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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 134 > New Series > The Defenders of Light: The Struggle Begins -- Part One

The Defenders of Light: The Struggle Begins -- Part One

by npmasterx01

"HeckDragonX!" yelled BurnDragonX. "Someone has come to see you!"

     "Coming," I said. I am HeckDragonX, the Tyrannian Shoyru and there are three more people living with me. I entered the Forbidden Lounge. "Greetings, fellow Neopian!" I said. "Let's see. Where will I start?"

     There I was in the darkness of Sloth's Dungeon. The cries and screams of other prisoners echoed off the walls like the screech of a bat.

     "I'm sorry! I am way in head of myself," I said. "Let's start from the beginning, but before I begin I would like to tell you something. If you have already read Legend of the Baby Shoyru, then you might think that the beginning of my story is very similar. That is, because the legend was based on my life story."

     One night, when we were playing Neoquest, the most hideous creatures intruded upon our land and attacked us. I tried to protect Neiks3, but the mutants were too strong for us to handle and we were brought to our knees. I had awoken in the most vile place of the Virtupets Space Station. A guard approached.

     "It is time," said the guard. I didn't know what he meant, but he sure said it in an unusual way. I walked into the light. It was so bright that it seemed like I hadn't seen any light for weeks. All of a sudden, everything went black. I had awoken to the sound of a crash. I heard someone yelling. I gathered the strength to get up. Suddenly a dark shadow fell over me.

     "It's you!" I said.

     "I am the one and only Dr. Frank Sloth!" said the figure. "Of course you should know that by now. Are you ready to become part of my collection of slaves? This won't hurt a bit." Sloth reached for the handle and a shot was fired! Everyone stopped moving. It seemed like time froze. The fire was not on me! It wasn't even made by Dr. Sloth. I noticed that Sloth was looking up. Out came a figure from the hole in the ceiling. It was the Space Faerie!

     "Leave him alone, Sloth!," said the Space Faerie. The Space Faerie unstrapped me from the table and we ran for the door.

     "Get them!" commanded Sloth. The same two creatures who kidnapped me came out of nowhere. The Space Faerie started to shoot them and hit one. The other one jumped on the ceiling and pounced her.

     "Run to the launch pad I will handle the guards," said the Space Faerie. I waited at the launch pad for a minute then saw guards running towards me. I managed to defeat them easily, but I had to leave right away. I started the count down. 10, 9, 8. Suddenly, the Space Faerie appeared running towards the launch pad. 7, 6, 5. Then I saw Sloth slither out of the darkness and aim his gun at the faerie. 4, 3, 2. At the last second, Sloth fired his gun and hit the Space Faerie.

     "No!" I yelled. The shuttle took off leaving the Space Faerie on the floor of the launch pad. "I have got to go back and save her. Wait, what is that sound? It's another ship!" I said. I could see the same creature in the front seat that had pounced the Space Faerie. "Isn't there any weapons on this thing? Here is one! I can't read their form of code, but it is worth a try," I said. I pressed the button. All of a sudden, a disco ball came out of the ceiling and started to spin around slowly. "It makes you wonder," I said. In panic, I started pressing buttons randomly. The creature tried to shoot me with his laser cannon, but I dodged it. The ship disappeared. "Wait, there is more than one dot on my radar. They must be using stealth devices. This radar will help me lock on to those ships," I thought. The dots on the screen turned red. "I have got them all locked on target," I said. All of a sudden, they started shooting at me. I fired as quickly as I could. There were several explosions. "It looks like the leader dodged my fire," I thought. He retreated back to the space station, but I shot him anyway. A screen came on in front of me with the same hideous face I hated so much. "Why are you doing this?" I asked.

     "To rule Neopia of course," said Sloth. "Now that I have the Space Faerie, I'm going to experiment on her and make her a mutant! I would like to thank you, because if you weren't here I wouldn't have captured her."

     "You monster!" I yelled. "I will destroy you and your space station."

     "Good thing I planned ahead and put a bomb in the shuttle you are in," said Sloth. "Good bye, HeckDragonX!"

     There is no way I'm dying when I know he is still alive, I thought. I used Bubble Shield. I opened the hatch and started floating towards the Space Station. When I was a couple yards from the ship, it exploded. The explosion sent me hurtling into space. When I had awoken, I was in the landing bay of the space station. Guards surrounded me and started to carry me away. I was carried to the dungeon. Right when they tried to put me in the cell I sprang from their grip. They started running after me. I hung on to a chain connected to the ceiling and used Shoyru Dive. "Two down two to go," I said. Now, I used Lava Spit. The last two guards ran around in circles and fell to the floor. I threw the four guards into the cell. I was about to close the door when I saw a dark figure appear next to me. He stepped into the light. It was Commander Garoo. All of a sudden, he punched me. I used Demon Breath and Garoo started getting nauseated. I grabbed for his keys when he wasn't looking and pushed him into the cell. When the commander hit the wall, I locked them in.

     I ran through the hallways, upstairs, and downstairs. A sign read "Sector 1." I walked until I found a door. Upon entering the room, I saw three mutant Aishas. They were working on something. The room looked like a small laboratory. Next to me I saw a gun. The kind that makes Neopets into these monsters. I read a book on how one of these things work. I adjusted the settings. "Over here!" I yelled.

