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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 22 > Articles > A Look At Neopian History One: The Brucey B Plot

A Look At Neopian History One: The Brucey B Plot

by ember188

My name is ember188, and I am a Neopian historian. You probably think I'm crazy. AND THAT'S BECAUSE I AM! MUHAHAHAHAHA!

Just kidding. I'm not crazy, just a little bit nerdy, and I have taken an interest in Neopian history. Over the course of this series (or at least, I hope it will be a series. It won't do much good to write another if this one doesn't get published. *crosses fingers*) I will be reviewing historic events and, hopefully, tying up some loose ends. I will start with an event that most of you should remember: the discovery of the Lost Desert and the war that followed.

For those of you who weren't there at the time, I suggest you go to the Lost Desert and look it up. There's a link to it right above the Lost Desert map. For those of you who have, here comes the fun part. This story had some loose threads hanging. For example, where did Brucey B get the coin in the first place, and what is the history of the staff? Well, to answer the latter question, I tried asking some of the Natives of the Lost Desert. Here's what happened.

Me: *walks up to a passing Kacheek* Excuse me sir, could you answer a few questions for me?

Kacheek: Ask away. I'm in no hurry.

Me: Do you happen to know anything about where the staff of Alhasutek came from?

Kacheek: Um... would you look at the time, I have to hurry. Wouldn't want to be late for... um... anything. *walks away quickly*

Me: Okay. *Walks up to a passing Nimmo* Excuse me sir, can you answer a few questions?

Nimmo: I will try.

Me: Do you know anything about the history of the staff of Alhasutek?


Me: Hmm, touchy. *Walks up to a young Elephante* Excuse me, do you know anything about the history of the staff of Alhasutek?

Elephante: Um... yeah... but, it's like... kind of a Lost Desert legend... that we're not supposed to like... talk about... to outsiders because it's like... our special... her secret... or something, like, like that.

Me: Well, um okay... *walks away* One more try. *walks up to an Acara* Excuse me, mam, do you know anything about the history of the staff of Alhasutek?

Acara: I don't live here. Why don't you try asking one of the natives?

Me: *sigh*

Well, that sure told me a lot. So, I decided it was time to come up with some theories of my own. I took a closer look at some pictures of the staff and noticed that at the top was a figure of a head that looked remarkably like Sloth's, except with an Egyptian-style beard and headdress. Okay, so I guess I'd noticed that before, but when I looked at it this time I really started to think about it. Why would the figure look like Sloth. An idea popped into my head. I looked up the Neopedia article about Dr. Sloth. If he really came here by spaceship, isn't it quite possible that someone (or someTHING) else came with him? Another member of Sloth's species (whatever it is), possibly one even more powerful than Dr. Sloth himself, could have come to Neopia with him.

Maybe this second creature set up base in the Lost Desert. And when NeoPets appeared there, he created the staff to control them. And for a long time he was the ultimate ruler of the Lost Desert. Then someday something happened to him, or he had to leave Neopia for some reason. So, he created that pyramid that's impossible to break into and stored the staff there along with all his riches, created the coin as the key to it, and sent word (and the coin) to Dr. Sloth.

But the coin somehow got lost along the way. It probably changed owners many times over all those years before Brucey B got it. It would probably be impossible to trace it all the way back to when it was first lost. According to reports by DarkShadow162, the coin had managed to stray to Mystery Island, halfway across the globe from the Lost Desert, before Brucey B laid hands on it. To make such a long journey, it was probably found, bought, won, dropped, and stolen multiple times.

So, the significance of this event? Well, duh! A whole new world was discovered, the second of the three obelisks uncovered (and later activated), and history was made with the second Neopian war. New trade opportunities were opened for both the Lost Desert and the outside world, and the staff of Alhasutek was destroyed (hopefully) forever. Altogether, the discovery of the Lost Desert was probably one of the most significant events in Neopian history.

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