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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 24 > Short Stories > Oputuk and Cumulo: PetPet Puddle Problems

Oputuk and Cumulo: PetPet Puddle Problems

by blueberry13579

"Why can't I be painted?!" Cumulo yelled, jumping up and down in front of Oputuk.

Oputuk and the rest of his family were on their way home from the PetPet Puddle. "You can't be painted because NeoPets didn't release any new colours for Triffins," Oputuk said, trying to look around the hyper Triffin so he could see where he was going.

"But I wanna be painted!!" Cumulo yelled grabbing Oputuk by the nose and knocking them over.

"Like I said Cumulo," Oputuk said, jumping slightly at the sight of three huge eyes on top of him, "I can't paint you yet!"

Oputuk stood up and tried to shake Cumulo off of him. No luck.

"Listen Cumulo," Blueberry came up behind the upset Cloud Chomby and insane Triffin, "We'll have you painted as soon as your able to be painted," she pulled vigorously at Cumulo, trying to pry him from Oputuk's nose.

"But I wanna be painted now!" Cumulo whined, letting go of Oputuk's nose and turning to Blueberry, "Pineca and Leopold get to be painted, it's not fair!" Cumulo crossed his arms and Blueberry rolled her eyes, dropping the annoying Triffin in the mud.

"There you go Cumulo, you've been painted--Brown," Blueberry laughed, walking away from a coughing and sputtering Cumulo.

"You shouldn't annoy Mum Cumulo, it just gets you into trouble," Oputuik, the Brown Chomby and newest edition to their family said as he walked by. Leopold, his Christmas Doglefox, who was sitting atop Oputuik's back, snickered and stuck his tongue out at Cumulo.

"Be quiet you ignorant excuse for a Christmas Tree!" Cumulo yelled.

Leopold turned around and gave Cumulo a terrible look.

"Why is being painted such a big deal to you?" Oputuk said, picking Cumulo up out of the mud and setting him on dry ground. "I feel like a reject! Everyone else is a different colour then they originally were and I'm just plain old blue," Cumulo sighed heavily. Then he was attacked by a flash of white. Pineca the White Anubis was sitting on Cumulo's muddy stomach, panting playfully and wagging her tail.

"Well I don't think Pineca minds that your blue," Oputuk laughed.

"She doesn't care what colour he is, just as long as he keeps his fur!" Natt the Faerie Gelert said, coming up behind them.

Pineca was now comfortably curled up on Cumulo, ready for a nap. "Get off me you flea bag!" Cumulo yelled, sitting up and sending Pineca sailing through the air. Oputuk grabbed the flying Anubis with his tail and set her on the ground. She growled angrily at Cumulo's back as he stomped feverishly towards home.

"I think I better keep up with him," Oputuk said, looking at Cumulo's muddy fur, "That mud is bound to harden before he get home!" Natt laughed as Oputuk ran after Cumulo.

"I like you like this Cumulo, you can't say anything," Oputuk said, looking over his shoulder at Cumulo's stiff body. As Oputuk had predicted, the mud had hardened, leaving Cumulo unable to move. Cumulo mumbled angrily and blinked his three eyes.

"Yeah I know you love me!" Oputuk laughed. Cumulo mumbled again but Oputuk ignored him. "Just hold on, we're almost home."

Oputuk wiggled slightly and Cumulo slid down his tail. He turned around and picked up the solid Mud-Triffin in his mouth. "You're lucky I don't mind eating dirt," Oputuk mumbled.


"You know this is your own fault Cumulo," Blueberry said, pouring a bucket of water over Cumulo's now mud-free fur.

"Well excuse me!" Cumulo said, "But did I drop myself into that mud puddle?"

Blueberry ignored him, pouring another bucket of soapy water over his head.

"Listen Cumulo, colour isn't everything you know. Color is only an outside view, it's what's--No Cumulo, don't eat the soap!!" Blueberry yelled, grabbing the bar of green soap from his mouth.

