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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 107 > Continuing Series > Jhudora's Neopet: Part Five

Jhudora's Neopet: Part Five

by opalgirl26

I felt like yelling at her, but I kept my mouth shut. After all, if I wasn't grounded, surely I wasn't in too much trouble ... or was I in more?

     "Right," I finally said. "Can I have dinner now?"

     "Duh!" she told me. "Would I let you starve?"

     "Probably," I said, but luckily she didn't hear me.

     "Jhupiter's sick," Jhudora said. "What have you done to her?"

     "Left her at home when I went to see Illusen," I said calmly. "I thought you might ground me if I stayed long enough to take her."

     "I would have," Jhudora said, "even if you hadn't taken her. C'mon. Dinnertime."

     I had Jhudora Soup (a recipe she does not give anyone, nor does she give the item - it's a sort-of secret that she likes cooking) for dinner. But right after dinner, I felt funny. I don't mean that mum told me a joke and I laughed. My head hurt. I was dizzy. My feet felt numb.

     Mum smiled, and said, "You've caught what Jhupiter has."

     "I have a PETPET disease?" I asked, skeptically.

     "No," said mum, "You have a NeoFlu -- one with slightly different symptoms to the one they have down THERE. It's common to Faerieland -- and the Virtupets Space Station -- and Darigan, and basically any place that flies."

     "So I have Flying NeoFlu," I said, sarcastically. "I hope it flies away."

     "Oh, it will," mum said, smiling wider, "I promise."

- - -

Sleeping was hard that night. Every time I almost drifted to sleep my head was there to wake me up. It hurt like anything if I tried to think. NeoFlu Jelly Pills weren't working at all. And at about 6 am, a voice hissed, 'Think about what you do next time...'

     I got out of bed around seven. I usually slept in as late as I could, but today I wanted to go to the Healing Springs as much as I could.

     I tried to sneak past the kitchen, where my mum was having Faerie Toast and Butter. But, being dizzy and tired, I walked into the wall right night to the door.

     "Jhuisa?" I was caught.

     "Yeah, mum?" I made a big show of being sick on the way to the kitchen table.

     "You want breakfast?"

     "Um -- I'm sick; I've lost my appetite." For once I seemed to have told a lie well -- Jhudora nodded and continued reading The Neopian Times while she ate toast.

     "Pah!" she suddenly said, "It's the same every issue -- a Jhudora-is-bad-Fyora-is-good-and-Illusen-is-good-too world. I mean, look at this!" she shoved a comic under my nose. "How could I turn Sloth into a cup of tea in MY OWN HOUSE? You'd be there too, and she's completely forgotten you."

     "That's because," I said calmly, "not many people know I exist. Someone's writing a book about Hannah now - I believe they plan to release it on the first Ixi day, in 4 months. But no-one knows who I am, except for the faeries who baby-sit for me."

     "That's true," Jhudora said, "but look at this! A story! I apparently walk into a NeoHome carrying two crates, and apparently nobody notices me! As if! Those humans are so mega-nosy!"

     "Mmmm-hmm," I said, uncomfortably. "Listen mum, I have to go to the Healing Springs -- the NeoFlu won't let me sleep."

     "Oh, no," mum said, "It was in the news-- someone blew up the Healing Springs."

     "WHAT?" I went, "No way. I'll bet it hasn't been."

     "Look out the window," Jhudora shrugged, and went back to her toast.

     Outside the window, I saw a fine mist -- well, there always was one in the morning at my house - and through it, I saw a crying Water Faerie.

     "I'm going to help!" I announced.

     "No way!" mum shrieked, almost panicky, "You're way too sick. Go to bed."

     "Mu-um," I groaned. I walked off. But no way was I going to stay where I was.

     I opened my bedroom window. It was cold outside. I went to find a jacket. I look a look out the window. I climbed onto the window sill. I - got stuck.

     "What's wrong?" I asked myself.

     "You, that's what! You're not sick at all! Look at you!"

     I suddenly realized I did not feel dizzy anymore.

     "I'm cured!" I said happily. Then I turned angry. "SO LET ME OUT!"

