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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 135 > Short Stories > Lin and Jean and the Terror Mountain Trip

Lin and Jean and the Terror Mountain Trip

by chocolateisamust

"And we're here!" the Christmas Kyrii exclaimed, grinning. She pulled the zipper on her M*YNCI Jacket higher, and then turned and stared at her friend (whom was standing beside her). "Are you excited, Lin?" she asked.

     Lin -- a Disco Kyrii -- nodded, straightening her earmuffs. "It seems fun here -- much different than what I'm used to, Jean," she replied.

     Jean giggled. "It's 'cause you live on Mystery Island, where it's hot outside the majority of the time. And we're on Terror Mountain, where it's like… always cold."

     "Yeah I guess. But I mean, it's different, too because --"

     Her remark was cut short when a gloved paw grabbed her shoulder. Lin swiveled around out of instinct, and once she did so, the Kyrii met the angry glare of a Fire Wocky.

     "Lin," the Wocky huffed, his voice gravelly, "why didn't you and Jean wait for me?"

     Lin started to reply, but Jean interrupted her. "Well, while you were ogling over things at the bottom of the mountain, we decided to use our time wisely, Marr," she said matter-of-factly.

     A low growl emitted from the bottom of Marr's throat for a moment, but then again, only for a moment. He would've liked to growl angrily at his sister and his sister's friend longer, but the two Kyrii's briskly walked away.

     In an annoyed fashion, Marr bolted after the friends'. He caught up with then about 10 feet later, and once he did so, he abruptly grabbed one of Lin's paws and one of Jean's paws. This stopped the friends dead in their tracks, and the two of them turned around to see Marr.

     "Why'd you do that?" Jean snapped, slapping his paw off of her own.

     "Yeah, Marr! Stop being such a pest! Nobody else has a big brother as annoying as you," Lin insulted.

     The Wocky clenched his teeth, irritated. "Well if you hate me that much, I'm just going to go! Good bye!"

     "Good riddance to Marr!" cheered Jean.

     Lin did not cheer as well. The Kyrii simply watched her brother trek angrily down from Terror Mountain and towards the Ice Caves/Happy Valley.

     After Marr left, the friends' simply stood there for a few moments in complete silence. But then Jean suggested that they go buy some stuff at the Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop, and Lin concurred.

     They left the immediate area they had been standing in, and boots leaving footprints in the snow, the Kyrii's headed towards the pink-and-green striped shop.

     "Welcome," the Lenny shopkeeper greeted, smiling warmly. "What can I do for you today?"

     "You got any blue orange Chia Pops?" Jean asked, leaning against a snow-sprinkled shelf.

     "Sure do! That'd be 243 Neopoints please!" He smiled a smile so warm and friendly that both pets could tell it was fake. But they ignored this, and Jean fished out 243 Neopoints from her Disco Aisha Backpack and placed them on the counter the Lenny was standing behind.

     The shopkeeper turned around, grabbed a blue orange Chia Pop from below the counter, and handed it to Jean. She immediately tore open the top and started slurping at the substance.

     "Thanks," she said to the Lenny.

     "You're welcome," he replied. He then turned towards Lin. "Do you, m'dear, want something for yourself?"

     "Yeah… I guess I'll have a grape Chia Pop for me, and a Snow Submarine Sandwich for my brot --"

     Jean jabbed her elbow sharply into Lin's ribs. "You're buying something for him?" She inquired, gasping in disbelief. "Er…yeah. He's annoying, stalls a lot, thinks he's uber-cool etcetera, but he's still my older brother and he might get hungry."

     Jean frowned. "How do you even know where he is?'

     "He's probably getting home somehow. Most likely, he's on a ferry right now. I'll give him the sandwich when I get home."

     Lin's friend rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue in disapproval, but she did not say anything else. She simply watched as the Disco Kyrii exchanged 649 Neopoints for a grape Chia Pop and Snow Submarine Sandwich.

     After purchasing the two food items, Lin and Jean headed outside. They sat on a tightly packed mound of snow a few feet over from the shop, slurping at their Chia Pops while chatting about a hodgepodge of things.

     After they had finished, though, the two decided to check out the Ice Caves, because they didn't feel like doing one of Taelia's quests, nor did they want to go Mika and Carassa's igloo.

     So they climbed down the Icy Tunnel until they reached the planned area.

     Jean decided that they should try out the Snowager first. Unfortunately, the beast was awake, and the two bolted out of his lair before anything dire could happen.

     Next stop was the Ice Crystal Shop.

     "Welcome! Welcome! Here we sell Magical Ice weapons formed from the Ice Cave walls!" the Shoyru shopkeeper exclaimed as they entered the igloo, which acted as the shop.

     Lin ignored his greeting, and simply picked up a bottle labeled 'Dirty Snow' from a flimsy shelf, which pushed against one of the walls. "How is this a magical weapon?" she asked skeptically.

     "Ah, well, that's a mystery itself. Erm… why don't you look over here?" he asked, pulling the hood on his olive-green jacket higher.

     The Disco Kyrii shrugged, and she carelessly dropped the bottle to the shelf. Of course, this was not the best decision in the world, because it was made of glass. As it shattered, a repugnant odor rose from the dirty snow inside of it.

     The Shoyru inhaled the smell, and when he discovered the bottle broken, his brow rose in disbelief. "GET OUT!" he bellowed, clenching his fist. "GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!"

     In horror, Lin bolted from the igloo -- her Scorchio Scarf and unzipped Blue Kacheek Group Jacket blowing in the wind. Jean bolted after her.

     The two friends only stopped when they reached the Neggery.

     "I can't believe I did that," Lin panted, resting her paws on her knees.

