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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 109 > New Series > Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part One

Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part One

by stoneman3x

It's amazing to look back now and see how a tiny bit of boredom almost brought the entire world of Neopia crashing down. Bizarre as it sounds that's what almost happened. I only mention this because the next time my Lupe says he is bored I plan to lock myself in a closet and refuse to come out until (a) he swears he was only kidding, or (b) he gives me a signed letter from the goddess Poptart stating that I will not be blamed for whatever happens to Neopia because he said he's bored.

     It all started rather innocently, so to speak. Stonewolf3x was sprawled out under a rock tree in our garden. His bodyguard, Stonekrawk3x, stood over him catching and eating any insects that dared to even come close to his "captain". In the weeks following the addition of a pirate to our little "family", I learned several things. Krawks will eat anything that makes a buzzing noise and pirates have a strange need to be fiercely loyal to any creature they seem to think is the boss. That definitely left me out. No one "owns" a Lupe, let alone attempts to be the boss of one.

     Anyway, we were all in the garden that afternoon. I was planting weeds to try to make the pebble-strewn dirt around the shedding rock trees look better and Krawk was exercising his tongue on unsuspecting flies. Wolf was the only one not doing anything in particular and he wanted the world to know it.

     "I'm bored," he declared with sullen irritation.

     I knew better than to bite on that one. Stonewolf3x can always find something to do if he is really bored. He only says he is bored when he wants to be noticed because he feels has hasn't been the supreme center of attention for longer than five minutes.

     But Krawk wasn't as familiar with Wolf's moods as I was and replied, "Arrr, but maybe we could go prod them Poogles into jumping over each other, Cap'n. Ye like doing that."

     Wolf rolled his eyes in the Krawk's direction without turning his head. He was every bit as big as his bodyguard and three times stronger. He sure didn't need a bodyguard, but he liked the idea of someone ELSE getting frosted by the Snowager because I am fond of getting green Tuskaninny keyrings for free.

     "Hmmm... I suppose..." Wolf drawled and stretched himself into a standing position.

     He began walking away casually and his Tyrannian Doglefox shadow immediately fell into step behind him. At first I worried about such a cute fluffy little thing following around a Lupe that oozes danger like Meuka oozes snot. But when Stonefox started kicking fanny in the Petpet Battledome I realized he was more of a miniature Stonewolf3x clone than I had thought.

     Stonekrawk3x also began to follow, his Crokabek perched on his shoulder. I suddenly realized that if I didn't go too, I would be alone with a bunch of weeds I was intentionally planting because my neogarden was a spectacular wasteland. Before the pirate Krawk and the two petpets showed up I didn't think twice about Wolf disappearing for hours at a time. Now when he left, he took his Lupe groupies with him and emptied out a full house.

     "Hey guys!" I hollered as I leapt to my feet and trotted off after them. "Mind if I tag along?"

     Wolf swiveled his head in my direction and shot me an exasperated look. It was bizarre yet typical of my Lupe to not even notice a mob of creatures dogging his steps but to think that having one human along was an imposition. He rolled his eyes, snorted loudly and continued walking. In case you're not familiar with Lupe-speak, that translates as "I won't tear you into a thousand pieces and feed you to a Skeith if you do come along". So I was feeling pretty good about that answer.

     When we reached the Poogle Solitaire field, there was a large sign posted at the entrance that read, "Grrr! This game is boring! Why don't you play Meerca Chase instead?"

     "Arrr, I guess this means it be lunchtime, eh?" Krawk chuckled.

     "What do you mean?" I asked.

     "He means they've all gone to the Poogle races. Poogles know that they'll get free food for running in a race. They don't care if they win or not. They just do it to get fed," Wolf snickered and shook his head.

     "Arrr!" Krawk said with a laugh, "Have ye ever seen a skinny Poogle?"

     "So why don't they just say that on the sign?" I asked, pointing to the board.

     "Because they are SUPPOSED to be here," Wolf replied, his eyes glittering with both amusement and annoyance. "People pay 15 Neopoints to play this game and the Poogles don't want you to know they are off stuffing themselves instead of being here to do the job they are PAID to do."

