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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 18 > Articles > How to Start Your Own Collection of those Cute little PetPets!

How to Start Your Own Collection of those Cute little PetPets!

by seamonkey3909

Do you just love those cute little guys (and girls ;)) so much that you want to collect them all? Well I'll help you out and give you some advice on how to get them!

First of all, you will probably need to have at least 40,000 NP. PetPets can be very pricey, and of course you'll need to expand your shop to be able to hold them all and still sell stuff! Decide on what you want to collect- all the PetPets and PetPet-related stuff, just PetPets, or only certain types of PetPets. Now that you have that decided, let's organise how to start collecting.

organising Your Collection
You should plan your collection out by setting goals. For example, set a goal to collect all the Tyrannian PetPets before you start on any others, then move on to Spooky. This way you will reach your goal faster! Display your PetPets in your shop as you go, because people may begin noticing your collection and Neomailing you with offers. If you display and make a "wishlist" of PetPets you need currently in your shop, you will get offers from people!

Where to Get PetPets
Now you may be thinking, "Where do I get all these PetPets?!" There are tons of places to get PetPets, and you can find some great deals too.

The Wheel of Excitement & Mediocrity - Not a guaranteed way to get PetPets, but for only 50 to 100 NP you could win some! Go there everyday to try your luck cause you never know when you'll win!

The Garage Sale - Located in Terror Mountain, a great place to go if you know about how much PetPets are worth. Sometimes they have PetPets in super cheap (I have seen an Anubis for 700 NP), but many times you'll find they overprice them. You can't haggle so be sure you really want the PetPet before you buy, and be quick!

The Main PetPets Shops - The main distributor of PetPets, the Main shop, the Spooky shop, etc. are all worth a try because they reportedly have PetPets at good deals. Whenever I go I find that they are really overpriced but you could always haggle them down.

The Shop Wizard - My personal favourite! You can find the best deals on PetPets by using the Shop Wizard; so use it! Refresh a lot, since many people will have PetPet incredibly low. After using the Shop Wizard for a while, you begin to find shops tailored just for the PetPet connoisseur that have them at reasonable prices.

When to Get PetPets
Possibly the most important factor in collecting PetPets- when to get them! Don't buy a PetPet or PetPet item that has just come out; they will be incredibly overpriced! Wait for about a week or two, and then buy. A good example of this is the PetPet paintbrushes. At first they were 50000 NP+ but now there prices range from 3000-70000 NP (including the Faerie paintbrush). If you just have some patience you'll get those cute PetPets at lot cheaper!

Now you may be discouraged when you look at some galleries of PetPets, and then look at your beginning collection but just remember that collecting isn't overnight, it takes weeks! My own gallery has taken at least 2 months to get where I am now!

I'd also like to tell my pets I love you, so umm, I love you _Cleo_Kat_, Zikoko, best390, and AnGeL_aRgOn! *A small Zafara runs up and tugs on my sleeve* "Seamonkey, you don't say 'I love you' in articles! It's embarrassing for us!" Well, I'm just going to embarrass you anyway, Zikoko!

If you ever need any questions on collecting or PetPets, Neomail me and I'll be glad to help you!

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