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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 6 > New Series > Who Did It? Part One

Who Did It? Part One

by magycalmyst

September 10th. It was a cold and starry night. Detective Charles, a yellow Jubjub, was sitting at his desk, going over his new case.

"Can you help me detective?" asked the distressed blue Usul, wearing a Usukiland T-shirt, "Last night, my owner's Neopoints and rare items have been.........stolen!"

"I don't know, it sounds like a tough case to crack," Charles answered.

"Yes, but everyone knows you're the best Jubjub for the job. I really need your help."

"Okay, if we want to find this out, I'll need a list of the items stolen."

"One million Neopoints, a Wand of the Air Faerie, Wand of the Light Faerie, fifty Dark Faeries, fifty Light Faeries, two Spiked Neggs, one Rod of Supernova, and one Bent Fork!"

"WOW! That's more than I could ever imagine. I guess you are in need of my help. Okay, I'll take the case. I'll get started right away."

"Oh thank you, Detective Charles. I really appreciate your help. I'll tell my owner now."

"Wait a minute....what's your name again?"

"Oh sorry, I never really told you, it's Tara."

"Okay, Tara, I'll also need a list of suspects if there are any. Name a few names that might want to rob your owner. Haters of your owners riches, to be more specific."

"Hmmmm, there are probably three main suspects that I know that might have robbed my owner, Magycalmyst [pronounced, Magical-mist]: Malkus Vile. Probably my number one suspicion. After his business with King Coltzan, my owner was the one that caught him! He probably wants revenge! There also is Marcus the brown Meerca. He's a cousin of the two brown Meercas that helped Malkus Vile. Since his cousin got caught, he's been seeking revenge too! And lastly... Kauvara!"

"Wait a minute! Kauvara?? But, but, but why????? Kauvara is so nice and, well, nice!"

"I know, but she thinks that my owner stole fifteen Fire Faeries! She didn't; she was at the wrong place at the wrong time! I think Kauvara might wanna get back at my owner!"

"Hmmmm, I really have to get started on this case..."


Detective Charles was in serious need of some more clues, but three suspects were a good start. "Malkus Vile...I guess I should start off with him."

Later, at Vile's headquarters... an old abandoned warehouse near the Money Tree.

"Oh, hello Detective Charles. Long time no see," Malkus Vile welcomed the detective with a cigar in his mouth, "I hope I'm not in trouble for anything."

"Hello Malkus. No time for sarcasm. Where exactly were you last night at 8 pm?"

"Hold on detective, what exactly is the reason for asking these sort of questions?"

"Magycalmyst, a very well known rich owner, has been robbed of very good riches."

"You actually don't believe I did it?"

"You are a very prime suspect because Magycalmyst was the one that sent you to jail, yes, I need to question you. The better you cooperate, the better your luck of looking innocent."

"Ha ha detective. Okay, I'll cooperate. I was at the Neopian Jail, for your information. There should be at least ten security guards to prove so, I was heavily guarded."

"Go figure, but I will check in on that. Why exactly were you at the jail?"

"They held me in for more questioning on King Coltzan's crown. I'm about to go to my hideout, which of course, you have no need to know where it is, so I ask you to please leave. You have my alibi."

"Yes, thank you for your time, Malkus."

Charles left the warehouse and headed toward the Neopian Jail. He wanted confirmation of Vile's whereabouts, but he believed Vile. Who would lie about being at jail?

"Hmmm, yes. Malkus was here. He came around 7 pm left around 9:30 pm."

"Thank you, Michael."

The red security Grarrl nodded his head of welcome. Just as I expected, thought Charles to himself. Well, that's one suspect down.... two more to go. It just has to be one of them. "Who could it be?" was Charles' last thought before he fell asleep in his cozy bed....

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Who Did It? Part Two

Who Did It? Part Three

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