     "So... what now?" I asked, my mind skittering off towards my minature-Lost-Desert-wannabe-garden and the fact I didn't want to go back to planting weeds if there was anything else in the universe I could be doing instead.

     "Meerca Chase, Cap'n?" Krawk asked, eyeing a dragonfly that fluttered past.

     For a second I thought he was going to zap it with his tongue, but when the dragonfly snorted an actual stream of fire from its nose, the pirate Krawk suddenly took a immediate interest in shining his hook on his shirt. Stonewolf3x contemplated the horizon for a moment, thumping his tail in thought.

     "Yeah," he finally drawled. "Meerca Chase sounds good."

     I stared in disbelief as his entourage all breathed a sigh of relief in unison. There was something surreal about the adoration he seemed to inspire. But I had to confess it was partly my fault. They all knew that they were there for his benefit. After all, I was the one who got a Doglefox petpet and a Krawk bodyguard for him. And I bought the Crokabek petpet because that's what the hiring fee for the bodyguard was.

     As our little clump of mismatched Lupe lackeys headed for the Games Pavilion, I felt a weird sense of elation. I had never seen a game of Meerca Chase played before. Wolf usually left me at the Astro Villa Casino to play the card games alone when he went off to play the more energetic games.

     When we got to the Games Pavilion we discovered that there were quite a few Neopets lined up at the entrance to the Meerca Chase Pit waiting to play. A sea of smaller pets parted when Wolf arrived. In fact, one Kiko in particular was so unnerved by my Lupe's lordly glare that it momentarily forgot how to levitate itself and hit the floor like a steel gormball. Wolf simply stepped over it as it wobbled in small circles like a top.

     Stonewolf3x made a Buzz-line for the head of the queue. A rainbow Grarrl stood waiting at the front of the line. His eyes swiveled in the Lupe's direction as Wolf approached with his miniature army. If the Grarrl had even considered holding his ground, he changed his mind when his eyes fixed on the pirate Krawk standing behind the huge Lupe. I think it was the fact he tapping on the hilt of his jagged Krawk blade that made the Grarrl think twice. It snarled in disgust, but took a couple of steps backwards anyway. This created an amazing domino effect in the waiting line as the pets were all shoved backwards in a rippling wave.

     I sighed and shook my head in disapproval, but Wolf seemed genuinely mystified by my reaction.

     "What?" he said, his eyebrows raised in innocence.

     "You know," I replied sourly, "It's customary to wait at the back of a line."

     Wolf looked at me like I had just said a hypno helmet makes a good flower pot.

     "Yes," he replied with a shrug, "If you are not a LUPE."

     I sighed and shook my head again. I'm sure that there must be Lupes out there that know they are not automatically masters of the universe, but somehow my Lupe had missed the memo on that one. I was about to say something, but I lost my train of thought when a roar of cheers erupted from the bleachers where the spectators sat.

     My head snapped in the direction of the enthusiastic pandemonium. I realized that the way the Meerca Chase Pit was set up, it looked amazingly like the Happy Valley Rink Runner Arena. An arc of seats bent around the outside of a walled pit in a horseshoe shape. In the open spot was a raised platform with a rather bare control panel. Even from where I stood I could see there were only four buttons on it. A green Acara stood at the panel, rapidly thumping her paw on the buttons. I couldn't see what was happening, but the crowd seemed pleased because most of spectators were either clapping or shouting disconnected words that sounded like a secret code.

     "Left -- up-- no no -- yeah -- it's in the upper corner -- watch the tail -- down down -- no no right!"

     I stood up on my toes to get a better look into the pit to see what was happening, but I couldn't see over the wall.

     "Arrr, Man," Krawk said, tapping me on my arm.

     I flinched and turned to look at him. I had tried unsuccessfully for weeks to get him to call me Stone, but he had a pirate's logic that was unshakable. After all, if he was Stonekrawk3x and we called him Krawk, and the Lupe was Stonewolf3x and we called him Wolf, then it stood to reason that Stoneman3x should be called Man. It was both charming and annoying at the same time.

     Krawk pointed towards the bleachers with his hook paw. Of course, since the hook was curved it looked oddly like he was pointing at himself, but I got the idea anyway.

     "Ye be seeing the action better from up there," he drawled.

