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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 24th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 20 > Continuing Series > The Special Lupe: Part Two

The Special Lupe: Part Two

by mhbsw

Kelissa had chose to lead them the most twisty, filled with obstacles, difficult trail up the hill. It seemed the hills were actually very grassy mountain ranges.

"Why do we have to go the hard way?" Grad whined.

"Because if any pound workers are following us, they'll give up and we'll get to safety," Kelissa said.

"I'm going to purrk off all of the sushi I just ate," the Fat Cat said.

"What are your names anyway? I'm Daniel, this is Hisso."

"I'm Kelissa, this is Grad."

Suddenly they heard a loud growl and something jumped out from over a ridge. It was a big, maroon coloured Kougra. It snarled viciously and bared its teeth.

"Oh no, we're doomed! I'm not a Battledomer!" Grad exclaimed.

"I'm a fighter, though." Kelissa growled, hackles raised.

The Kougra leapt at her. It was nearly twice her size! She skillfully dodged by jumping aside, and then flew upwards. She then dove down for the Kougra and used Spark.

"Go, Kelissa!" the others shouted.

She then floated in midair, and concentrated all her power. Suddenly, a burst of colours came out of her! She was surrounded by a copper-coloured aura of energy, and waves of red and blue were flowing out of her. The waves only hit the Kougra, and it whimpered in pain. It jumped up and tried to slash her belly, by the aura protected her and gave the Kougra an electric shock. It fell to the ground, defeated.

"Yay! You did it!" Grad shouted, jumping for joy.

"Don't eat it, though. Kougra meat is dry and bland," Kelissa said.

The aura faded away.

"What wasss that attack?" Hisso asked her. "I've never ssseen anything like it."

"I'm not sure. I just know I've had it since birth." Kelissa said, shrugging. "Who wants eggs? I know where a flock of Pteris nest around her. Just over this ridge is a forest."

"I like eggs," Daniel said, rubbing his tummy and licking his lips.

"It's settled then. We sleep in an abandoned Gelert den on the opposite of this ridge and eat eggs for dinner," Kelissa said with a nod.

They all jumped to the top of the ridge and gasped.

"The forest!!! It's gone!" Kelissa screamed and ran down, sniffing all the tree stumps. The forest had been clear cut.

"What happened?" Grad asked. He then looked out at the sunset. "It's getting late, and I don't like the dark."

"Well, there's a river nearby where we can catch some Koi instead-grab some sticks, we'll use 'em like prehistoric Neopians," Kelissa said, scooping a stick up in her mouth.

The others did so and headed west for the river. They arrived at dark. The Koi were all sleeping.

"Well, this is easier than it would've been. Just reach in and grab them!" Kelissa said cheerily and grabbed two Kois. She gave one to Hisso. They ate heartily, and slept under the light of the moon. The night was perfect. The wind was calm, and the sky was clear.


Kelissa dreamt she was wandering around at nighttime through grassy plains. She heard howling everywhere, calling out her name.

"I'm coming!" she shouted.

The wind picked up, and she saw some sort of sparkle in the fall leaves blowing. She raced with the wind, feeling it pushing her forwards. The moon was bright and full.

"I'm coming for you!" she responded to the constant howling.

Finally she came to a hill, and the wind stopped, but the little sparkles floated up to the top of hill Kelissa's eyes followed the sparkles, and saw a beautiful Faerie Lupess, with white fur tipped with silver, and huge transparent silvery wings.

"Hello Kelissa," the Lupess said in a distant voice, as if she was only a specter. Then a male Lupe came to stand next to the white one. He was wingless, but handsome. He had brown fur tipped with black and piercing yellow eyes. They were both as big as plains Lupes.

"Who are you, and how did you find out my name?" Kelissa called up to them.

The female said, "We are your parents. We can visit you in dreams and visions." Her voice like an angel's. She had moon-silver coloured eyes.

"My parents?" Kelissa was shocked.

"Yes. Our whole family since the first Lupe on Earth have been wild and free. We were strong, and many people gave our ancestors offerings. They worshipped our families for generations in the old days because of our beauty and natural strength. We are also blessed with a special move. I believe you found that out by now," her mother said.

"You mean, every Lupe I'm related to knows this move?" Kelissa asked, making the aura surround her again.

"No. Everyone of our family members' special attacks are different, because it comes from our souls. You showed friendship, courage, and pride, just as our ancestors did millions of years ago, even when facing the most dangerous challenges," her father said. His voice was handsome also. Then the image rippled like a puddle, and faded from view.


"Morning time!" Grad's voice said, pulling Kelissa to full consciousness.

"Lead the way!" Daniel said.

"We follow the river upstream. It leads to a hot spring, which is where my home is at," Kelissa replied. I wonder if I should tell them about my dream, or keep it a special secret.

"A hot spring? Awesome!" Grad said happily. His gem seemed to be glowing more than when he first met with Kelissa in the pound van. While walking, Kelissa and Grad in front, Daniel and Hisso in the back, Kelissa decided to tell about her dream.

"--And I saw my parents, and they said that all my family have been free and brave, and that my special attack came out of my soul," she explained.

"Wow," Grad said. "That's amazing. You're ancestors were worshipped?"

She nodded. "But I'm glad they still don't. I wouldn't want all that attention. I'm happy being alone, but I still get sort of lonely sometimes," she replied.

Then they noticed the river was very low and the water was moving sluggishly.

"Huh?" Kelissa said, but Grad pointed upwards. A huge wooden dam was blocking the water flow.

"Oh no!" Hisso shouted, gazing upwards at the great structure.

"They must've used the logs from the purrest to make this!" Daniel said. "I think that this means humans are moving in!"

"Hey, you NeoPets, get out of here! We're trying to construction!" a guy said.

Will they get rid of the humans? Will the pound NeoPets escape?

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Special Lupe: Part One

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