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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 24th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 14 > Articles > The Power of Drain Life

The Power of Drain Life

by bluearticuno

Are you having trouble beating opponents with more HP than you? There is a simple solution. Get Drain Life. I’ve found it very useful in the many times I’ve beaten opponents the Pant Devil.

This ability is the 7th Dark Faerie ability and has a lot of power. It drains 1/11th of your opponents HP. When your opponent has hundreds more Hitpoints than you, it could mean a lot of healing power. At the same time you are healing, you could afflict more damage. Thus you won't be taking damage from your opponent (This only happens for a few turns and depends on their HP).This means that for around 3-5 turns you won't be taking any damage or very little damage at all. What can you do during these turns? You could be making tiki bombs, muffins, snowballs, battle cards, novas or even clockwork Grundos. The power of Drain Life will be even better when you use novas. You will be healing with two things at once giving you more chances of not taking damage at all. During these turns where you aren’t taking much damage, you could be building a large stockpile of novas or any other 1 time use weapons. Then once you have enough items, you attack with full force. A lot of people think that Scorchstones are the most important items. However, Drain Life may be better sometimes. Drain Life combined with a Scorchstone is even better! Drain Life is necessary if you want to take on opponents with more HP than you. However there are other things you need to know about Drain Life.

How do you get it?
Now that you've heard all about it, you may be asking how you get it. It doesn't cost much to get the Drain Life ability. It only requires you to get 7 Dark Faeries (which usually cost around 3500-5000 NP) and then have a pet which is level 21. The ability is more helpful than using fierce attack sometimes. Fierce attack is helpful before you get berserk (which you get at level 50) but Drain Life can sometimes do more damage than the icons fierce attack adds.

Free Healing???
Yes, Drain Life can be used to heal your pet to full HP quite fast if it has less than 500 HP. All you need to do is buy a cheap item like Healing Potion I or a Blue Health Shroom, which only cost around 5-10 NP(or go to the Water Faerie and ask for a heal and if she doesn't heal you to full). Then feed it to your pet if it has 0 HP. You will now have 1 HP. Go fight Punchbag Bob and if you drain his life for several times. Each time you will get a equal 100. In a few turns you'll be full again! If you have less than 100 HP, that means you'll be full again in only one turn. If your pet isn't fainted you can skip the part with the healing potion one or blue Health Shroom because you can jump right to fighting Punchbag Bob. This sometimes can be helpful when the Water Faerie's magic isn't full yet.

There is a bonus to Drain Life!
What else does Drain Life do for you? Well after you get Drain Life, only 7-10 levels later with one more Dark Faerie you can get the ability sink. It is exactly like the earth ability burrow except instead of defending air and earth icons, it defends dark and light and the icons burrow defends. You get this bonus for only one more Dark Faerie after you get Drain Life. If you don’t know already, burrow defends all icons of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Physical. Sink Defends all icons of Fire, Water, Light, Dark, and Physical.

Drain Life's Limits
However, before you jump off your seat. There are a few restrictions Drain Life has. The maximum amount of HP it can drain is only 100. So even if you fight Punchbag Bob, you will only drain 100 Hitpoints from him until 1/11th of his HP is finally less than 100. Plus if your opponent has less than 40 HP, you generally won't get a lot of HP from him at all.

What do I do when Drain Life doesn't drain enough life anymore?
If you Drain Life for a while, soon you'll find that your opponent will not give you a lot of HP anymore. At this point, stop using Drain Life and then attack them until they die. I usually stop draining their life when Drain Life starts to only steal 6-7 life.

Drain Life also works the same if it was used at weak or strong. So always use it at weak because it makes no difference if you use it at strong or weak. You can use it up to ten times if you use it at weak power.

Now that you have heard all about Drain Life, go out and get it! It is well worth your money. I think it is one of the most useful healing abilities you can get. It is very helpful. If you have anymore questions just Neomail me.

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