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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 118 > Continuing Series > Legend of Smellyworld: Part Six

Legend of Smellyworld: Part Six

by y_lime_

Nick ran up the grand staircase and onto the balcony while the king was looking at Ara. Laura got in position near the wall, on Keira's left. Darren stood near the band. Doumeh had just opened his mouth when Nick jumped off the balcony without him knowing. His job was to distract the crowd, and that's just what he did. He swung his sword out just before he hit the ground. The crowd started wondering what was going on. Some wondered if this was an attack, or perhaps a show?

     Ara stood up in surprise. "What is going on here?" said Doumeh angrily. Now it was Darren and Laura's turn to move. Darren ran with great speed toward Doumeh, snatching his scepter right out of his grip. Laura started running toward Darren, but Cedric had caught on. He blocked Laura from getting to Darren and started attacking her. She fought back poorly, but managed to dodge a few of his strikes.

     The plan was that Darren passes the scepter to Laura swiftly and get out of the castle. Well, that didn't happen. Darren passed the scepter to Nick instead, who was right behind him. Nick ran through the crowd and to the ballroom doors. He had tripped over a shifted tile and the scepter fell on the ground.

     The crystal falling onto the floor, not shattering like glass… but spilling like liquid. Ara was speechless while Doumeh was about to use one of his magic electric balls right at Nick. Darren grabbed Keira and slid her across the floor toward the fallen scepter.

     The crowd parted as she passed. She saw the guards coming to try and fix the situation. Doumeh had sent his magic out toward them, just before Keira slid into the liquid spill. A bright while light surrounded her as everyone in the crowd covered their eyes. The room was so full of light you couldn't see the person standing next to you. When the light went down, Keira was gone.

     Everyone started looking around for her, but she was nowhere in sight. Not even Nick, who was right beside her. Darren and Laura disappeared too.


     Ara tried to calm the citizens while the king sat in his chair talking angrily to Cedric. Keira, Nick, Darren, and Laura in fact, had escaped. They thought it was strange that they could see where they were going, but everyone else obviously couldn't. The group was running through the castle halls, through corridors and doorways. Everyone was running except Keira that is. She had fallen asleep, just as Ara had said.

     They were heading toward the tallest tower, also known as the dream portal. They didn't know quite what would happen, but they had a feeling that this is what they had to do. Darren carried Keira through the halls. Keira's tiara had fallen sometime during the escape, but they hoped it wouldn't leave any clues. They finally reached the tallest tower. They opened the door and walked inside. Once they all got in, the door shut behind them by itself. They were in a hall, with stone steps leading up to a portal.

     This was it. They took a breath before stepping inside the swirling blue vortex.

* * *

They were in Keira's dream, or was it a memory? Nick, Darren, & Laura stood on a balcony overlooking a ballroom of a warm castle. It was the castle of Smellyworld, but decorated differently and with a different feel. The floors were metallic white and gold marble. The whole castle seamed to be mix of royal colors with a slight tropical twist. The door on their left opened, it was Keira.

     She looked beautiful in her shimmering tiara. All she did was smile at them while she passed. She didn't seem to notice much that they were following her. They heard the doorbell but Keira knew the guard would get it so she continued on her way. She went down a few halls and lounges with her friends following. There were some people walking about here and there like maids, friends & knights.

     Right when she turned a corner, someone was standing there. It was Dr. Sloth.

     "What are you doing here? Your evil ways are not welcome here," said Keira, looking up at him. "I'm not scared of you."

     "Scared of me?" said Sloth laughing. "Why all Neopets are frightened by my greatness and power. Go now you foolish girl."

     He walked passed her, leaving a cold chill in the air. Keira hung out in the library after dinner, still not really caring that her friends were there. She didn't talk to them much, just a few answers about what she was reading.

     "The Magic of Royal Kougras by James Poogletin," she replied. "Magic is in us you know, we just have to find a way to bring it out." They did ask where her mother and father were though. Keira replied, "They are were attending a city meeting this evening. They should be back now."

     Keira closed the book and exited the library, her friends following. She walked through a nearby lounge and into a corridor that overlooked the entrance hall. The halls around here were awfully quiet. The room coming up was yet another lounge, but with a jungle theme. It was quite large with surrounding columns. Keira hid behind one of the large columns. As for her friends, they hid behind a plant in the center of the corridor.

     Inside were Dr. Sloth and the king. This king looked much nicer, and quite handsome. He still had his fire Kougra look, but he had a happier appearance. He still had the necklace with the lifelike flame in it tough.

