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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 137 > Short Stories > Mystery in the Mansion: Game Gone Wrong

Mystery in the Mansion: Game Gone Wrong

by violinoutoftune


Violin – A human, owner of the Mansion.

Fluff – A fashionable Usul, lives in the Mansion.

Fran – A smart red Grundo, lives in the Mansion.

Kumoil – A chubby little green Chia, lives in the Mansion.

Andrew – A Gelert, a guest.

Brianna – An Aisha, a guest.

Claire – An Acara. a guest.

Dan – A Shoyru, a guest.

Elisa – An Ixi, a guest.

Chuck – A Polarchuck, the butler. Kumoil’s petpet.

Snow – A white Ona, the maid. Fluff’s petpet.

Kougra – A Defender of Neopia.

Kacheek – A Defender of Neopia.

Narrator – A boring person who we never see and only rarely hear from.


Clothing – Garments that pets would wear it they were very, very rich.

Fake things – Food and cups and plates and such.

Dark Cloak – Sinister looking black fabric.

Rope – The kind that you can tie things up with.

Artificial Muscles – For the Defenders of Neopia.

Scene One

(The lights dim and we hear the monotone voice of the Narrator.)

Narrator: (in a monotone)

“It was a rainy night in Neopia Central. It was the kind of rain that no pet, petpet, or petpetpet should be out and about in. Our story begins in the Dining Room of the Mansion at 219653 Neopia Avenue. Violin is having a murder mystery party for some of her pet friends.”

(Curtains open and we look in on the elegant Dining Room of the Mansion. Sitting at the table are Violin, Fluff, Fran, Kumoil, and the rest of the guests. They are all in their best clothes. Kumoil, Andrew, and Dan are sporting tuxedos, while the ladies are wearing graceful gowns and hold stylish purses. Snow and Chuck are serving dinner to them all. Violin taps her spoon against her cup to get everyone’s attention.)


“First we will eat dinner, have a ten minute break and then meet back in the Dining Room for the game and tea.”

(The pets say that sounds splendid and start talking about random things.)


“That’s a beautiful gold necklace, Fluff.”


“Thank you. I also have a gold ring to go along with it.”


“So Dan, how is your portfolio doing?”

(Dan gulps down some Neocola.)

Dan: (rudely burping)

“Well, not too good. Half of my stocks are below 15 Neopoints a share.”

(Dan continues guzzling Neocola.)


“I really love flowers, I hear you have really lovely gardens here.”


“Yes, if you want we can show them to you later.”


“That would be wonderful!”

(The chatter continues until not a speck of food is left.)

Dan: (standing up)

“May I be excused?”


“Yes, certainly.”

Dan: (bouncing up and down from side to side)

“Um, where is your bathroom?”


“Go down the hall and take a right when you get to the kitchen.”

(Dan nods a thank you and hurriedly walks in the direction of the bathroom. Everyone else also goes their various ways leaving Chuck and Snow to clean up.)

Scene Two

(The guests with the exception of Andrew are back in the Dining Room. Violin asks them to be seated and starts passing out their mystery game cards. She passes out all the cards until she has just one left.)


“Where is Andrew?”

(Andrew comes through the door.)


“Sorry, I was in the bathroom.”

(Violin hands him his card tells him to be seated. After a few minutes she asks if they are finished reading, to the nod of everyone.)

Violin: (loudly)

“Well, then let the game begin!”

(Violin looks over at the door while the guests glance at each other, confused.)


“I said, ‘Let the game begin!’”

(The guests are now getting impatient. Violin walks over to the door and opens it, seeing just the long hall to the kitchen. She turns back to the table.)


“Where’s Snow, Kumoil? She’s supposed to be here with the tea by now!”


“I’ll go find her.”

(Kumoil exits while Violin explains that there was just a mix-up. In a moment there is a yell from down the hall. Violin and the others run down into. There they see Kumoil kneeling down beside Chuck and Snow, who are tied together by ropes.)


“Untie them!”

(Kumoil and Fluff untie the petpets.)


“Who did this to you?”

(The Polarchuck squeals and flaps his arms.)


“What did he say?


“We don’t know.”


“You don’t know what he said?”


“No, he doesn’t know who it was.”

(Snow squeals and makes motions.)


“She says: ‘It was someone in a dark cloak. They came into the kitchen and tied us up.’”


“What did they want?”

(More squealing.)


“Chuck says: ‘they told us to tell them where Fluff’s room was or they’d hurt us.’”


“And what did you say?”

Fluff: (translating Snow’s squeals)

“We told them the truth -- your bedroom was on the north-west corner of the first floor.”


“Then what did they do?”

Kumoil: (translating Chuck’s flapping arms)

“They ran off down the stairs.”


“When did this happen?”


