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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 6 > Continuing Series > The Kontana Scroll II: Part Four

The Kontana Scroll II: Part Four

by kiwifruit487

Five days traveling through temperatures that went from negatives to high positives wasn't easy. Either it was blizzards or it was unbearable sun rays, and they switched pretty often and never with any warnings at all. Food already ran out and the seven friends' stomachs were rumbling like drums.

The biggest mountain of all was past and all that left was a few small hills and maybe forest, but never having been this side of the Kontana Mountains before, they had no idea. TrailMixed, Chelses, and Yamakarasu picked out a lot of berries from the forest while the guys, Exlund, Gyka, Sahe, and Flamie_500, hunted for wild animals. It was a grand festive compared to what they had the day before, snow. They knew that the royal army were also heading for what they were heading for, the Kontana Scroll, and didn't dare to idle.

Three days passed and they finally could see the light. To their great disappointment, it was an endless sandy plain that stood before them. Exlund grumbled, "So this is what we get after weeks of endless traveling?"

Gyka frowned, "The Village of Viemo is definitely real though, I can feel it here in this desert. I can feel the power."

"Absolute trash," commented Flamie_500.

"How dare you!" said Yamakarasu angrily, "my sister Omobolasire never lies and she said it was true. Gyka and TrailMixed think so too, so don't talk rubbish about this."

Flamie_500 stared at her, "Erm, I thought you were the one against all this saying about how its a myth and stuff. So why the sudden change?"

Yamakarasu didn't answer him, but continued saying, "Gyka, TrailMixed, you said that the Village is hidden, right? Which is the obvious reason why we don't see it before our eyes right now. Maybe we could, erm, try to find it somehow?"

TrailMixed bent down and examined the sand, "Yeth now do you remember how de legendary poem goes? Aye, as dangers roam de land, de answers lie in de sand. We should check ou' an' see if there's anything quite unusual 'bout dis sand. Maybe it could give us all de answers..."

"OK, so how do we find the answers in the sand?" Sahe wanted to know.

"Dig and dig and dig till something happens?" suggested Gyka.

"Gosh, I feel like crying," grumbled Chelses, "digging for what we don't even know what we are digging for is the last thing on earth I ever wanna do! This is impossible!"

"We know how you feel," said Exlund gently, "but we must rescue our friends."

"You just want to save your friend," snapped Chelses.

"Chelses!" warned Yamakarasu.

"Sorry," Chelses lowered her head, "So let's do this."

They each took a shovel and started digging the sand at different positions. Burrow didn't work because it just sprayed sand at everyone except the one actually working the ability, so it was all manual work. The first day came out nothing and everyone were extremely disappointed because it wasn't as easy as they had hoped. This took time and effort, which some pets just couldn't cope with.

"I can't work," muttered Sahe, "my hands are numb and--and I'm just so very tired."

"Take a rest," advised Flamie_500, "it'll be OK. No one will blame you."

"Naw, I'll keep going," said Sahe and he stabbed the shovel into the sand. There was a ping; he had hit something hard. He quickly used his hands to brush away the sand with Flamie_500's help. Everyone came over to see what he had gotten excitedly and it appeared to be what look like a trap door. It was square and had an old-fashioned silver handle with lots of fancy decorations in the middle. Covering it were about a dozen carved in snakes surrounding the handle. It didn't seem to be rust at all and seemed as good as new.

"Oh my, this could be the doorway," said Chelses bouncing around.

"Hm," Gyka and Exlund pulled at the silver handle. The door flew open and beneath it seemed like a 10 inch squared box that lost its cover. Just when the NeoPets were about to sigh/complain with disappointment, the ground rumbled slightly and TrailMixed fell back catching Gyka's hand and stood straight. The sky went completely dark as it seemed and in the far distance, there was a small light in the air.

Something was spinning in the air and then it stopped spinning. There was a small "pop" and a gray cloud appeared with something on the top.

"Confons," muttered Yamakarasu as that was what was written on the 'thing', "Confons Manor? How does that sound so familiar? I don't know any Confons."

"Ooh that weird accented guy we met," said Exlund with recognition, "that's what he said - to look for Confons."

"I don't trust that Digglers person," said Flamei_500.

"We'll just have to find out," said Gyka as the cloud landed before them. On it seemed like some kind of hut that glowed in the mist of darkness.

The door opened and a man stepped out. He had small beady eyes and a long crooked nose. His hair was silver and was flying wild. He was wearing a father Christmas hat, but looked nothing like father Christmas He was cleanly shaven and wore a light pink robe with frills on the necklines and the sleeves. It was something between a modern business man, an old-fashioned grand father, and a man dressed in women's clothes. Yes, it was very hard to understand the man and his styles. The NeoPets dared not to step forward. The man however smiled and stepped forward himself with his arms open, "Ah, you have called me? Confons, the greatest wizard of all times!" His voice was high, but clear.

"Er..." no one really knew what to say.

Confons waved his hand and said, "Never mind, I know who you are."

The NeoPets stared at him in wonder. He continued, "I do have one of the Kontana Scroll pieces..."

"Really? Can we have it?" asked TrailMixed eagerly.

Confons put away his grin and said quite solemnly, "This world will never be filled with free things. It is a hard cruel world and you must battle for your lives. This goes to mean that you must battle me first to earn your piece of Kontana Scroll. Ah, I remember Kontana, a lively young fellow, giving the piece to me. He of course knew that many people would look for his precious scrolls and only wanted those strong and intelligent to receive the pieces."