     He walked over to the bleachers and strode up the steps to the front row of seats. Wolf would have simply glared at the pets sitting where he wanted to sit, but the Krawk had a slightly different method. He positioned himself with his back to the seat he wanted and merely swished his powerful tail from side to side. A large gap on the bench magically opened up and he plopped himself down without even looking back to see if he was sitting on anyone. I followed him and sat down next him. I felt a little guilty about the way he had gotten us such good seats and I smiled weakly at the scowling Wocky next to me. For a moment I thought he was smiling back at me. Then I realized he was baring his fangs. I figured the best thing to do at that point was to break off eye contact.

     I focused my attention on what was happening in the arena below us. A yellow Meerca with a long string of neggs trailing behind him was zigzagging towards a blue negg in the center of the pit. He seemed to be wearing some sort of a radio collar. There were lights on it that flashed on and off. When the Meerca reached the negg, it somehow attached itself to the string of neggs tied to his tail. The instant that it did, another negg materialized out of nowhere in the upper corner.

     "Whoa!" I gasped. "How do they do that?"

     "Arr, they be magical neggs, Man," Krawk replied with a playful wink.

     I could never tell if Krawk was telling the truth or not. Pirates like to spin yarns and tall tales. To them, victory was when they succeeded in making someone believe something really impossible and nutty was the honest-to-gosh truth. He was victorious a lot with me.

     The Meerca turned and headed in the opposite direction from where the new negg had appeared.

     "Isn't the object of this game for the Meerca to get as many neggs as he can?" I asked. "Why doesn't he head straight for the negg?"

     Krawk snickered. "Arr, but he'll be getting a nasty little blast if he cross his own tail! Them magical neggs can't ever touch each other or they'll explode."

     I could feel my eyes getting as big and as wide as a JubJub's foot. "They explode?" I sputtered.

     "Arr! But this be a fun game to watch, no?" Krawk cackled with a weird sort of innocent evil glee.

     "What Meerca in his right mind would want to be be a part of this game?" I said in a hoarse whisper. It wasn't easy to speak because my jaw was still hanging open.

     Krawk slapped hard on my knee and I fairly jumped out of my seat with surprise at the roar of his laughter.

     "Arr! That be the thing! No Meerca in his right mind would!"

     Krawk saw the totally lost look on my face and grinned as he nudged me with his elbow. "They can't get any halfway intelligent Meercas to sign up for this game. So they hire dim-witted ones. That's why they need the directional collars."

     "I don't follow..." I replied slowly.

     Krawk grinned broadly and leaned closer to me. "Arr, but they be too stupid to make the quick decisions needed to play this game on their own," he whispered holding his hook to his lips. This seemed pointless if he meant to cover the side of his mouth so only I could hear him. "So this actually makes the game perfect for others to play."

     I still must have had a blank look on my face because he shot me a look like he thought I would be a perfect candidate for a substitute brainless Meerca Chase Meerca.

     "Arr, but ye see the control panel there?" he said wiggling a clawed finger towards the platform where the Acara stood energetically tapping buttons. I nodded as my eyes followed where his finger pointed. "The players use the right, left, up and down buttons on the control panel to tell the Meerca which way to go. The signal makes a beeping sound. If it beeps on the right side of the collar, the Meerca turns right. If it beeps on the left side of the collar, the Meerca turns left. If it beeps in the front of the collar, the Meerca goes toward the control panel. If it beeps on the back of the collar, the Meerca heads away from the control panel."

     "But what are the flashing lights on the collar for, if the Meerca is following a beeping sound?" I asked.

     "Arr, but they be for the benefit of the audience," Krawk replied. "So we know where the player is sending the Meerca."

     I was going to ask another question, but whatever it was, it was blown out of my head by the sudden thunderous yells coming from all around us. Rows of pets had leapt to their feet in excitement. If I hadn't been sitting in the first row, my view of the scene below would have been blocked. I might have missed what happened next. And if I had missed what happened next, then Neopia would never have been in danger of complete collapse less than three days later.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part Two

Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part Three

Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part Four

Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part Five

Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part Six

Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part Seven

Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part Eight

Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part Nine

Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part Ten

Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part Eleven

Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part Twelve

Never Play Meerca Chase With a Lupe: Part Thrirteen

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