     "King Victor, sir," said Sloth. "I have here, a piece of the Darigan orb. It is said to bring great power to the beholder."

     "That is only a mere piece," replied Victor.

     Sloth went on, "I am conducting a study. You would be a fool not to help me."

     "A fool am I?" roared the king.

     They just glared at each other for a moment.

     "You need to meet someone before you make that decision," said Dr. Sloth. Out of the shadows appeared Ara, the grey Faerie.

     "Victor," she said. "Prepare to become one of us."

     Before Victor could do anything, Ara took the Darigan orb piece and with her magic, she pressed it into the king's large paw. He just about fainted, but brought himself together.

     "What are you doing to me?" he said dizzily. "My study consists of seeing if evil can run through someone as good hearted as you," said Sloth. "I will return when the evil has overpowered your good." With that, he left the room with Ara. They didn't even notice Keira and her friends hiding there.

     Keira wanted to go and talk to her father but wanted to see what was happening first. The King walked onto the balcony while Keira walked quietly into the room. Through coughing, he began a spell. Keira could just see out the balcony from where she was standing. Blue color shot out from his paws, and then surrounded the city.

     "Can't… let the evil… get out," said the King. Ara came back into the room not noticing Keira was there.

     "What are you doing?!" Ara asked. She walked to the king and tried to stop him.

     The King sent out a blue spell ball from his paws at Ara. A spell ball is a spell kept in a small ball that won't be in effect until it hits something. Ara blocked it and made it fly towards the king. He ducked and it flew out the balcony and into a cart of dung heading towards the gardens.

     Nick happened to glance at the clock and to his surprise it was exactly 3:00 am. King Victor finally saw Keira standing in the room. "Keira," he said while magic fighting with Ara. "Go Keira go! Run! Don't stay here. Get as far away as possible. Tell your mother too." Keira stood there, tears swelling up in her eyes.

     The scene faded away into the library. "This is another memory," said Nick to the others. They seemed to be invisible, because they were standing right in front of Victor and Dr. Sloth, whom were talking to each other. The two were sitting in a chair. The king looked like he was planning an attack by the way he was looking at Dr. Sloth. His eyes were a dark red and his fire coat seemed to be a deeper color than usual.

     "Where's Keira?" Laura asked. Darren and Nick looked around the room for her, but she wasn't there. The king stood up and took their attention.

     "I heard a Kacheek in the city has made a potion for the dung that is consuming the city. I don't like this. GUARDS!" the king said. A red Kougra entered the room. It was Cedric.

     The king stared at him and said, "You are only in training… what are you doing taking orders from me now?"

     "I have just finished training sir," Cedric said. "What is it that you wish for me to do?"

     "Go and take five hundred bags of the Kacheek's anti-smell potion. Destroy his stall afterwards."

     "His name is Mr. Binnder, sir. I will attend to your orders at once," said Cedric, bowing afterwards. He left the room.

     Laura decided to follow Cedric while the others keep an eye on the king. She followed him down to the entrance hall doors. "Cedric?" said a voice from on top of the staircase. Both Cedric and Laura turned.

     It was Keira who spoke. "Where are you going?" she said. She didn't even see Laura standing next to Cedric.

     "I'm going into the city upon the king's orders," Cedric said. Keira was obviously still shocked about what happened to her father.

     "Come back soon okay?" she said. Cedric smiled and nodded before leaving.

     Laura didn't leave with him. Instead she looked at Keira standing up there. The queen walked into the room, out from the deck. She was a beautiful snowy white color with silver stripes and blue eyes.

     "Keira, how is Victor today?" she said looking up at her. "He had quite a strange night last night… hopefully we got that Dr. Sloth out. Did you happen to see any of it?"

     Keira broke down in tears. The queen went upstairs and hugged her. Laura thought this was so sweet, she even felt a tear roll down her cheek.

     Meanwhile back with Nick and Darren in the library, they saw the plot unfold in front of their eyes. Dr. Sloth and the king thought up a new name, King Doumeh and discussed what to do about the dung appearing everywhere.

     "Simple… barriers," said Ara while entering the room. It startled everyone. She was so sneaky and quiet when she walked. "I herd the queen discussing it with one of the guards, she has a magical mind you know. What do you want to do with her and her foolish daughter anyway? They're getting rather curious about what is going on here in the library."

To be continued…

Previous Episodes

Legend of Smellyworld: Part One

Legend of Smellyworld: Part Two

Legend of Smellyworld: Part Three

Legend of Smellyworld: Part Four

Legend of Smellyworld: Part Five

Legend of Smellyworld: Part Seven

Legend of Smellyworld: Part Eight

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