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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 5 > Articles > Peophin Spotlight!

Peophin Spotlight!

by RyokoMasaki202

What are Peophins? Where do they come from? If you ever wondered about these things, you've come to the right place! This article will explain how Peophins came to be the loyal, beautiful pets they are today, why they wear masks, and other trivial facts about this wondrous water-horse.

What are Peophins?
Peophins can be described as half horse half fish. They have a head, mane, and front hooves like a horse, but they have the tail of a fish. The Peophin have a very wide range of personalities, from wild and rebellious to extremely loyal and domesticated, and everything in between. They love to spend lazy hours in the pool and to be groomed using their very own Peophin products (you would expect such beautiful creatures to be a little vain.)

Also, a companion would be good for a Peophin as they get awfully lonely especially if you’re a busy person and can only spend a few hours a day with them. An aquatic NeoPet would make the best companion, so they can spend time together in the water. Fiery types aren't suited for Peophins, nor are cat types such as the Aisha and Kougra...since cats usually hate water. And obviously, if you can see a species wasn't built for swimming, such as the Kau, Uni, Elephante, or Chomby, don't get it as a companion.

Where did the Peophin come from?
Long ago Peophins were wild spirited, instead of the face masks we see today, their faces were exposed and they had a long horn coming from their forehead and a shorter one from their nose. They were thought to be a myth by many for a long time. Some people said they saw the Peophin dance in the light of the moon in the sea, singing sad songs. Their speed was immense, however, so they were rarely seen and when they were it was just a flash of their tail as they dove under the surface...they were very shy. Because of this, many people just thought the tails belonged to a school of wild Flotsams.

Though many Peophin traveled in groups, a lot of them were loners. Most of the time, loners were Peophins who lost too many battles within their group and were kicked out, but a few left of their own free will. It was a loner that was first captured by a strong woman. The Peophin was swimming too close to shore, and since the water there was shallower than the waters she was used to, she had to move slower. The woman took advantage of this, draping a net around the Peophin and, before the poor thing knew what hit it, pulled it on to shore. The Peophin wasn't exactly too thrilled with this; she thrashed around, making tons of noise. She cut through the net with her horns, but unfortunately she was too weak, being on land and not in the sea she loved. The woman took her back to her house and put her in her pool ... though that wasn't really helping the Peophin. She took off the Peophin's horns, and using a bit of magic, made a mask to restrain the Peophin from becoming too wild and powerful. The discovery triggered the best and worst thing that ever happened to Peophins. Millions of people set into the seas, chasing the Peophin to shallower waters and capturing them. The masks became very popular, the woman was making a fortune off of them, but there was a problem with them. They couldn't stop the horns from growing back! The masks restrained power, but not all of it, and sometimes due to growing back their horns...the Peophin sometimes escaped, and since there was only so many of them...being a rare breed...this was devastating for owners. To prevent this, a stronger mask was formed, as well as the owners breeding Peophins with the smallest horns. Soon there was no longer a shortage, and the Peophin were a domesticated breed…but every now and then, you can find a Peophin who is wild and won't obey orders…although horned Peophins are now very very rare.

An interview with my two Peophins. (DR is Delicate Rose and G is Gaberial.)

Me: Hello!

Gaberial and Delicate_RoseTerror both: Hi!

DR: What's this all about?

Me: I want to know how you both feel about being Peophins, what it means to you...and basically anything else you feel like sharing. You start, Gaberial.

Gaberial: Well, Ryoko I never really thought about it. I guess I feel kind of sad that wild Peophins are so rare now. Our grandma was a wild Peophin, though I never knew her.

DR: Yeah, I used to be a wild Peophin… I lived in a stream with my parents, but I wasn’t totally wild… I was bred but our owner decided to let all of us, except for Gaberial, go. It’s a hard life in the wild, but that must be because streams are so shallow and fast, unlike the ocean. I don’t know what my old owner was thinking! Anyway, I’m glad to be in a warm swimming pool and house again…you’re a great owner Ryoko!

Me: Thanks, Delicate_Rose.

Gaberial: Well, I can’t say I don’t like being with you either, Ryoko. You saved me from the pound…but sometimes I can’t help wonder how it would feel to live in the ocean surrounded by other Peophins. It must have been fun. I wish my old owner had given me the same chance to be free for a while as my sister, but now that I’m with you I don’t want to leave.

Me: Well, there you have it. The Peophin, though some are rebellious and wild, are mostly nice loving pets and if you get the right one for you, it can be like a breath of heaven. Thanks for reading! I hope when you consider adopting a pet, you’ll think of the Peophin, since Peophin hate being in cramped places. Bye!

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