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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 123 > Short Stories > The Monoceraptor's Return

The Monoceraptor's Return

by alvredus

Legend had it that deep under the ground of Northern Tyrannia rested a beast of incredible power, a beast that came before the start of Time and will stay after it ends. But so far, the citizens of Tyrannia regarded the legend as what it was: a legend.

     The Northern part of Tyrannia was filled with active volcanoes, and every once in a while a couple of them erupted, causing the little plantation around them to burn and die. The inhabitants usually lived near the coast, as it was easy for them to escape if it became necessary. However, one group of Neopets chose to live near the volcanoes, for they were worshipers of Fire, a reason why Fire Faeries favored them and often saved them from the escaping lava. But even all the Faeries banded together could not save them from what was coming.

     The first day of the month of Awakening was started off by a series of earthquakes and plenty of aftershocks. The Northern Inhabitants had experienced a lot of earthquakes, but never before had they been through any like that one. The scale of destruction was simply unimaginable; huts and villages collapsed, ancient trees fell down like toothpicks, and even rivers changed courses. Many of the Inhabitants died, and the few that had survived were sent to meet their deceased by the falling lava and ash from the volcanoes, which had became active during the earthquakes.

     The earthquakes were unlike any other, for instead of one quake and some aftershocks, there were many earthquakes spaced by long intervals. They all happened on the first day of Awakening, and when night-time arrived, fissures were to be seen everywhere, and remnants of villages could not even be found. It was as though a devil had swiped the mere existence of those who lived there. And a devilish creature it was.

     A wide fissure had opened beside the highest volcano, and smoke rose from within. Though the earthquakes had been over, shakings of the ground near the fissure continued, for this was the hidden place of the Monoceraptor, and after more than a thousand years in waiting, this horrific monster had finally reached a level of ultimate power and strength. Out of the darkness it climbed, shaking the earth with every move. When at last it was under the starry sky it had not seen for more than ten centuries, the Monoceraptor gave a roar that struck fear into the very hearts of the volcanoes. Over 40 feet high, it stood a giant to all, and with its mouth full of long, sharp fangs and its gigantic claws the size of small cats, the Monoceraptor ripped apart anything and everything that blocked its way down to Southern Tyrannia.

     The Southern Inhabitants had no news of the return of the Monoceraptor yet; indeed, some of them were having a fine dinner under the sky and enjoying the slight breeze until the Monoceraptor came. One roar was enough to send the inhabitants fleeing for help near the coast. A never-before-seen alarm had been given, and all of Neopia was given alert. Heroes of every kind traveled to meet the monster, while normal citizens fled with others deep into the strong castle walls of Meridell.

     The Monoceraptor raged while the villagers of Tyrammet held an emergency meeting. After a short while they decided to first send a whole troop of warriors to try and defeat the monster. Grarrg was in the lead with Sabre-X and Tekel by his side and some 100 warriors behind them. Grarrg quickly ordered the troop to circle around the Monoceraptor to prevent it from escaping, and then he jumped in, weaponless except for his claws and fangs, unto which he trusted his life.

     Grarrg gave a roar that almost rivaled that of the Monoceraptor’s, and, jaws wide open, he charged at the Monoceraptor and grabbed hold of his stomach. However, even Grarrg’s razor-sharp fangs were not sharp enough to penetrate the monster’s tough skin. Instead, the Monoceraptor flung him over the circle of warriors with its arm. Grarrg was wounded, and while Tekel went over to help him, Sabre-X and the troop attacked.

     The battle was short; the Monoceraptor swiped around with its claws and occasionally flung his legs, always sending ten to twenty warriors to their deaths. Most fled, but Sabre-X was still standing and living, but only just living. The Monoceraptor charged at Sabre-X, shaking the earth with every step, when a flash of light blinded its eyes temporarily; Tekel had raised his staff. He swung his staff and a long jet of fire burst out and engulfed the Monoceraptor. The Monoceraptor gave another roar, but was otherwise unharmed by the magical fire. It sent its feet up poor Tekel’s chest, and Tekel was wounded as well. It looked as if the Tyrannian Army had fallen.

