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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 148 > Short Stories > Green Eyes

Green Eyes

by shadyy15

It happened during the summer, during the end of my summer break to be more specific. I had just finished an exhausting shopping-marathon and I had decided to go for a drink. So I entered this cute coffee shop that I had never noticed before. When I pushed the door I found myself in this amazingly decorated room. There was a long bar made out of wood on which stood various lamps of totally different styles, creating various coloured shadows on the walls.

     On the many shelves behind the bar stood rows of mugs, it must have been about a 100 mugs and not one was the exact same as another one. Then I turned around to discover a variety of tables, couches, beanbags and chairs. I hesitated quite a while and occasionally the people, who had already found their perfect spot, turned and eyed me curiously as if I was insane to stand there in the doorway. When I realised this I decided to move, I didn't know where, but I just had to move before they would decide to drive me to the hospital because of memory loss.

     My steps took me to a lovely table next to the window. It had a round surface and was supported by one leg that seemed to curl and twirl to its liking. But it was definitely the colour that attracted me: it was of a pure lime-green, as I had never seen before. I loved green, it was- still is- my favourite colour. I sat down on one of the wooden chairs that were placed by it. I chose a cute painted one: it was painted black and yellow in wavy, alternating stripes. The other chair was black and had pink flowers on it.

     I set my shopping bags down on the side of the window and picked up a menu. If one would want to read it entirely he would need about an hour. Fully indecisive I just chose a hot chocolate…even though it was really hot outside I was suddenly craving for one, with whipped cream of course. Then the waitress who was -- like myself -- an Aisha hopped over and wrote my choice down on a fiery orange notepad with a green pencil, she smiled and turned abruptly, her long red, curly hair following her with tiny hops.

     I then treated myself to a stare-out-of-the-window séance. I really like that. Just staring at the people who come by, making up stories thinking they have no idea that someone is thinking about them, someone they don't know. Maybe I could be their best friend if I knew them…

      Eventually the waitress brought me my delicious hot chocolate on a pink platter. She set the dark-green mug in front of my greedy eyes and also a small blue plate with the whipped cream and a very special spoon. As soon as I paid her she disappeared in the blink of an eye again. I picked up the yellow spoon and prodded the cream that was shaped like a pyramid. It quivered slightly and I found it hard to oppress a childish giggle. Finally I took some of the cream on my spoon and ate it. The next spoonful, however, I gave to the green mug. I didn't stir the liquid and the cream but saw them slowly melting into one.

     What's also nice about windows is that you can see your own reflection in it. I stared at myself. My beige skin, my long brown hair and -not to forget- my favourite black T-shirt. It was but a really simple shirt but I loved it. I slowly turned my head away from myself and suddenly felt a burning, wet sensation on my chest and T-shirt. I looked up furiously and saw a brown Lupe staring at me, an empty mug in his hand. (Empty mug of which the contents were on my T-shirt.). I oppressed the urge to rip off his head, grabbed a shopping bag and disappeared in the bathroom.

     I sadly looked at my ruined T-shirt in the mirror and put my new green one on. I washed my hands and looked at my reflection. After all, this new shirt was nice too. I pushed the bathroom door, clutching my wet shirt and putting it in the shopping bag. When I looked up I saw the brown Lupe was still standing there. I thought it was very dangerous of him to taunt my anger like that. I walked over to my table and listened to him mumble apologies. I summed up a smile and said it was all right, nothing a little water wouldn't fix (a lot of water! Yes!). I sat down on my chair to see him still standing there. I gave him a "What!" -look and stopped smiling.

     "I'm sorry," he said. "I just noticed…with this green shirt you put on…you have amazing eyes!" Now I stared at him as if he were mad.

     "Well…thank you…" I answered.

     "No really." He sat down on the other chair. "I could have sworn that just before your eyes were brown and now they're…green. I'm sorry if this sounds strange, but it really hit me."

     "Well, you do indeed sound strange." We both laughed. "But it's true that my eyes tend to change sometimes. It really depends on the light. When it's rather dark I have brown eyes and when there's a lot of sun they are more olive-green…" I had absolutely no idea why I was telling him all of this. I started wondering if this coffee place was magic or something.

     "Well, I tend to notice special colours…I guess painting just becomes your life at one time." I gave the typical sound of faint interest, which he seemed to receive as a signal to continue the absurd conversation.

     "By the way, my name is Mateo." He outstretched his hand and I shook it. "My name is Aless."

     "Aless…that's pretty." He smiled. I suddenly noticed his eyes, too. It was a congregation of millions of colours. Ask me today, I still couldn't put a colour on them. They were very friendly eyes. They seemed to smile even when the rest of his face was straight.

     "It's short for Alessandra." I hesitated after a while. This time his mouth smiled, too.

     He turned out to be 30 years old; he didn't look that old though. It actually shocked me I was having a conversation with someone of that age without having to use terms of utter respect. He lived somewhere in the neighbourhood, as for where exactly, today I still don't know.

