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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 9 > Articles > Eight Things Your NeoPet Will Never Do

Eight Things Your NeoPet Will Never Do

by krazcat47

It's me again! Baby_julia_68, The Questing Guild, and I were really bored one day, and we realised how NICE our NeoPets are. Just for kicks, we assembled a list of eight things our NeoPets will never do.

1. Your NeoPet will never tell you how tired and messed up your hair looks, when you get up at 3:30 in the morning to play NeoPets.

2. Your NeoPet will never say, "Maybe I should read you a few books to help you get smart."

3. Your NeoPet will never say, "I smelt that!"

4. Your NeoPet will never jump out off the screen and feed itself.

5. Your NeoPet will never say to you: "You're a funny looking species, what should I name you?"

6. Your NeoPet will never comment on your inability to score in Deckball.

7. Your Scorchio will never say, "Sure, Kacheek, you can have first place as most popular pet!”

8. NeoPets will never turn to a Lenny and say, "You ARE the weakest NeoPet - Good-bye!"

Aren’t they nice? You just have to love them.

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