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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 24th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 124 > Short Stories > The Legend of Merriwillo

The Legend of Merriwillo

by ezrhide

Staring up at the menacing woods, Konrad and Rollo, his shadow Kougra, both began having second thoughts about actually entering it. The trees all stood extremely tall with sharp branches protruding from the trunk all the way up to the think bushy part at the top. Various weeds, small and large, smooth and prickly, dotted the forest floor. Frightening bugs and wild petpets could be heard making noises or, from the rustling leaves, simply just creeping around. No light was seen illuminating the dark space, except for a few treeless spaces where natural skylights were created. The forest boundary looked as to go on forever for no ending could be sighted. It was almost as if they were looking in at a ghost-town. But the worst things from Rollo's point of view were the foot prints with sharp looking claws that entered the forest from the same place as Konrad and Rollo.

     Konrad must have not seen the prints or perhaps he overlooked them for he loved his job so much. Konrad worked as a photographer, and loved his job almost as much as he did his Kougra, Rollo. Almost, that is. And maybe it was for Rollo's sake that he led the way into the forest. More than anything, Konrad wanted his pet to feel safe and secure so he conjured up a brave face and marched on in to meet whatever awaited them.

     Konrad's latest assignment was to photograph a serene beach scene, untouched by the human hand. Of course, every beach for 500 miles on Mystery Island, where they lived when not traveling for shots, was mobbed by tourists, so Konrad knew that their search would lead them far, far away from their home sweet home.

     He tried to soothe the uneasiness, "This isn't so bad, is it? I mean, just check out those cool flowers over there."

     "Konrad?" Rollo questioned.


     "Did you happen to notice that it's too dark to see anything, including flowers?" Rollo's voice rose.

     "No, no, over there," Konrad pointed to a slivery looking flower which hung mid air. "See it? I've never seen anything like it before."

     "Konrad?" Rollo repeated calmly.


     "THAT'S A SPIDER-WEB!" Rollo's voice rose again.

     "Oh yeah, heh… imagine that?" he offered, glad that is was so dark because his face turned a dark shade of red in embarrassment.

     "Okay, okay… I'm sorry," Rollo apologized while taking a deep breath. "I shouldn't be getting mad. I mean, I did volunteer to go, and I guess when and if we find the beach, it will be worth it."

     "That's the spirit," chuckled Konrad.

     "If you say so," Rollo rolled his eyes and sighed quietly so only he himself could hear. Rollo tried to put on a new attitude as the two tramped deeper into the heart of the forest, unaware of what awaited them. Konrad fished for a lantern from his knapsack to light up the forest and their pathway. The nervous Kougra definitely appreciated this and warmed up afterwards. Rollo began humming a familiar tune, in which Konrad joined in later, that he had learned when he was only a tiny Kougra cub.

"15 men on a dead man's chest,
Yo ho ho and a bottle of…"


"I don't know how much more of this I can take, Konrad," Rollo whimpered five days later while they still lingered in the forest. Actually, a better word would have been lost.

     "I'm tired to the bone, I'm filthy, I'm scratched and scraped, I'm wet, and I'm starving. We've got to get out of here." The two had wandered in circles for days, or so it seemed. The food supply was scanty, and all belongings were soaked. Frequent rainstorms had hailed them unwelcome about every five hours. Mud soaked Rollo's paws and Konrad's boots with every sloshy step. The sharp tree branches had become more frequent, and the natural skylights had long since run out. Konrad's face was paling for the lack of the bright sunlight.

     "I know, I know," Konrad whined, "If I only could get us out of here, I'd forget this job altogether!" He beat his fists on a nearby tree scratching them up even worse. "I don't know how much more I can take either. I'm almost ready to sit down and quit."

     Rollo gasped in shock. Konrad never gave up on anything. He couldn't let him do this, but really, what else was there to do. Just as Rollo was about to join Konrad in defeat, a glimmer of gold caught his eye. Fixing his gaze upon it, a large creature motioned to him through the trees to follow him. Even though Rollo knew naught what would happen, his paws traced the strangers footsteps. Konrad rose and followed in desperation. The figure never allowed the two to catch up with him, yet he never allowed the two to loose sight of him. The faint humming of the tune helped Rollo keep up, the tune he had hummed only a few days earlier. Konrad kept badgering Rollo about where he was leading them, as if he could see or hear the burly stranger. Rollo just swatted away his comments.

     As the creature's pace began to increase, so did Rollo's. Soon he and Konrad both were sprinting to keep the figure in sight. Before they knew it, a ray of light emerging from behind a tree caught even Konrad's attention. They turned their attention to the glimmer of light, but as they did so the figure vanished. Rollo slowed to a trot, Konrad bubbling with anger for not knowing what had come over Rollo. Soon he forgave him though, for the ray of light led out of the forest.