     Throughout our conversation he occasionally picked up his mug and took a small sip from it…only he found a way to make this banal action into something wonderful and harmonious. I stared at his hands; they were fine yet rough, sophisticated yet clumsy, as he had proven earlier on. His voice was sweet, almost surnatural. It had the power to soothe and to anger. He yielded this power well, every word, every sound was carefully balanced before it emerged from his lips.

     I told him I was 19 and had just ended my first year of college, not with great distinction or anything of the sort. I had just made it and had taken 4 exams again before I could officially pass. But I didn't care; I had made it, which was the greatest accomplishment I could have gotten, back then. At the word of 'college' he seemed particularly interested. He asked what I was majoring in, who my professors were what I thought about college. This sudden swing took me by surprise and took away the magical element of this encounter.

     Nevertheless we talked for hours; clouds moved upon the clear sky, the sun slowly disappeared on the horizon, leaving her trail of orangey-red light behind her as we still talked. Eventually the waitress had to 'direct us to the troitoir', which is a euphemism for 'kicking us out'. But that didn't keep us from pursuing our conversation. As the night had now driven back the last sparkles of sun, our hysterical laughter filled the warm summer air. A hot breeze twirled in the air and played with my hair that quickly blocked my view. It was so hot outside that it soon started to rain. Shy drops of rain fell onto my skin and created pleasant shivers, very soon I could perceive that typical scent of rain when it evaporates after having touched the warm ground. I loved that smell - I still do- it always filled me with a spirit of joy and freedom.

     Alas, at one point we had to take leave from each other. We exchanged some last laughs and he turned the corner waving one of his sophisticated hands.

     As I myself walked towards my flat I realised that I didn't know where he lived and vice versa. It was impossible to keep in touch, except if he did often dwell in that coffee shop. I was instantly filled with an awful feeling and dragged myself towards my apartment.

     Luckily my noisy roommate was on vacation and I could go straight to bed. I dropped my shopping bags on the wooden floor and sat down on the edge of my bed. I jumped in my pyjama pants and pulled a white T-shirt over my head. Exhausted, I greedily slid between my lost-desert-themed sheets and wrapped myself in what was soon to be a warm and protecting cocoon. I uttered a sigh of relief and closed my eyes.

     Soon I noticed I was thirsty, typical me. Do you know that feeling that you have found the most perfect way to lay in your bed and fall asleep but then…yes, you are thirsty or you forgot something important. After debating for about a half-hour if I was going to get up…I did. I drowsily walked to the kitchen and glared into the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water. It seemed to take a Herculean effort to unscrew the top. But eventually the cool water slid into my body and refreshed my dry and dusty throat.

      I crawled back into my warm and fuzzy lair and once again closed my eyes and sighed.

     But I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about that day, that strange Lupe. After tossing and turning a million times, I turned my bedside lamp on and grabbed my pillow, I reached into the pillowcase and pulled my Diary out. I let my hand wander on the shelves above my bed until it found a pencil. I stared at my diary as if hesitating to write in it. But soon the words seemed to flow out of the small pencil. I wrote every single thing I remembered about him and everything he said. He had said many nice things and I guess I wanted them immortalised, even if I would have never seen him again I would have a written memory.

     After having poured my heart out I fell in a deep, soothing sleep and awoke when the sun was already up high.

     I quickly jumped in the shower grabbed some bread and installed myself behind my desk. I took a map and leafed towards the last page and to what I had last written. I remembered I had just finished my second chapter last time. I took a new sheet of paper and stared outside. I don't know how long I sat there…but something was wrong, the words didn't come… I had lost track of my story.

     After ages of staring and growing angry with myself I decided to get some fresh air. I stuffed paper and pencil in my bag, got dressed and slammed the door of the flat. I hoped down the stairs and got on the way. My steps brought me to the coffee shop and I stared at it. I hadn't even noticed the name the day before. Above the door and the window hung a large wooden sign with neat, curly, purple letters on it. It said 'The Salon'. I pushed the door of 'The Salon' and went to my table. I got out my paper and pencil. But this just turned out to be another place where I started staring. I knew that I was waiting for him . And thus I waited for him during an entire week. But he never showed up. While waiting I really started to like this coffee shop and during all that waiting I also discovered they make the best spaghetti.

     Weeks went by, my classes started again, life just went on. Slowly Mateo slipped out of my mind; sometimes I even wondered if I hadn't dreamt the whole episode. I spent a lot of time at my faculty with my friends, whom I had lots of fun with. I went back to interesting and less interesting classes (boring!). My friends and I continued to adore some professors for their witty answers and many jokes, others we hated even more then the previous year. This type of stuck up professors who fight with each other over which office they'll get, even when it's just a few square inches larger. At some point I pitied them, they were absolutely pathetic. But when they projected their frustration upon us some really crossed the line.

