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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 131 > Articles > Spotlight Trophies

Spotlight Trophies

by kitty_catz_rule

TROPHIES - You are no good at flash games, no matter how hard you try. There are always other Neopians who are much better then you are, who have experience and the patience. You have also no luck on those chance games, no matter how many Neopoints you waste. But, you always wanted to be in the 'spotlight'. So, why not try out for some of the "spotlight trophies" ?

Pet Spotlight

I am sure your Neopet would love to be on the spotlight, to be known, to even get it's own trophy. So, how does this happen in a single e-mail? Well, all you have to do is send in a brief fiction story about your Neopet. Or, you can talk about your Neopet. Its personality traits, its past memorable experiences, its dislikes, etc. Make sure to write it in first person. As if to say "I", so it'll sound like your Neopet is telling the story about himself/herself. Also, make sure to send in a picture that you drew -- whether it is on a art program, or drawn on paper. It can be a simple picture, it does no have to be completely detailed. Just try your best. Make sure when you attach the file it is 100% clear of viruses, and in .GIF or .JPG format. Now once you think your ready to win send it in to

NOTE: This is exactly like the petpet spotlight, except the petpet spotlight has to do with your petpet instead, and you include a picture of your petpet and not your Neopet. You also tell the name of the pet that owns the petpet.

Site Spotlight

Probably one of the most hardest spotlight trophies. You need to know a little thing called, HTML. Don't know how to use it, or where to begin? Relax, luckily Neopets wrote The Neopets HTML Guide. They will start with the basics, move onto the more sticky and longer ones to learn. Don't worry, though! With a bit of practice, and some frustration, you'll be all set to just do the HTML on your own without even looking at the guide!

When you feel that you are ready, double check. Get feedback from the chat boards (Spotlights and Galleries section). Get it reviewed. Take some tips from the people who give you comments and suggestions. You don't have to consider all of them, but if the same suggestion comes up in a lot in peoples feedback, I think you may want to switch your mind.

Last tip, do not take anyone's artwork that has been anywhere on the site, and claim it as yours. If you do, I am sure someone will catch you, report you AND then you are going to be the one regretting everything you did. Try not to copy the same ideas from a previous site spotlight winner. Your petpage will seem unoriginal. Now, once you think you are ready send it in to fan

TIP - Interested in this one? Read and learn more about it in Be In the Spotlight! written by twinfairy.

Neoadventure Spotlight

If you love writing adventure stories, or just like writing stories in general for other people to read, and for them to pretend that they are actually in it... this is most likely for you! You get to create your own story/adventure and challenge for Neopians to finish it. If they can, of course. You are only allowed one adventure at a time. Once you feel your Neoadventure is probably good enough, you can fill out the form that is located here.

Now, if this is your first time writing the adventure, it may take you awhile to catch on about what this is. You see, you have to think of a creative title, pick what type of theme your plot and adventure will be, the characters, the images... everything fits into one. If you need help, I suggest visiting the help page.

TIP - Interested in this one? Read and learn more about it in Making an Adventure

written by o_ky_o.

Neohome Spotlight

If you like spending a lot of Neopoints for just winning a trophy, and always thought about designing your very own home all by yourself, maybe this spotlight is just the right match for you. Just buy some fancy furniture, place it in your desired room, and then make it look nice and professional as possible. It is nice to have some sort of "theme" to your Neohome. Like maybe everything rainbow, or everything blue. If you built your Neohome in the Meridell, maybe you can try to make your rooms out of stone and gold.

When all of your rooms are all spiced up, and just the way you want them send it to Make sure to include a description of your neohome, and a nice spiffy logo to go along with it. Include your username, address, along with the URL.

TIP - Interested in this one? Read and learn more about it in "How To Put Your Neohome on the Spot" written by stoneman3x

Gallery Spotlight

Hm, I said spending a lot of Neopoints for the Neohome? I think I should've put that down here. The Gallery Spotlight is all about making a collection of certain items. It can be a collection of unbuyables, cheap items, or middle-priced items or ALL. Of course, I'm sure the Neopets Team want original ideas for galleries. They also probably would like a shop with lots of nice text to make your gallery more appealing. If you love just to stash things in a corner, and keep little thingers of sorts... oh yes, this definitely matches your personality. Make sure you include a description that will appear on the page when you win! "Winners will be chosen based on quality, aesthetics, originality, and content." - Gallery Spotlight page.
Send yours into

TIP - Interested in this one? Read and learn more about it in The Ultimate Gallery Guide written by charlene31.

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