     The moment they exited, Konrad fell to the ground, praising the dewy grass and damp mud. Rollo however peered from left to right for the stranger. Finding no other living creature, he plopped onto the ground beside his owner, sighing is disappointment.

     "What's the matter? Be happy for we are out of the treacherous forest!" Konrad laughed heartily.

     "Oh… it's just that…" But he faded off for a large paw had planted itself in front of his face. Looking up, a large Pirate Kougra stood tall and firm, grinning at the two.

     Springing up, Rollo called, "It was you who led us out! I knew it!"

     "Aye, young one. It was I who saved ye from your troubles. But come, follow me, and I will further save ye from your troubles." The Kougra began to walk away, and Rollo followed at his heels.

     Konrad called out from behind, "We've only just gotten out, Rollo. Stay and rest for a moment, and by the way, who were you talking to?"

     Rollo gaped. Konrad could not see the strange Kougra. He hadn't seen him running ahead, and he hadn't seen him just now. Who or what was this? But he only answered, "Just follow us-me I mean."

     Luckily, he nodded and followed, much to Rollo's relief. After about 10 minutes of traveling through rolling hills, an ocean came into view. An uninhabited ocean-perfect for Konrad's shot. "Oh!" he yelled out. "How did you know where to go? This is simply wonderful!"

     Rollo did not answer, but stared to the right of the ocean where a small country town stood. "Arr, That is the town of Merriwillo." The Kougra spoke for the first time since they'd left the edge of the forest. "It is a quiet, peaceful town where I once lived. Go and find rest there, mates." And with that, the pirate Kougra seemed to rush away as if taken by the wind. Rollo watched him faint into the distance until he was no longer visible. How mysterious, he thought.

     "What are you waiting for? See, a town in the distance. Let us make haste to arrive!" Konrad started off for the town as he spoke, and Rollo had to run to catch up with the eager man. "I never knew you had such a good sense of direction. Now I can get my shot, and we can relax and find a way home without going through the forest again." Rollo only nodded and remained silent the rest of their journey which took about 30 minutes.

     A woman and her pet, which was a Gelert, greeted them cheerfully as they entered the city through marble gates. "Greetings, travelers. Welcome to our city of Merriwillo. We don't often receive strangers or travelers here, but they are always most welcome. Feel free to look around, and there is an Inn near the center of town where you can lodge for the night. Everyone here is very friendly, so ask anyone anything you dare to." A twinkled glinted in her eyes which sent chills down Rollo and Konrad's spine. Perhaps it was the abundance of friendliness here. After all, it is a rare quality nowadays. However, they all exchanged smile and proceeded into the town.

     The woman and her Gelert were right. Everyone they met introduced themselves and told them how glad they were to see some new comers to the area. It was nothing like their regular Mystery Island or even Neopia. After a week of lodging in the small town, Rollo and Konrad weren't even sure if they wanted to return to their home. They might have even stayed-if Konrad didn't love his job so much. He did however take many pictures of the beach, which seemed worthy of praise and award.

     But perhaps the most interesting event happened on one of the last days of their long visit. A small park dwelled in the center of the town where most inhabitants of Merriwillo spent their days. A sparkling blue, yet clear, lake where you could see to the bottom sat in the middle of the park while surrounded by weeping willow trees, tall, yet graceful. This was where the name of the town came from. Anyway, near the front of the lake stood a magnificent white marble statue in the form of a Pirate Kougra. Staring at it, Rollo couldn't help but think it looked familiar.

     After wondering about it for a while, Rollo inquired a striped Shoyru about the story behind it.

     "Oh, it's quite fascinating actually. That Pirate Kougra there, Ezhno was his name, discovered this town we know as Merriwillo. Of course, that was years and years ago, and since then he is long gone now. He came from Mystery Island with his family, tired of it being so crowded. Built himself a home and invited anyone who happened to pass by the chance to stay and make a home here. Most were touched by his incredible kindness and love for the ocean and couldn't resist the invitation."

     "Anyway," she continued, "legend, well maybe not so much legend, but rumor, says that Ezhno still appears to only those who are worthy of living in this grand town of Merriwillo. I've never seen him myself, so I'm not sure if the tales are true or not, but every town needs some fun history, right?" She smiled at them fondly and told them, "I hope you decide to join us here," and then flew off.

     "Whoa, that was a pretty cool legend, eh Rollo?" Konrad looked at Rollo.

     "Yeah…" Rollo smirked, "pretty cool. But you know, Konrad, I think you could still continue your career, and we could live here, too. Besides, something tells me we're worthy of this paradise." Cocking his head, Rollo once again heard a faint humming in the distance,

"15 men on a dead man's chest,
Yo ho ho and a bottle of…"

The End

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