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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 13 > Articles > The Four Eared Neopians - Aishas

The Four Eared Neopians - Aishas

by dan34

Hello again, it’s me, HarpyAnne. You may or may not have heard about me. Due to my findings on Eyries, Predator or Prey and Korbats, I’m world famous in Neopia. Well, I have been getting lots of request from people of Neopian to study some NeoPets so I chose to tackle the much loved Aisha!

Aishas are incredibly powerful and, in the wild, they are rarley attacked by other NeoPets. There is an unusual instinctive sense between wild NeoPets that they all understand not to mess with an Aisha. Apart from being incredibly fast, they have strong teeth and claws, their two larger ears on the top of there head can also work as a weapon. The Aisha also learns to use Magic at a young age by its elders, although at first they never really get it right, this is something that the Modern Domesticated Aishas have lost, although they have a fascination for magic and have the potential to do it.

I had no Idea where there would be some Wild Aisha Colonies and I know for a fact that they would not want me around researching them, so with the help of my brother, Adrastis the yellow Kau, we went to visit the Defence Master.

It was the Afternoon when we walked into the Defence Magic Shop, two NeoPets, a Meerca and a Mynci, were in there already, they walked out and we went and greeted the Defence Master:

HarpyAnne: Hello, Defence Master, how are you?

Defence Master: Good, thank-you, Young Chomby, very busy though!

HarpyAnne: Do you still have time for the interview?

Defence Master: Of course, please carry on.

HarpyAnne: What can you tell me about Aishas?

Defence Master: Well, being an old one myself, but what about Aishas do you want to know about?

HarpyAnne: What kind of magic do wild Aishas use?

Defence Master: Wild Aishas only use a type of Defence Magic, they never attack another NeoPet, but if they are attacked they are able to use that Magic

HarpyAnne: Can you give us an example please?

Adrastis: Don’t say that!

The Defence Master thought for a bit, he then wiggled his ears and said a few words before Adrastis and I knew we were floating through the air out of the Shop! After the Defence master apologised and told us it wouldn’t hurt us we left and headed home.

The Aishas are very popular and amazing NeoPets, they have excellent hearing and sense of smell (they have a nose! It’s just internal).

There are many old Legends about the Aisha, and they are some of the oldest Inhabitants in Neopia, from the very snobby and glamorous Lost Desert Aisha to the tough and Loud Aishas of Tyrannia.

Thank-you for reading my findings, any questions or request just Neomail my owner. Thank-you.

But finally let's finish with the Aisha Groove!

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