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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 24th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 145 > Continuing Series > Princess of Erodaire II: Part Four

Princess of Erodaire II: Part Four

by christinetran

Taking my father's hand into mine, I led him out the front door of our castle. In moments we were surrounded by our regular shield of masculine guards and we began to slowly walk down the brick road, which led to the Castle of Erodaire's outer gate. At first, I kept my eyes glued onto the road, but I allowed my eyes to slip and look over at my father's eyes and instantly noticed the fierce fire which burned inside of him. I lowered my eyes to the ground and did not look at his face again.

     "Open the gate!" a guard shouted to the gatekeepers as we neared the doorway into the village. Seconds later, the heavy metal doors started to squeak open slowly, their facade's dully grinning back at the sun's rays as they bounced off their hard exteriority. I heard the screeching sound of steel rubbing against brick and dirt as the doors grated across the road and allowed us to see the village which surrounded our castle. I saw many stunned Neopets look on in surprise as the doors revealed the royalty within, and some of the pets even ran away in fear. I did not flinch at this sight, for I knew that if I were a villager under my father's command, I would flee as well.

     "Attention dwellers of the fair kingdom of Erodaire! I present to thee, King Alastare the Royal Highness, and his daughter, Princess Andra our Royal Lady!" a guard shouted aloud, the winds carrying his voice across the village so that everyone could hear this announcement. "Make room for our King and Lady!"

     Taking in a deep breath, I stepped forward and started to walk along the dusty streets, my father by my side. Many of the Neopians were clad in tannish-brown clothing which seemed to hang on them loosely, but still seemed to fit them in an awkward fashion. I looked up and tried my best to catch the eyes of any of the villagers, but all faces were glancing upon the ground as we regally passed them by. I sighed when I saw this, but I still kept my head high as I walked alongside my father, but my thoughts drifted off for I was never able to contain my own mind.

     When I was young, I always remembered the stories my mother always told me of young female adventurers who would go out into the world and make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. They helped the poor who needed help, and aided people to detect the good which lay hidden within them. They discovered new land and territory, and all who met them had respect for these young adventurers. How I wish I were able to fly away on my wings and go out into the world and be exactly like those be respected and admired by all. That was my dream that seemed to run farther away as each passing year fled by...

     Sighing once more and once again pushing my ambitions away, I continued to try my best to make eye contact with one of the many villagers. I was quite surprised to see empty streets when I drifted back to reality; glancing over at the guards around us, I noticed that a look of confusion and alertness were in their eyes. Everything about us was quiet, and it seemed as if the entire kingdom was holding it's breath. A dust-filled wind blew by us, blowing stinging dirt into our eyes and blinding us for a few seconds. I heard the grunts of the guards as they desperately tried to wipe the dirt from their eyes, and I heard my father curse as he did the same.

     "Something's wrong..." I whispered quietly and stared around as my eyes searched for the trouble which I sensed, but I saw nothing. My eyes fell upon the rooftops and I squinted so that I would be able to see better in the sun's blinding rays. It was then that I saw a familiar face sitting upon one of the roofs of the poorly made houses. She had pure, blue eyes and the most serene yet strong-willed face I've ever seen. I blinked a few times just to make sure that what I saw was real, and the image still stood there, watching me behind one of the roof's chimney.

     "Mother..." I whispered to myself, unable to believe my eyes. At that exact moment, I heard a loud cry as a guard quickly tackled me to the ground.

     I gasped and looked behind the guard's shoulder, now noticing a figure clothed in black wielding a deadly sword above us. The guard, who's eyes were fierce and black, quickly whispered, "Stay down, My Lady," and he jumped up and withdrew his sword. I looked around me and saw other figures draped in black surrounding us. They were all carrying swords which glinted like pure silver in the sun, and the guards created a circle about my fallen form to protect me. I sadly noticed that my father was part of the barricade.

     Standing up, I looked up at the roofs once more, but the figure of my mother was gone. A loud steel clash echoed into my thoughts and I shifted my eyes from the rooftops and onto the battle which was happening before my very eyes. The figures clad in black seemed to possess much skill, and although the guards were trying their best to fight back, the black figures seemed to be overwhelming them. I reached into my sash and withdrew a dagger which I always kept close just in case, and I looked around as I searched for my father's Mutant Draik form.

     I heard a yell to my left, and my head quickly turned to that direction. I saw my father standing over the fallen figure of one of the masked Neopians, and in one quick movement he bent down and picked up the sword which was lying near the body. With one look at the sword, my father gave out another cry before he turned around and entered the battle once more. I took a few steps forward and bent down to pick up the blade, now realizing why my father had such an angered look upon his face when he saw the sword's hilt. The letters 'D.o.E' were imprinted upon it in blood red ink.