     Jean sniggered. "I can believe it. You always have been sort of er… klutzy, if you will."

     As much as she wanted to glare at her friend, Lin was too tired from running. She simply stood there for a moment, her paws still on her knees.

     When her energy was partially regained, she stood completely up. It was then that Jean decided they should try their luck with a scratch chard. Slowly, the friends strolled over to the kiosk. They waited in line for 10 minutes.

     "Fancy trying your luck in a scratch card?" the Wocky who ran the stand asked in a nasally voice once it was their turn.

     "Yeah… 600 Neopoints right?" Lin asked.

     "Mmhm," he replied. "Just remember, it's Lucky Dip, though. I cannot guarantee what you'll get."

     "Okay… um… can we just have a card?" Jean inquired.

     "Yeah, yeah… give me the money first, then I'll give you a card."

     The friends nodded, both withdrawing 600 Neopoints from their backpacks.

     "No, no. Once per 6 hours. Families can only get a scratch card once per 6 hours."

     Lin giggled. "We're not family -- just friends. We live in different households, have different owners and --"

     "Okay, okay… give me the Neopoints and you'll each have a card."

     The two nodded, and dropped the coins onto the counter. The Wocky fished out two cards from a basket beside of him.

     "Christmas Kyrii, you have a Terror Trove Scratch Card. Disco Kyrii, Race to Riches," He said, handing them each a card. "Now you two go. More pets than just you want to try their luck."

     Obediently, Lin and Jean walked away.

     "Wanna scratch them now?" Jean asked once they are about 10 feet from the kiosk.

     "Probably better to… more convenient," Lin responded.

     Jean nodded, and removed a Neopoint coin from her backpack. Lin did the same.

     The friends scratched at their cards with the coin.

     "Loser!" Jean exclaimed once six squares were revealed.

     "Same here." Her friend sighed, but then added, "I'm gonna keep mine for a souvenir."

     "Yeah, same here." The Christmas Kyrii rolled up the scratch card and dropped it back into the backpack, as did Lin.

     The two then zipped the packs back up, but then simply stared at each other.

     "What else is there to do?" Lin questioned, smoothing out a wrinkle on her jacket.

     "Happy Valley, I guess. Maybe we can buy a Slushie or something. I always have liked Slushies."

     Lin giggled. "Okay, then. To Happy Valley it is!"

     When the Kyrii's reached Happy Valley, the found it to be crowded to the last 'd.' There were owners and pets and petpets on every pathway and crammed into every store.

     Jean shook her head. "Maybe we should go," she stated, sighing.

     "Yeah, maybe. My mom and your mom are waiting back at my house for us. We should probably get there before they get worried," Lin replied.

     So the two glumly headed towards the 'Icy Ferry' to return to Lin's Mystery Island residence.

     On the ferry, Lin and Jean just happened to sit down beside a Fire Wocky -- a red bundle in its arms.

     They assumed it to be just another pet returning to Mystery Island at first, but when the Wocky turned around, they gasped when they discovered it to be somebody they knew.

     "Marr?" Lin asked, her eyes growing wide. "Is that you?"

     "Lin… Jean?"

     "Okay, this is weird. Out of all the ferries that leave for Mystery Island each day, we manage to get on the same one --"

     Lin's remark was cut short when the bundle cried out, "UGGA UGG!"

     "What the heck!?" Jean leapt to her paws in shock.

     "Is that a petpet, Marr?" Lin questioned.

     Marr chuckled nervously. "Well, I was in the Petpet store and the shopkeeper said that there was a misplaced petpet -- an Uggatrip -- and she'd sell it for really cheap because it was tripping customers. And I bought it… for you." He gently set the bundle into Lin's paws.

     Lin stared at it for a moment, but then smiled at her older brother lovingly. "Thanks, Marr," she said.

     "You're welcome," he replied. "But just be warned, that little thing sure can trip."

     Lin giggled. "Sure it can… this little fella wouldn't hurt a fly."

     "Sure it wouldn't… sure…" Marr smiled.


The three arrived at Marr and Lin's Neohome slightly after sunset. The Fire Wocky and Disco Kyrii's owner -- Chocolate -- and the Christmas Kyrii's owner -- Lily -- told them to get ready for dinner.

     As the seven pets -- yes, seven, because Marr and Lin had two more siblings, and Jean had two siblings also -- and two owners gathered around the table, Lily announced that they had ordered something to eat.

     And when there was a knock on the door, Marr was the one to answer it. The door opened, slammed shut, and a few moments later, an irritated looking Fire Wocky -- whom was holding a large box in his paws -- walked into the room.

     "Snow Submarine Sandwiches?" he asked, shaking his head slowly. "I hate those. Absolutely disgusting!"

     "I erm… gotta go do something." It was at that point that Lin remembered the Snow Submarine Sandwich that she had bought earlier. It was probably melted now, which meant it would be soaking her backpack.

     The Kyrii rose to her paws and hurried out of the kitchen. When she was a few feet away from the backpack, her new petpet -- The Uggatrip -- planted itself in front of her.

     "Hi little fella," she greeted quickly.

     Lin then tried to walk passed the creature. But she didn't manage to do so, because only a couple of seconds later, a few separate sounds echoed throughout the house.


     "Sure it wouldn't hurt a fly!" Marr called from the kitchen.

     Lin simply sighed.

The End

A/N: Hi people=D Thanks for reading my story. Jean is Lily's pet, and I have Lily's permission to use Jean and Lily herself (Did that make any sense)? Lin is my pet, and right now she's a Disco Kyrii. But she's labbed, so she could be changed already if this gets into the NT. Marr has changed from my last story I've written about my pets -- he's a Fire Wocky now. ANYWAY, Neomail me about anything about the story. Thanks ^^

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