"You knew Kontana?" asked Exlund.

"Exlund, Kontana is in our village," Gyka blinked, "he's still alive you know."

"Oh yeah, sorry," muttered Exlund, "it's just that everyone's talking about him like he is a goner."

TrailMixed laughed, "Ah knows what you mean, but 'tis all right."

Confons did not smile. He looked at TrailMixed and said, "Don't make fun of him. He is a very great friend and partner."

"It's all right Confons, I know him," spoke Gyka, "he's my half-brother. Now you say we must fight you to get the piece? Can you explain that a little more clearer with all the rules and stuff?" He thought, we could just have Yamakarasu battle him since she probably will have a beggar chance in winning.

"Let's see, it has to be a Usul," said Confons lowering everyone's spirit by an inch.

TrailMixed automatically stepped forward. Everyone watched her bow and accept the challenge. Confons gave a sneer and waved his hand. His outfit quickly changed into a black robe and his wild silver hair were clambered into a bun. He waved his hand for TrailMixed to follow him into the glowing hut. As they disappeared inside, Gyka whispered, "I don't like the way he looked at her."

"She's be all right," whispered Yamakarasu back, "she's a tough battler."

In less than two minutes, TrailMixed came out again and said, "Gyka, come in with me... we can fight together, he said so."

Gyka followed her in to the hut which inside turned into a battle stadium and the anxious friends waited outside. TrailMixed and Gyka listened to what Confons told them to do. They all bowed down to each other, then Confons lifted his wand to ready for the battle just as the two Usuls held onto their weapons. TrailMixed raised her battle slices and shot them straight the wizard.

"Reflectitus!" bellowed Confons and the battles slices headed right at TrailMixed. Gyka spun a shield into the air and the battle slices was stopped and TrailMixed was able hold them still. TrailMixed breathed, this wasn't as easy as she thought. Gyka flashed her a look and she knew that he wanted a division attack. Gyka jumped left while TrailMixed went right. Gyka grabbed Confons' ears and TrailMixed gave the wizard a punch at the side of the head.

Confons swerved off balance, but he pulled himself up quickly and pointed his wand at Gyka bellowing, "Non armos!"

All of Gyka's equipment suddenly disappeared and then the wizard yelled, "Solidedum!" as TrailMixed ran to his rescue and she was repelled off from Gyka from the spell. Confons cried, "Tarritatus!" Gyka suddenly found his body bound to the floor and his eyes were the only things moving as he looked with horror. TrailMixed shot a Greater Staff of the Earth Faerie at the wizard while he was dealing with Gyka and Confons staggered back.

With this, TrailMixed quickly swiped the battle slices at him again. Confons took a full hit and fell on the floor. On fours, with wand still in hand, he cried, "Finerisium!" TrailMixed was blasted back and as she tried to heal herself, Confons took his last of energy and stood before TrailMixed with his wand pointing at her. He bellowed,

"Safri -" His words fell and so did he. Behind him was Gyka who finally overcame the body blind and knocked the wizard out. TrailMixed and Gyka grinned at each as a piece of old cloth fell out of thin air. It the a piece of the Kontana Scroll. Gyka hugged TrailMixed and said, "Great teamwork, it's what brings us together."

"So is love," giggled TrailMixed.

They took the piece and went outside to tell their friends of the good news. It was about time they caught hold of a Kontana Scroll piece, thought Exlund grinning nonstop.

"All I see is sand, sand, sand," said Kikugoku steadily. The army had come across the mountains and forest too by now and they too, suffered from hunger and had to hunt in the forest. When they arrived on this side, there was no village to be seen. Kikugoku gave the other two generals a look that said, "I told you so" but Gotenks79 only waved his hand, "The legend says that the answers are buried in the sand."

"Yes, I quite agree," said Pozialle though inside he was feeling disappointed as Kiku, "erm, I guess we should start looking in the sand." With this, he ordered the soldiers and knights to spread out and look for clues.

"Ridiculous thing to do," mumbled Kikugoku.

"Kiku," warned Pozialle.

The seven friends of the friendship hut were still wondering about the doorway to Viemo when Flamie_500 suddenly said, "Why don't we look in that box thing again? I mean, that's one way we found the first piece..." He peered inside the box and then called out excitedly, "There's a lock in here! There's a lock in here!"

Everyone ran forward to see. Gyka took out the Magical Key that Digglers had given him and passed it to Sahe who hopped inside the box to insert the key to the lock. As soon as Sahe turned the key, he was shot out of the box and he flew and landed on the sand 10 feet away. A swirling light was coming from the box and everyone moved back in case of danger. The light came out and continued swirling. It was in rainbow color and somehow - somehow TrailMixed and Gyka knew what to do.

TrailMixed and Gyka walked forward and stepped forward into the rainbow swirl. A piece of old cloth appeared between them and they took it knowing that it was another Kontana Scroll piece. They didn't know why, but they knew what to do. The others watched them in awe and then stepped into the rainbow gateway themselves. As they walked out, they realized that they were standing on a hill top and chanting of, "Usul Usul Usul, Usul Usul Usul, Usul Usul Usul," could be heard throughout the village below. They have arrived at the Village of Viemo.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Kontana Scroll II: Part One

The Kontana Scroll II: Part Two

The Kontana Scroll II: Part Three

The Kontana Scroll II: Part Five

The Kontana Scroll II: Part Six

The Kontana Scroll II: Part Seven

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