     "Get him!" yelled mutant Aisha 1 as he turned around. I shot them all before they could reach me. They all turned back to their original forms.

     "What is that thing?" I asked.

     "That is Prototype_Barry!" said Aisha 1.

     "He was suppose to be evil, but he turned out to be very kind. Dr. Sloth did not take it very well," said Aisha 2.

     "We were about to fix the problem, but now since we are free we don't have to do anything with him," said Aisha 3.

     "You could wake him up and take him with you if you want," said Aisha 2. I approached the sheet and uncovered the prototype.

     "It is a baby Shoyru?" I asked.

     "Yes, but it will grow up," said Aisha 3. He opened his eyes.

     "Barry. Someone has come to see you," said Aisha 1.

     "You will now be going with this Shoyru," said Aisha 2.

     "He will grow faster than regular Shoyru. He will be full grown in twenty four hours," said Aisha 3. I continued my quest with Barry following me.

     "Look Barry! It is a transmitter!" I said. I set everything up and sent my message. I told them that many Neopets were stuck on the space station and we needed people to send ships to pick them up.

     "Who are you?" asked a voice. I turned around to see someone who looked like Dr_Death.

     "I am here to shut down this space station," I said.

     "Maybe if you pass my test I will help you," said the stranger. He pulled out a remote and pushed a button. A metal cage formed around him. Two doors opened and two mutant Lupes lunged at me. I used Boil and the Lupes slowed down. The first Lupe used Fiery Gaze. The second Lupe used Spark.

     "You two are finished!" I yelled. I jumped and attacked with an Ultranova. The Lupes fainted.

     "Very good, but can you handle this?" asked the stranger. Another door opened and out walked the hideous creature it withheld.

     "What is that?" I asked.

     "I call it the Fire Grarrl! This is no ordinary Fire Grarrl. It has just been named that because it can withstand fire," said the stranger.

     "Well, if he isn't weak against fire, he is weak against water!" I exclaimed. I used Watery Guardian. The Fire Grarrl fainted.

     "I see you are out of magic power," said the stranger. "Let's see how you do against a Chia Bomber!" Once again, another door opened and out came the Space Faerie.

     "Your plans have been changed, Dr. Livingston!" said the Space Faerie.

     "What have you done with Chia Bomber?" asked Dr. Livingston.

     "Let's just say that it is currently not available," said the Space Faerie.

     "Too bad. You almost caught me, too!" said Dr. Livingston. All of a sudden, a wall closed over on her side of the room. "Now for my escape," said Dr. Livingston.

     "Wait, weren't you going to help me?" I asked.

     "Take the elevator to Sector 3. You might have some trouble getting through it, but it is the shortest way," said the scientist.

     "One more thing! Do you know Dr_Death?" I asked.

     "Indeed. He is my brother," said Dr. Livingston as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. All of a sudden, there was a loud explosion. As the smoke cleared, a hole formed in the wall. Out walked the Space Faerie.

     "Ready to go?" asked the Space Faerie.

     "How come Dr. Livingston's personality is so calm, while Dr_Death has a mean attitude? What puzzles me is how did Dr. Livingston get stuck working for Dr. Sloth," I said.

     "It is a long story, just like this baby Shoyru you have following you around," said the Space Faerie.

     "You mean Barry?" I asked. "Wait. How did you get away from Sloth?" All of a sudden, the Space Faerie froze.

     "What?" I asked as the Space Faerie covered my mouth.

     "Do you hear that?" the Space Faerie whispered.

     "No," I replied.

     "Get ready to run," said the Space Faerie.

     "What?" I asked.

     "Now!" said the Space Faerie.

     "Intruders! Get them!" yelled Grundo Guard 1. The three guards started to shoot at us.

     "This way!" said the Space Faerie as we turned a corner.

     "There's an elevator!" I yelled. Without warning, three more Grundos dropped out of air vents and started shooting at us.

     "You and Barry head for the elevator! I will take care of these guards!" ordered the Space Faerie. We did as we were told and got inside the elevator. The Space Faerie was able to hold off the second group of mutant Grundos, but the first group avoided her with ease.

     "I think this is the time we make our escape!" I said to Barry. Two of the three Grundos dived for the elevator as we were closing the doors. I kicked one, but only hit the gun out of his hand. They both made it, but the other one collided into the door as it shut.

     "I should kill him now!" said Grundo 1.

     "Go right ahead," said Grundo 3. The Grundo guard pulled the trigger.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Defenders of Light: The Struggle Begins -- Part Two

The Defenders of Light: Part Three

The Defenders of Light: Part Four

The Defenders of Light: Part Five

The Defenders of Light: Part Six

The Defenders of Light: Part Seven

The Defenders of Light: Part Eight

The Defenders of Light: Part Nine

The Defenders of Light: Part Ten

The Defenders of Light: Part Eleven

The Defenders of Light: Part Twelve

The Defenders of Light: Part Thirteen

The Defenders of Light: Part Fourteen

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