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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 20 > Short Stories > The Powers of Neopia: The Chosen One

The Powers of Neopia: The Chosen One

by neotrainer1234

The sun hung high in the sky. Dewdrops glistened on the tips of the gorgeous green grass that stretched for miles across the land. Far across the vast terrain lay a mystical island. A young Shoyru was busy running errands when the sky went dark. All of the pets inhabiting the island shops ran outside in a frenzy trying to see what was causing the gloom.

“Oh my word! Look!” a Chomby shouted, pointing to the sky. Everyone around, including the Shoyru, looked up to see a Lenny in a jade cloak, floating in midair.

“Be afraid Neopian Citizens. The dark powers will rule over you once again,” the Lenny screeched.

The hushed crowd of pets looked up with horrorstricken faces as the Lenny threw a smoke bomb down below. The pets coughed and choked on the smoke. Once it cleared, the Lenny was nowhere in sight. The crowd stood still for a while and then went back to their interrupted days. The Shoyru, named Kit, had wondered for a while what the Lenny had meant about the dark powers. Kit was only 20 years of age. She had no family and knew nothing about Neopia’s past. Kit shrugged and headed to her posh house on the beach. When Kit arrived, she noticed her front door was wide open. She ran inside to see her house had been raided. The furniture was overturned and many of her valuables were gone. Kit use to have 11 glass dolls that furnished her mantle over her fireplace. They were all gone. Kit gasped when she noticed the dolls no longer decorated the room. The dolls had been a gift from her mother before she went to Faerieland. Each doll came from a different part of Neopia.

“This is horrible,” Kit yelled, fixing up the room. When Kit had fixed up her house, a knock came rapping on the door.

“Hello, can I help you?” Kit asked, opening the door to reveal an elderly Nimmo. The Nimmo had a long white beard, round brown rimmed glasses, a staff clutched in his right hand, and a pointed hat with stars and moons on it perched atop his head.

“Yes Kit. I’m Tanakus. I run the magic potion shop in town. I train many students to make my potions that I sell in the shop. I train only a handful of students to make my other potions,” the little old Nimmo said, helping himself into the house.

“I don’t understand. What other potions do you make and why?” Kit asked.

“I make strong magic potions. The dark powers are slowly coming back to Neopia. You see, before my time and yours, Neopia was ruled by an evil force. Many pets were made slaves. Eventually, the dark powers were overthrown but lately they have been returning little by little. No one seems to be noticing except my students and I. Kit, I have come here today to ask for you to help me in the fight to destroy the dark powers forever. Please join my classes, for only once every two years do I accept a new student. I feel you have powers beyond belief,” Tanakus said.

“I think you’ve come to the wrong place. I’m not special,” Kit said.

“Don’t say that Kit. I have reason to believe you will become one of the most powerful pets in all of Neopia. I was gazing into my crystal ball and I saw a vision of you using your magic powers. If you come with me I can help you develop those powers. What do you say?” Tanakus asked.

“Well, if you saw me in your crystal ball then something must be going on. Maybe I can visit your school and decide then. It sounds quite interesting,” Kit said. Tanakus then snapped his fingers. Instantly, Kit blinked and opened her eyes and opened them to realize she was in a big rainbow coloured room. The room had no doors.

“How did we get in here? How will we get out?” Kit asked.

“I used my teleportation powers to get us here. As for leaving, there is a door straight ahead. It’s not visible to the non-magical eye. Once you learn some magic, you’ll be able to see it. For now, just follow me and don’t be afraid,” Tanakus said. Kit watched as he disappeared through the wall. Kit shrugged and walked towards the same spot where Tanakus had gone through. Kit closed her eyes and found when she opened them she was in a whole new room. Now Kit was in a room full of different pets, mixing up magical potions in big bowls.

“These are my normal students. They produce the weak potions I sell in my shop,” Tanakus explained.

“Show me where I’ll be learning,” Kit said. Tanakus motioned for Kit to follow him to the back of the room. Then, he tapped his staff on the ground and a door appeared. They both entered into a hall with doors lining both sides.