     When it was getting colder and thick sweaters were in order, the bright people of our faculty decided it was time to paint the building. As the air was irrespirable our classes were transferred to the Faculty of Fine Arts. It was fun to walk around in those hallways, an enthralling mood seemed to lure in every small corner and it gave me my inspiration back. I was close to finishing my story when something happened that altered that mood.

     We were heading towards a classroom, chattering and laughing until our stomachs ached. Suddenly someone bumped into me. I looked up, ready to apologize, when I recognized Mateo. Taken aback I didn't speak, but he looked very embarrassed. A red Kyrii emerged from the same door as Mateo had. "Professor, where do you want these papers?"

      Professor! As he opened his mouth to mumble something I gave this him a look of disgust and promptly turned around, leaving my friends with puzzled thoughts.

     For about a month I wondered why he hadn't told me this, why he had avoided 'The Salon'. Why he had even bothered to talk to me, knowing I was a student of that college, I wouldn't have cared that he is a college professor. There would have been no harm in talking o him…apparently he didn't share that opinion. I just felt sort of betrayed that he didn't tell me. That evening he had counted his entire life but left out a crucial part.

      Luckily a few days after it happened we were transferred back to our own building. The episode was quickly forgotten and I had totally banned this nightmare from my thoughts.

     Winter came over the city, freezing and chilling all. A Friday afternoon I ran into 'The salon', avoiding the chill wind, and moved towards my table. I dropped my bag on the floor and delivered myself from my green woollen scarf.

     I ordered a hot chocolate and smiled as I pulled the newest issue of the Neopian Times out of my bag. I unfolded it and carefully pondered what I was going to look at first. I decided that I was first going to look at every picture belonging to an article, story or series. I just love watching those pictures, especially the custom pics. They are usually wonderful. As I stared at every single one of them I dreamed of being able to make such pics, I could make comics and maybe get published in the NT. But I would have been happy to get a story accepted; I so admired all those who got published. Every single one of them rightfully deserved it. Whether there names were considered 'famous' or not. As I started reading the next part of the series I was following a chill wind entered the room and made me shiver. But I was to lazy and to excited about what I was reading to even bother to look up at the new person that had apparently entered. I was reaching a suspenseful paragraph when some idiot came to sit at my table. With great effort I tore my eyes away from the paper and looked up.

     A second after having done that I regretted it. He was sitting there, staring at me. His eyes were sad but I didn't care. I was wondering why he seemed to insist on haunting me like this. I tapped my fingers on the table as a nervous twitch. It made him feel uneasy.


     "Just tell me this:" I interrupted him, "why are you here? Everything is going fine in my life -great actually- but that doesn't mean I need some ghost that comes to haunt me when he feels like it, and frankly I don't get why he is haunting me. You feel sorry because you didn't tell me you were a professor? Don't worry about that, I understand. I don't care what job you have, that doesn't change anything…it shouldn't. But I forgive you, if that is what you are seeking, just leave now and let me read." He looked shocked and hurt. After a while he got up without a word and disappeared in the freezing winter weather.

     I shrugged and continued my reading. When I had read the entire NT it was already dark outside. I folded it and stuffed it in my bag. I paid for my hot chocolate, draped my scarf around my neck and pushed the door. I was welcomed by a chill wind. I put on my brown gloves and pulled the sleeves of my black sweater over my wrists. When I was neatly tucked in I descended the street softly humming a song.

     It gently started snowing and I paused to look up at the greyish sky. The snow became thicker and heavier, it quickly twirled to fall and lay on the streets and sidewalks. I kept staring up at it, snow falling on my nose and getting stuck in my hair. If you do this for a while you get a tiny fear of heights feeling. Eventually I walked on towards my apartment. Suddenly all the street lanterns were lit, projecting their yellow light upon the white snow that was covering the street.

     Suddenly I felt someone stood behind me, I quickly turned ready to run from a scary person when I found myself staring at a black sweater, I looked a little higher and recognised him. He slightly smiled; I sighed and gave him a comforting look. He uttered something that resembled an apology and looked at me, awaiting the verdict. My heart felt heavy and I hesitated. I didn't know if I could trust someone who conceals the truth but on the other hand he was a really funny person, a heart-warming Lupe. At long last I smiled at him. The joy on his face was indescribable. We started talking again about everything and anything. He confessed he had felt amazingly stupid not to tell me about him being a professor. He just found it to be awkward. I understood and in a way it was strange, but I also said he worked in another faculty and that talking to someone couldn't really be perceived as a crime. Soon the snow could hear our laughter, it didn't matter we were freezing. He walked me home and we laughed goodnight, our friendship was sealed forever.


Today, I still don't know where he lives. He knows where I live, we both often go to 'The salon' and we subconsciously know when our classes are over…our friendship rests upon luck…sometimes we help it.

     What is amazing is that he always shows up when I feel sad or lonely. We often sit on the couch, me reading or writing, and him making numerous sketches.

     There is no age limit on real friendship…

The End

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