped his left arm, and glared up at the Air Knight.

"Demias' flare," murmured Nero to himself, wincing at his arm. He turned to watch his spell hit the surprised Eyrie. Dethonis donned a look of shock as a large black ball of plasma hit his wings.

"AUGH!" yelled the Air knight, falling downwards. He closed his eyes in pain at his injured wings, and began to spiral in much the fashion Viator had.

"Did Dethonis just fly out?" asked Sholady nervously. She had tightly gripped Saria's arm, and the brown Shoyru appeared to be attempting to ignore the blood deprivation in her left arm.

"I think he fell out," sighed Saria.

"You can't even see them," murmured an astonished Kargupi. He strained his eyes in the moonlight to watch the darting battle, and turned to look at Ghwely.

Ghwely was staring intently at the battle, obviously keeping close track of it, as his eyes were moving at an incredible speed.

"Murikaze's the only one left," muttered Ghwely to Kargupi. The Shadowed Shoyru blinked twice as the information sank in.

"MY TURN!" growled Murikaze, as he loomed forward, and raised his axe in his hands.

"My pleasure," sneered Nero, releasing his arm, and gripping his sword with both hands.

Again there was a heavy clank of metal on metal, as the two weapons met. Both Knights stared fiercely at the other, as they attempted to push their weapons forward.

"Heh," smirked Murikaze, as he thrust his axe downward at the Scorchio, hearing it clank loudly against the shoulder pads.

"No," muttered Nero, as he raised his sword up, to meet Murikaze's third blow. This time, as the weapons clanked together, a loud explosion erupted between the two, sending both owners skidding back in the air.

Again Murikaze rushed forward, swinging his axe down at Nero again. They clanked for a third time, again they held them in a contest of strength. But to Murikaze's great surprise, Nero pulled his weapon away in a quick second, leaving the axe hanging uselessly in the air. Before the Grarrl could swipe his weapon around, Nero had already lunged at him with his sword.

It cracked heavily against the breastplate, hard enough to send the Grarrl soaring out of the ring, and towards the moonlit sky.

Nero smirked quickly, as he looked around him.

"I guess that's that!" He grinned, holding his sword up in triumph. "No Contest!" he roared.

"NO!" cried Sholady, her eyes welling up with tears.

"This can't be happening!" screamed Saria, frantically looking at the other sages.

"Should we… do something?" muttered Wing. Flarizar merely frowned up at the laughing skunk Scorchio.

The Real Folk Blues
Viator continued to spiral downwards from the ring. She closed her eyes and frowned in pain, waiting to hit the ground.

A few seconds later, she felt the back of her body forcefully slam against the hard, dry ground of a plateau. She gasped at the impact as she bounced up, and landed again. Her armour made a loud clank as it hit, the visor cracking loudly. Her lance landed some distance away.

"Failed again…" was all that ran through her mind as she lay on the ground, eyes wide open, never blinking, staring up at the sky.

"Failed…" her mind repeated over and over. A small tear came to her eye, and traveled down the side of her cheek, past the cracked visor.

"Did you realise you've been lying here for ten minutes?" Came a familiar voice from beside her.

Viator didn't bother to blink, or make any attempt to move to look over at the desert Shoyru beside her.

"Giving up so soon?" asked Mythril_Javelin, tilting his head as he peeked over to look into Viator's eyes.

"Go… away!" was all Viator could muster.

"Do you know who sent you that dream Viator?" Asked Mythril, blinking his flashing purple eyes at her.

"I had figured…it was god," whispered Viator, managing a smile at her joke.

"I'll be sure to mention that to my superiors," grinned Mythril. "You know why I did that right?"

"To annoy me," sputtered Viator.

"Close," smiled Mythril again, his purple eyes flashing. "Comfy? This shouldn't take long."

"F… funny," sighed Viator.

"Viator, there's nothing more in the world we Mazoku want then what that Darkness Dragon Knight can cause with his master... utter chaos," he began, blinking at Viator's unblinking stare.

"So, why are you here?" asked Viator, wincing from a sudden side pain.

"A little of my own reasons," said Mythril, smiling at Viator as his eyes flashed again. "But mainly because, as I told you last time, we mazoku don't want the Darkness Dragon coming back. That war was half started for a reason."

"How dare you," grimaced Viator, as she saw a flood of memories form in Mythril's eyes.

He continued to stare at her, as if releasing a torrent of centuries of pain into her unblinking gaze. He frowned at her, and continued to think about the war, and the times before it.

Viator closed her eyes, feeling tears warm the side of her cheeks. "I hate you Mythril!" she yelled. "I DESPISE YOU!" she cried.

Mythril merely stared at her, his eyes beginning to dull over, the memories fading, but his frown remaining.

Viator watched him forget, opening her eyes to see him suppress the memories of thousands of taken lives. She closed her eyes again, and ignoring the pain in her body, sat upwards, grabbing the Desert Shoyru's arms.

"I hate you!" she continued to sob loudly, shaking the mazoku violently.

Mythril merely regarded her with a vacant stare from his purple eyes, and began to rise to his feet, Viator slowly following.

He quickly opened his hand, and the Dragon Lance flew into it, guided by some unknown magic. He flapped his wings a few times, and rose into the air, Viator still clinging to his shoulders.

As the two rose together, Viator blinked away her tears, and frowned at the Demon.

"Why… why?" was all she could mutter.

"It's a secret," Mythril said, fading away in the darkness of the night, leaving only Viator in the air, holding her lance.

Checking the air around her once again, quickly, Viator felt a small smile form, despite her pain. She bowed her head, and began to think about the past Fire Dragon Knight.

After a second, she nodded her head to herself, and shot into the air. She narrowed her eyes and focused on the nearing fighting ring above her. She smiled again, as she realised that the sages had not given up hope, evident to the fact that they were still formed in the circle around Nero.

"Go" was all she whispered to herself as she bolted upwards.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Elemental Distortions III: Part One

Elemental Distortions III: Part Two

Elemental Distortions III: Part Three

Elemental Distortions III: Part Four

Elemental Distortions III: Part Five

Elemental Distortions III: Part Six

Elemental Distortions III: Part Seven

Elemental Distortions III: Part Nine

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