     The Monoceraptor continued its way and was about to cross the strait to Meridell when King Skarl’s troops arrived, along with the Defenders of Neopia. Battle rang out again, but it lasted for no more than an hour. King Skarl and Judge Hog were badly wounded, and most of the troop had died. It was at that hopeless moment when Captain Threelegs and the Techo Master, along with their top students, arrived.

     Captain Threelegs drew out his sword while the Techo Master produced a staff. Captain Threelegs flew up into the night sky and dived down, the sword’s tip aiming straight at the Monoceraptor. The monster stopped advancing when the tip struck the top of its head. But the tip could not penetrate the Monoceraptor. The Techo Master sprung in. It is true that Captain Threelegs was his rival, but now was not the time. They must work together to defeat the monster. The Techo Master worked up his inner energy, and with a tremendous yell, the staff swiped and hit the Monoceraptor’s leg. It staggered, but turned almost as fast to try and take a chunk of the Techo Master. But he dodged the attack and jumped into the air. Captain Threelegs told his students to attack and the Techo Master did the same. The battle was short. Most of Captain Threelegs’ students were wounded, and so was one of the Techo Master’s pupils. The battlefield was littered with the wounded. The Monoceraptor roared with triumph and continued to cross the strait.

     When it was half way across the straight and swimming, seven warriors from under the sea met the monster. They were the Maraquan warriors, and of them, the Mynci carried a trident and the Draik and Krawk each carried a spear. They attacked with unearthly tactics, springing in and out of the range of the Monoceraptor, and while they were in, they attacked. The tough skin protected the monster, but it was tired, and it swam back unto Tyrannia to rest.

     Suddenly, a golden light appeared in the dark sky; the Faeries had arrived. Lead by Fyora, they each cast the most powerful magic they possessed. None of the Elemental Faeries had successfully cast a spell that wounded the Monoceraptor. Fyora, with her Royal Wand, had conjured up a huge ball of six colors, and sent it to the Monoceraptor’s head. The beast fell down, and caused a quake that made the volcanoes erupt again. Fyora was deeply weakened, for that ball contained almost all of her energy. And to her horror, the Monoceraptor had stood up, a little wounded in the head but otherwise okay.

     Midnight had come, and most of Neopia were terrified at the news of the Faerie Queen’s defeat. The Monoceraptor was now attempting to climb the Terror Mountain when a shadow swooped down from the sky; it was Count Von Roo. His speed and agility made the Monoceraptor dizzy, and it turned its head around, trying to make out the figure of the ultimate vampire. Count Von Roo opened his mouth to reveal two long fangs as it swooped down and bit the Monoceraptor’s throat. The beast let out a roar of angst and spun around anxiously to try and shake off Count Von Roo. The two sharp fangs of Count Von Roo had penetrated the Monoceraptor’s throat, and was sucking the blood when he released his deadly bite suddenly, and flew off. But it was not far before he fell from the sky and lied motionless on the battlefield. The blood of the Monoceraptor appeared to be poisonous.

     The huge beast was greatly weakened now, tired and dizzy, but it alone could still take out all the warriors if they were to be revived and healed again. It roared, but with less energy, and to his surprise, a roar from the Terror Mountain answered his. Racing down the steep mountain path raged the Snowager, angry at being interrupted during his sleep. It roared again, and the Monoceraptor backed off a few good yards. The Snowager brought along him the coldness of the lair in which he slept, and let out an icy blast that froze one of the Monoceraptor’s arms. The Monoceraptor was extremely angry, and in its rage he charged down the Snowager and wounded it with an almighty bite. The Snowager roared and started to circle around the Monoceraptor with its long body, when finally at last the Monoceraptor was held in a deadly grip. The Snowager squeezed, and the Monoceraptor bit again, but it was no good; the Snowager squeezed until the Monoceraptor fainted. The victorious beast gave a roar of triumph and returned slowly to its icy lair.

     Fyora had recovered, and was busily healing the rest. It took a while, and Fyora was worried that the Monoceraptor might regain its consciousness, and she worked harder than ever. Then, together with all the heroes and warriors, the Faerie Queen pushed the Monoceraptor back into the seemingly bottomless fissure by the side of the tallest volcano. The Faeries sealed the ground with their spells, and finally all was restored, though the lost lives can never be regained.

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