“Do you have to ask some many questions?”

(Fran glares at him.)


“Those weren’t my words -- they were Chuck’s.”


“Snow says it all happened just a few minutes ago.”


“Thank you Snow. Okay, everyone! Pair up and search the house! Whoever it was is probably still here. If you see them, scream. We’ll all meet back in the Dining Room in 5 minutes!”

Dan: (confused along with the other guests)

“Um, is this part of the game?”


“I’m afraid not. Something has gone wrong. This is real.”

(Everyone is a little shaken up by this statement and not sure what to do. Finally the pets pair up and go in different directions to search for this cloaked someone.)

Scene Three

(Violin, Chuck, and Snow are sitting at the table in the Dining Room. Soon Andrew, Dan, Kumoil, and Elisa come through the doorway empty-handed and shaking their heads. Then Brianna and Claire walk in. Claire is holding the dark cloak.)


“Where did you find that?”


“We found it on the floor of the bathroom.”


“Did you see anyone?”


“No, they must have ran away.”

(Fluff runs into the room screaming, with Fran behind her.)


“My gold ring! It’s been stolen!”


“We looked all over her bedroom! We didn’t see it anywhere. That dark cloaked someone must have stolen it.”


“Hmm… I’m starting to think that the dark cloaked someone is right in this very room.”


“What do you mean?”


“Just what I said! What’s the chances of some pet coming off the stormy Neopia Central streets in here to steal it? It makes much more sense that someone who was invited here is guilty!”


“That’s absurd!”


“I think not. In the ten minutes after dinner someone in this room dressed in a dark cloak, tied up the petpets, and stole Fluff’s ring.”

Fluff: (now in tears)

“Well, then confess! Who has it?”


“Be calm, Fluff. I think the best way to solve this mystery would be to ask everyone what they did during the ten minutes after dinner.”

(Violin picks and notebook and pencil from the table.)

“I think writing everything down might be helpful.”

(Some of the pets look at her with uncertainty.)

“To be fair, I’ll start with what I did. Right after dinner Fluff, Fran, Elisa, and I went down to the Northwest Garden. After a little bit, Elisa said that she wanted to go find Brianna and Claire. The others of us went back to the Dining Room to set up the game. Okay there’s my account. Who’s next? Kumoil?”


“Alright, Andrew and I went over to our spiffy new exercise room. We worked out a little and then I went back to the Dinning Room while Andrew went over to the bathroom.”

Violin: (looking up from the paper)

“Andrew, is this all correct.”




“Now, Brianna where were you?”


“Claire and I were in the lounge, the room right below here.”


“You were there the whole time?”


“Yes, we were.”


“And now Dan? What do you have to say?”


“I went to the bathroom right after dinner.”


“And what did you do after that?”


“I looked around for Kumoil, but I didn’t find him so I just came back to the Dining Room.”


“You were in the bathroom? Did you see the cloak in there?”


“No, it couldn’t have been in there then anyway, could it? Because the thief had to tie up Chuck and Snow first, right?”

Violin: (nodding)

“Yes, that makes sense.”


“Wait! Andrew was in the bathroom, too! And a long time after Dan was. Surely he saw it!”


“Did you, Andrew?”


“Actually, I don’t recall seeing it in there. Of course, I guess it could have been. I’m very unobservant at times.”

(Violin stops and thinks for a moment.)


“Hmm… yes, I suppose so.”


“Elisa, didn’t you say you were looking for me and Claire? Well, we never saw you! Maybe you stole the ring!”


“I did not! I just never found where you two were! This is a big house! It’s easy to get lost!”


“That’s the same thing Dan said. He said he never found Kumoil.”


“So you think I stole it?”

Fluff: (flustered)

“Will one of you confess now?!”


“Don’t overreact, Fluff. There’s no need to accuse anyone… yet. I mean, maybe no one stole the ring. It could just be lost. Let’s search the house for it.”

All, with the exception of Violin, whine:


Violin: (grinning)

“Yes, again! It’s the only way to be sure that we’re not pointing fingers at the innocent!”

(The pets and petpets sigh, pair off and exit the room, leaving Violin alone to pour over her notes.)

Scene Four

(Everyone is back in the Dining Room -- no one has confessed, and the ring has not been found.)


“I guess really the only thing we can do now is search everyone’s clothing and belongings.”


“No, I will not allow anyone to invade my privacy.”


“I agree. I’m not going to be searched.”


“What’s your reason?”


“Because I have nothing to hide.”

Fluff: (pointing a finger at Dan)

“He’s lying! He stole my ring! Search him!”

Violin: (putting her hands up)

“Stop! Everyone! None of this is necessary.”


“Why not?”


“Just listen. I can explain everything that happened here tonight.”