"I thought it tasted funny," Cumulo said, bubbles covering his mouth, "What were you saying?" He looked up her, the suds making him look like a insane Triffin.

She laughed, "Look, I was just saying that it doesn't matter what colour you are, it's what's inside that counts." She lifted the soaked Triffin out of the bath tub and placed him in a towel.

"So your saying that people care about what my internal organs look like, more-so then what my fur looks like?" he asked.

Blueberry rolled her eyes and blasted Cumulo with a shot of hot air from the blow dryer, causing him to turn into a ball of blue fuzz.

"Hey! You know I fuzz up when you use the blow dryer!" Cumulo yelled at Blueberry.

"Yeah, well that blast of heat may have unfrozen your brain so you may be able to think now," Blueberry laughed and tossed Cumulo out into the yard.

"How can I think when I can barely walk?" Cumulo said, attempting to find his feet in the mass of fuzz.

Over the next few week all the family heard was Cumulo complain about how much he wanted to be painted. There was just no getting through to the Stubborn Triffin. "For once Oputuk, I think your being more mature then Cumulo is. I think Neopia is going insane," Blueberry said from the kitchen. Cumulo was in the living room, and you guessed it, he was whining.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take!" Oputuik's muffled voice sounded from under a pillow.

Cumulo was sitting on top of the Boom Box, yelling and complaining. That's when Natt got up and stomped angrily up to Cumulo. She stared at him for a moment, then she flipped him on his head, put his legs in an awkward position and then looked at the Boom Box. She smiled and turned around, everyone looked at her strangely.

She shrugged. "Bad reception," she said, returning to her seat.

"Yeah so don't move Cumulo, or Neopia is gonna explode," Oputuik said, smiling broadly.

Leopold laughed his hissy sort of laugh, happy that Cumulo was going through this sort of torture.

"Why is Cumulo upside down on the Boom Box, and why has he shut up?" Oputuk said, walking into the living room.

"We told him that if he moved Neopia would explode," Natt smiled from her seat on the sofa.

"You can't do that," Oputuk said, "Cumulo, get off the Boom Box."

"I can't, Neopia will explode," Cumulo said, barely moving his lips.

"No it won't!" Oputuk yelled, stomping over to the stiff Triffin and yanking him off the Boom Box.

"See, nothing happened!" He turned his pet the right way up and set him on the ground.

Cumulo looked at him strangely. "I wanna be painted!" he droned loudly.

Oputuik and Natt groaned, "We had him shut up Oputuk! Look what you did!" Natt yelled, slapping her forehead in dismay.


It had been another week since Pineca had been painted and Cumulo had been complaining. The family was sitting at the kitchen table, not knowing how much more of this they could take. They all sat there, staring blankly, silent as a Babaa.

"Hey," Oputuik said, "Is that what I think it is?" "Yeah I think it is!"

Oputuk smiled broadly. "It's silence! Cumulo's finally shut up!" He pumped his huge foot in the air.

"Yes, I have shut up," Cumulo said, walking daintily into the kitchen, "And I have come to the conclusion that I will wait to be painted."

"Well, that's a relief!" Blueberry said. "So my speech finally got through your thick skull."

"No," Cumulo said, "I started to remember how much pain I went through on Mystery Island when my fur turned purple," he shivered once.

"This is great," Oputuk said, "When they finally do come out with new colours for Triffins, I won't have to buy him a paint brush."

"Oh-no, your not getting off that easy!" Cumulo said, jumping into Oputuk's lap, "I'm going to be painted, just not purple."

He gave Oputuk a big kiss on the nose and leapt off him. Oputuk rolled his eyes and the rest of the family laughed.


Well that's the story of the two weeks of whining that I put up with until that stupid Triffin realised what was going on. Well, at least he realised it, now I'm terrified of what's going to happen when NeoPets does come out with colours for Triffins! *shivers* I think I'm going to be spending a lot of time in different shops.

The End

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