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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 124 > Articles > When Miamice Move In

When Miamice Move In

by charmedhorses

NEOHOME - I'm sure you've all heard of the famous petpet, the Miamouse. But did you know, that this small creature can be found not only in Faerieland, but also in your own Neohome? Do not be alarmed, because by reading this you will learn how to look for signs of Miamice in your Neohome and how to handle such a situation.

Behavior of the Miamouse

While their heads may seem a bit too large for their bodies, and their ears are so big that they can hear a conversation anywhere in the house, Miamice are peaceful creatures that mean no harm. When I discovered a Miamouse living in our Neohome I was surprised by its polite personality. Rather than running away, it stood up for itself, apologizing for the inconvenience, but explaining that it was only looking for a warm place to spend the winter. My Uni, Indipsi, through a fit, but my Ixi, Rasco, thought it was cool. I was bewildered and not sure what to say. As it turned out, the weather soon warmed up and the Miamouse chose to leave our home for the great outdoors.

That leads me to another fact about Miamice. They prefer living outside as opposed to inside. Now, you are probably thinking 'If they would rather live outside, then what are they doing in my Neohome?!?!' Well, as was the case for my Neofamily, most Miamice are simply looking for a warm place to spend the winter. Once the winter season has passed they will most likely move out of your Neohome. As they are quite discreet little pets, it is possible that one could live in your Neohome without you noticing and move out in the same manner.

As for food, the Miamouse is not a creature to rob you of your goods. This also makes it difficult to notice the inhabitance of one in your Neohome, as your food supply will remain the same. Rather than eating you out of Neohouse and Neohome, the Miamouse will bring its own food supply with it. They are excellent gatherers, collecting fruits and nuts all year long in preparation for winter. When winter comes they are more than ready and can easily live off the goods that they have stored.

Overall, the Miamouse is a shy animal. While there are exceptions, most tend to keep to themselves. Due to this trait and many others described in this article, it can be difficult to detect whether one is living in your Neohome. Despite this, there are some small clues that will appear if you watch closely enough.

What To Watch For

True, the Miamouse is a tricky petpet and becoming aware of one can be terribly tricky, but it is possible. Let's go over a few basics.

First of all, watch for paw prints. Although the weather is often mucky during the winter, that doesn't stop Miamice from exploring the vast outdoors. Like any other living creature they need fresh air once in a while, too! As a result, their little paws get dirty and when they go back inside the mud is tracked onto the floor. Keep an eye out for those, as they are sure to give away any little Miamice living in your Neohome.

Also, if you have a Lupe, they are excellent at sniffing out the little guys. You may think that Kougras or Wockies would be the ideal choice, but on the contrary, it is the Lupe that best sniffs them out and corners them. Mind you, the Miamouse does not take well to physical force so tell your Lupe to be very gentle and courteous. Don't let it pick the Miamouse up or anything, just have it talk to the little guy.

Finally, look for fur. Granted, Miamice don't shed that much and noticing such fine hairs is a difficult task, but it's a sure give away. Especially if your Neopet is painted shadow and you keep finding little green hairs everywhere. Some people are allergic to Miamice, so if you are continuously sneezing, that's a pretty good hint, too.

The Confrontation

If things get out of hand and you feel adamantly that no Miamouse should be living in your Neohome, I suggest confrontation. Because the Miamouse is such a shy creature, it's not likely that you will come across it often, so if you really want it out, tell it how you feel. However, take some advice before doing so.

To begin with, do not use physical force. If you see the Miamouse scampering away and want to talk with it, do not try grabbing its tail or any other part of its body. This is a huge insult to the Miamouse. Instead, try calling after it, "Please, wait just a minute! I'd like to have a word with you!" More often than not, the Miamouse will stop and cautiously approach you, giving you a chance to say what's on your mind.

The next thing to make note of is that you should never raise your voice to a Miamouse. Stay calm and collected, expressing yourself in a mature manner. Miamice respond very well to such methods. Then tell the Miamouse exactly how you feel; they prefer truth to fiction.

Once you have explained to your house guest how you feel, try to be comforting. Offer them help in packing the little that they have, although I doubt that they will accept your gesture. Most likely, they will remain exceptionally quiet, thank you for allowing them to use your Neohome as long as you did and then retreat to pack up and find a new place to live. This is likely to give you a guilty conscience, but don't take it too badly; the Miamouse is a very forgiving creature.

What They're Really Looking For

The official definition of the Miamouse says, 'Miamice hop along the clouds in Faerieland, but they secretly want to be adopted and loved!' When you look deep into the true nature of the Miamouse, you will find that what they are really looking for is love. By moving into your Neohome, they are making their own quiet attempt at joining your family. What happens next is up to you.

Author's Note: Perhaps you found this article rather different, but it was fun to write and I hope you found it entertaining. After all, not all writing should be of a serious nature. I am open to any comments or criticism, so please feel free to Neomail me!

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