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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 23 > Articles > Running Your Shop Like an Elephante

Running Your Shop Like an Elephante

by rainbow_star_baby

In week 22 of The Neopian Times I was challenged by bluegameboyhippo to write an article about my view of running a shop in Neopia. Here I will show you the basic way to run your shop smoothly and effectively, and why running a shop isn't everything.

Running a shop should not be your main source of income, because the Neopian economy is always fluctuating. Say you invest in codestones, dubloons, faeries, desert food, gross food, and a sudden deflation occurs. You will not be able to get your money's worth back on your investment, and all your efforts were in vain. But say you spend just half an hour a day playing games, you will have the money from playing the games, plus some extra money if you sell off unwanted items. This game playing is a lot quicker and easier than buying and pricing all the items in your shop, and your are basically guaranteed at least 2,000np every day if you play the games right.

Everyone collects items every day. By the time you've gone to Coltzan's Shrine, Tombola, the Giant Omelette and the Wheel of Excitement (just to name a few) you will have certainly collected a few items. These you can sell in your shop for the going rate, and earn a little extra on top of that games money you already have. Invest that in the stock market (ankharis has written an excellent article on playing the stock market) and watch your money grow.

This non-aggressive strategy to making Neopoints will help everyone. You will benefit because your bank account will be steadily growing but not at the expense of others, and the average Neopian will benefit at the reasonable prices in your shop. Remember, NeoPets isn't all about the NP, it's about taking care of your pets and interacting with people from all over the world.

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