“These are the rooms my chosen students live in. Each room has a bed and bath, a lab to make potions in, and a library complete with every magical book you can think of,” Tanakus said.

“Wow this is so awesome. I never knew this place existed. Now that I see this place I know it’s for me. When can I start attending here?” Kit asked.

“You can check in right now. You don’t even have to go home to get anything. You’ll find everything you’ll need in suite 15, your new home. I’ll give you a copy of your school schedule tomorrow. As for now, get some rest. You’ll need it for tomorrow's lessons,” Tanakus said, giving Kit a key to get into her room. Kit smiled and thanked Tanakus. She then excitedly ran into her room to explore it’s magical features. When Kit entered her room, she first noticed the big canopy bed made up with pink coverings. An oak nightstand stood to the left of the bed with a toothbrush, comb, and other bathroom items on it. To the left of the bedroom was a beautiful pearl white bathroom. Kit noticed this bathroom had a Jacuzzi tub and a shower. After observing the bathroom, Kit entered the lab. She recognized a few utensils such as beakers, test tubes, and thermometers, but some items in the lab were new and strange to Kit. The lab seemed interesting but it didn’t hold Kit’s attention for long. Kit wanted to see the library. Kit approached the door to the back of her bedroom marked LIBRARY. Unlike the other doors, the library door had a lock on it. Kit tried to enter the library but it was locked. She tried her room key but it was no use. Kit decided she would ask Tanakus about this tomorrow. Kit got ready for bed and found a gown in her closet marked with a tag that said NIGHTWEAR. Kit slipped it on and fell into a deep sleep.

Kit awoke the next morning to the loud ringing of an alarm clock. She had never noticed it was there before. She got up, stretched and put on a blue dress and lab coat she had found in her closet. Then Kit exited her room to find Tanakus waiting outside.

“Good morning Kit. All the students here start their days at 8:00 a.m. I’m sure you’re eager to get to your classes so here is your schedule,” Tanakus said, handing Kit a blue slip of paper.

“I have a question Tanakus. Why is my library locked? Did you forget to give me the key?” Kit asked.

“No Kit. I guess I forgot to tell you. There are some books in the library you are not yet ready to read. You are not allowed access to the library until you are a second year student. Run along to your classes now,” Tanakus replied. Kit immediately took off to room 107 where her Magic Potions I class was taking place. She entered the room to see a Kiko wearing a pointed hat. She was hunched over a machine that looked like it was brewing liquid.

“Excuse me, is this Potions I?” Kit asked.

“Why yes it is. Nice to see you. I’m Panella. You must be Kit. Tanakus has told me a lot about you. I’m sorry to say but you’ll be the only student in a lot of your classes. You are the only one in this class,” Panella explained. Kit had great fun in her potions class. She learned how to make a weak invisibility potion by combining a Techo claw and a feather from an Eyrie. Soon, her class ended and she headed for History of Magic I. Her teacher would be Tanakus.

“Greetings Tanakus. I just came from Potions I. Panella is a nice lady. She taught me many things,” Kit said.

“Yes Panella is quite delightful. Kit, before we start your history class, I must give you something. Every student here is given a pet to learn responsibility. I’ll be right back with your Kadoatie,” Tanakus said, exiting the room and then reentering carrying a blue catlike creature.

“It's so cute,” Kit said.

“Her name is Teeny. You’ll be completely responsible for her. She belongs to you now,” Tanakus said, handing Kit the pet.

“I’ll take good care of her. She is so beautiful,” Kit said, petting Teeny’s head.

“Yes, Teeny is quite a nice pet. The good thing about Kadoaties is that when they reach age two, they can talk,” Tanakus said.

“I can’t wait,” Kit squealed.

“Well, now that is over we can start your lesson. The history of magic starts with a beautiful goddess. She grew old and knew she would come to an end soon. Before she left Neopia, she imprisoned her powers in 12 glass dolls. It has been rumored that the pet that collected all 12 dolls would rule the land. The dolls were scattered all over Neopia and I have managed to get a hold of one. The other 11, I do not know,” Tanakus said, handing Kit the doll he was talking about.