     "Deathdealers of Erodaire..." I whispered again, and my mother's kind face flashed into my mind once more.

     "Princess Andra! Watch out!" one of the guards yelled just as I quickly turned around and stopped an oncoming sword attack with my blade. I looked into the eyes of my attacker and met pure blackness underneath the many folds of cloth he wore. I stepped back awkwardly as the attacker swung his sword once again to attack me, and I blocked it. He did that once more, and I shifted my dagger so that I'll be able to block it, but at the last moment he quickly rotated his sword and cut a deep gash into my arm.

     I cried out at the unexpected pain, but I continued to keep a firm grip on my dagger. The attacker took a few more swings at me which I easily blocked before he switched his sword's position and created another gash onto my other arm. At that moment, I hesitated as I stared at the wounds upon me, and my attacker took that time and knocked me to the ground.

     "Andra!" I heard my father cry, and I looked behind my attacker's form onto an awful sight. All the guards were lying upon the floor, never to move again, and the figures clad in black were holding my father back with their swords. "Leave her alone you scums of Erodaire!!" he cried once more before they knocked him unconscious with the hilt of a sword.

     I watched in horror at the image of my father's body crumble onto the dirt ground and lie there, twitching occasionally. I knew that I will not be able to fend off any type of attackers, let alone the Deathdealers who were the most skilled fighters in the kingdom of Erodaire. A flicker of silver caught my eye, and I stared before me at the raised sword. I knew that this was going to be the end, but in a last desperate attempt to save myself, I grabbed my dagger and pushed it into the ankle of my attacker.

     A cry escaped his mouth as he dropped his sword and clasped his ankle in pain. This caught the attention of the other Deathdealers, unfortunately, and they all started to advance towards me, their swords glinting with malice. I bit my lip and gripped my blade tighter, for I was reluctant to give them easy prey. A flutter of black flickered at the corner of my eye in that exact moment, and it seemed as if the Deathdealers saw it as well, for they stopped their advancement towards me and leapt at the oncoming figure.

     The character which came just at the nick of time had a pair of daggers in his hands, and with these daggers, he was able to fight off all the Deathdealers at once. I stared in amazement at this newcomer's agility and agileness with his weapons, and after the cloaked figure knocked a Deathdealer upon the floor, the others turned and fled. In moments, they disappeared behind the brown corner of a house near the end of the road, leaving their comrade behind in the dust.

     With one quick movement, the cloaked figure brought an end to the Deathdealer upon the floor, and he quickly approached me. At first, I feared that he was going to attack me, so I tightened my hold upon my blade. But when I saw the clear, red eyes and the kind smile of this Neopet, I dropped my dagger upon the floor and grinned up at him.

     "It's about time you came, Oldraik," I laughed as he helped me up off the floor.

     "Sorry, I just wanted to see your skill with the blade a bit. Quite...erm...surprising, your skill," Oldraik said with a laugh as he dropped his hood and revealed his shadowy features. He still wore the same secret-filled-eyes like always, and his skin was still as inky as the deepest blacks. "I see you've been wearing my gift," he said and eyed the chain about my neck.

     "Of course!" I said and chuckled. A warm smile played on my lips as I hugged him once more. "Thank you for saving me."

     "No thanks needed; it was worth being able to fight off those blasted Deathdealers," Oldraik said back to me with a wink.

     "How did you ever get so good at fighting? I thought that the Deathdealers were the most skilled sword wielders in Erodaire," I asked as I recalled his agility with the daggers. "Your performance was absolutely astounding."

     "Well, the key word there is 'thought', and you thought wrong, Andra," Oldraik said back, mystery hinting in the tone of his voice.

     I laughed at this witty response from Oldraik, and it was as if my entire world was finally going the way I wanted it to go. I received the blessing of being able to know that Oldraik is safe and sound, and that he was still a close acquaintance of mine. This was the first time in my entire life that I was actually content with my life, and as a sign of my happiness, I gave Oldraik a warm hug that he awkwardly accepted.

     "Andra...?" I heard a familiar voice utter which forced me to quickly release myself from my embrace with Oldraik.

     I gasped and quickly looked over to where my father was lying upon the floor. The only problem was that my father was not lying upon the floor anymore...instead...he was up and as awake...and he was able to clearly see me and Oldraik.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Princess of Erodaire II: Part One

Princess of Erodaire II: Part Two

Princess of Erodaire II: Part Three

Princess of Erodaire II: Part Five

Princess of Erodaire II: Part Six

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