(The pets and petpets all take a seat at the table.)


“While you all have been searching for the ring, I have solved the mystery.”


“Are you sure?”

Violin: (uncertain)

“Um, pretty sure. Just let me talk. I know who the cloaked figure was, and I know who stole the ring.”


“You mean they’re different persons?”

Violin: (annoyed)

“Just listen!”

(The pets jump a little in shock. Violin takes a deep breath then continues.)


(She looks him in the eye. The Shoyru wiggles in his chair nervously.)

“I believe that you did exactly what you said you did – Go to the bathroom right after dinner and then wander around the Mansion looking for Kumoil and finally coming back here.”


“So, so… I’m innocent?”


“I think so.

(Dan sighs in relief.)


Andrew: (sweat rolls down his face)

“Ye- ye- yes?”


“I also believe everything you said.”


“So I’m innocent too?”


“Look, I haven’t let anybody off the hook yet!”

Dan: (squeals)

“Even me?”

Violin: (yelling)


(Violin hits it table with her fist. Everyone shakes a little.)


“Fluff and Fran. I can vouch for you both. You two were with me the whole time and I know you would never do I thing like that. But Kumoil on the other hand…”

(Kumoil’s green face turns bright red giving him a Christmas look without the cost of a paintbrush.)

Kumoil: (stuttering)

“Wha- wha- what- did- I- da- da- do?”


“Everything you said you did and more.”

(Kumoil ducks under the table in fear.)


“Plea- please don’t hurt me!”

Violin: (laughing)

“Ha, ha, ha! I wouldn’t hurt you! No, I’d hire someone like Lord Kass or Dr. Sloth to take care of that!

Kumoil: (wails)

“Please just tell me what crime I committed!!!”


“Oh, you did something very, very bad… You… (Kumoil winces) “You… ate my Strawberry Jelly for lunch!”

(Everyone bursts out laughing. Kumoil sits back up relieved and ready to defend himself.)


“No, I didn’t eat all of it! I saved you some!”

(Kumoil reaches in the back pocket of his pants and pulls out a some red goop, which was a half of a Strawberry Jelly. “Ewws!”, “Yucks”, and one “Yummy in my polar tummy!” come forth from the pets and petpets.)


“Is this part of the game?

(That just brings a roar of laughter from everyone. Finally the cheerful atmosphere dies down.)


“Well, I guess I’ll be getting on home now.”


“Yes, me too.”

(Brianna and Claire walk towards the door.)


“Just wait right there you two! No ones going anywhere until I finish telling you the answer to the mystery and the ring is back in Fluff’s possession.”

(Brianna and Claire disregard Violin and open the door only to be ambushed by a muscular Kougra and a strong Kacheek.)


“What is this! Let us go!”

(The pets push and shove but can’t break free.)

Kumoil: (awestruck)

“Wow! Real Defenders of Neopia!”

Violin: (to the Defenders)

“Check their purses!”

(The Kacheek opens up Claire’s purse and finds an assortment of jewelry inside.)


“Hey, that’s my bracelet! But where’s my ring?”

(The Kougra opens up Brianna’s purse to find makeup, tissues, a personal organizer, and at the very bottom – the ring!)

Fluff: (gasping)

“My ring! Oh, thank you so much Mr. Kougra!”


“I think you should be thanking the human. She’s the one that got us over here.”


“Thanks Violin! You’re a real friend!”


“Your welcome, Fluff! It was fun!”


“So is this part of the game?”

(They all laugh. The Defenders give Fluff back her jewelry and haul Brianna and Claire off the premises.)


“I still can’t understand how you solved the mystery, Violin.”


“Well, it took a lot of work, that’s for sure.”


“But how’d you know Brianna and Claire were behind it?”


“Well, if you remember, Elisa said that she couldn’t find them. I found that impossible since they told us that they were just a room away in the Lounge for the whole ten minutes. And then everything came together. It made so much sense that they would be working as a pair. They had each other as alibis. One was disguised in the cloak while the other one was on the lookout for passersby. I doubt that they were ever where they said they were.”


“But what about the cloak in the bathroom? How come Andrew never saw it?”


“Because the cloak was never there! Brianna and Claire probably hid it somewhere else, and when I had everyone search the house, they took that as an opportunity to frame Dan or Andrew by saying that they found the cloak in the bathroom.”


“Wow! You’re so good at mysteries, Violin!”


“So you’re sure this wasn’t part of the game?”

Violin: (laughing)

“No, but reading over the cards and knowing the solution of the game helped a lot with the real mystery!”

(They all share a laugh and the curtain closes.)

Narrator: (in the same boring monotone)

“So ends a boring play of a boring murder mystery game party that turned into a really boring real mystery. Wasn’t it boring?”

The End

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