“Oh my word! I used to have 11 dolls just like this! They sat on my mantle at my old home,” Kit yelled.

“Well, what happened to them? This is very important Kit. I must know,” Tanakus said.

“The day you came, someone broke into my house and stole them,” Kit sighed.

“That was also the day the evil lord Ramshell the Lenny reappeared,” Tanakus said.

“I’m very sorry. We should be safe as long as he doesn’t get the last doll right?” Kit asked.

“Yes but the 11 dolls he has now will give him a power boost. He is very dangerous now. I want you to steer clear of him. Now, we will not continue this morning’s lesson. All classes will be canceled for the rest of the week while I get things sorted out. As for you, go meet some of the other pets that go here. I think you’ll like them,” Tanakus said, taking back the glass doll and storming out of the room. Kit left and entered the schools recreation room to see ten pets.

“Hey look, it’s the new girl,” a Scorchio whispered.

“Hi, you must be Kit. Tanakus told us all about you. I’m Babette. I’ve been here for two years,” a rowdy Aisha said.

“Nice to meet you,” Kit replied.

“Oh, your Kadoatie is so cute. What’s its name?” Babette asked.

“Teeny. What pet do you have?” Kit asked.

“My Meekins is name Quincy. He is very shy,” Babette said petting the small brown fur ball.

“What classes are you taking?” Kit asked.

“I passed all my classes last year so I’m taking all II classes. History, potions, chants, all the regular classes,” Babette replied.

“Do you have access to your library yet?” Kit asked.

“No. I should have gained access to it by now but I have to wait until next term. Tanakus said I need more time before I see those books. I’m dying to read them. Anyway, it’s getting late so I’d better turn in. Say, do you want to go to the market with me tomorrow to pick up some magical items?” Babette asked.

“Sure. That sounds like fun. See you tomorrow,” Kit said as she left the recreation room and turned in for the night.

During the night, the dark lord Ramshell planned his next move.

“Tomorrow I shall enter the school undercover and take down each student one by one until I find the last ancient doll,” Ramshell screeched as he turned into a raven and flew away.

The next morning Kit slept in. The magical alarm did not go off. Instead, she awoke to Babette knocking on her door.

“Wake up Kit, I’ve got to go to the market,” Babette cried.

“Coming,” Kit yelled, getting up and dressing for the day. Then, her and Babette took off to the market.

"I can’t wait to get to the bakery. One of my friends works there and is saving me some goodies. First I have to stop at the dark alley behind the coffee shop. A wizard is meeting me there with some goods,” Babette explained.

Meanwhile, back at the school Tanakus was getting freighted. He had used his powers to sense that Ramshell was near and he was disguised in a form not belonging to him. Tanakus was sure Ramshell would make his move today.

“Tanakus, I’ve been looking all over for Kit and I can’t find her. We were supposed to go to the market today,” Babette cried.

“Babette come quickly, I feel Kit is in a lot of trouble,” Tanakus said, running out the door.

“It’s right here,” Babette said, showing Kit into a dark alley and then somehow she changed into a Lenny.

“You’re not Babette. You’re Ramshell,” Kit yelled.

“Yes I am. I must rid of you now. I cannot let Tanakus train one more witch,” Ramshell cackled, shooting an electric beam at Kit. Kit dodged to the left and it missed her.

“You can’t escape me,” Ramshell said.

“Yes she can you old bird. Leave us alone,” Tanakus yelled waving his hand and sending Ramshell flying through the air. Then, Kit and her friends ran away.

“We can’t face him today. He is too dangerous. Kit, Babette, go back to the school. I’ll call the Chia Police,” Tanakus said.

Kit and Babette ran like the wind to the school.

“That Ramshell guy sure is strong,” Kit said.

“I know. We have to trust Tanakus though,” Babette said.

One hour later, Ramshell was imprisoned in the city jail. Tanakus returned home and the school year continued without fear.

“This was the best year of my life,” Kit announced. Kit would have many years to follow that would be just as great.

The End

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