     "No!" she said, treating me like an idiot. "I'll do this instead."

     She shot a blue bolt at my wings, which suddenly would not flap anymore.

     "No flying for you," she said. "Bye." She blocked my door with some kind of forced shield before closing it.

     Even though I was more mad than sad, I cried. I'd been grounded before - but that just meant no outside. Now I couldn't leave my ROOM.

     "What do I do?" I asked myself.

     Then, my mind brightened up. I KNEW what I had to do - I just had to lie. Well. A bit difficult maybe - but if it fails, I WOULD find a plan B, right?

     "MU-U-UM!" I yelled in a singsong voice.

     Mum opened the door and stuck her head in. "Is everything okay?" she asked, coolly.

     "Actually..." I began, and started to fib. "Well, there's this -- uh -- Gelert. He wanted to interview me for The Neopian Times - he hates Illusen too and so he wants to prove those writers how wrong they are... so he wanted to interview me -- like, Life with Jhudora."

     Jhudora had this sort of look on her face which makes you feel like you have to continue or she won't believe you.

     "Um -- his owner likes Illusen and so he refused to do the interview me - but it's today, and if I'm grounded, I can't go. So can I go?"

     "Where does he live?" mum asked, slowly -- and critically -- thinking about it.

     "Illusen Forest Drive," I answered, "As I said, his owner likes Illusen..."

     "Very well," mum sighed, "Shall I take you there?"

     "NO W -- I mean, no, thanks," Jhuisa quickly corrected herself. "You -- I'm fine. Besides, you have to keep doing your quests. Isn't that Illusen_hater guy on like, quest 30 now? For the eleventh time?"

     "Quest 34," Jhudora answered, giggling. "It's almost funny. He just likes my quests so he'll keep doing them - but he's never beat quest 39." Then Jhudora grew sort huffy. I swear, my mum is SO unpredictable. "And HE lives on Dark Faerie Path. Unlike your dear friend Mr. Gelert."

     "Right," I said, anxious to leave, "Listen, mum -- can you unfreeze my wings now?"

- - -

Soon, I was on my way. It was an hour long flight, but I had to get to the street. I'd totally made up the Gelert - I actually needed to see Illusen.

     I just hoped my mum really had believed me... if she hadn't, and was waiting at Illusen's Glade for me, I would be in big big trouble. Bigger than that. Like, grounded for the rest of my life.

     I thought this just as I touched down near ShapeShifter. I was in no mood to play a game, but I decided to try Ultimate Bullseye for awhile, to show to my mum if she was spying on me there was no need to spy on me and she could spy on ... um ... the Uber-Light Faerie, instead.

     I only got a score of 12.

     I walked up to Illusen's Glade eventually. I noticed she was "Closed" in giving out quests.

     I knocked. "Illusen! Are you in there?"

     "Who wants to know?" she called.

     "Someone who has proof my mum's got your wand!"

     Illusen opened the door in the manner of someone who's rolling their eyes. The only difference was that she wasn't rolling her eyes.

     "So where is my wand?" she asked. If, at that moment, someone asked which was better, Jhudora or Illusen, I might have said they were the same Faerie.

     "I'm not sure exactly," I said, "but it has to do with my mum. We have to watch her."

     Illusen snorted. "Duh, I know that already," Illusen said. "Besides, you're the one that lives there."

     "Yeah. I got sick, frozen and I couldn't sleep at all within twelve hours. Of course I think my mum's right," I retorted, sarcastically.

     "Okay, okay," Illusen said, sounding like she didn't mean it. "But now you are going straight back to your cloud. If you find it -- or Hannah -- you know where to find me." Illusen slammed the door in my face. Hmpf. I spoke to her like five minutes - if I went home straightaway, mum would get suspicious. And then she'd find out I lied and then I'd get grounded for the rest of my life.

     But if I did go home early -- and make sure my mum didn't catch me -- I might be able to tell where Hannah was. And Illusen's wand, but I wasn't going to do Illusen favours any time soon. But Hannah might make me.

To be continued...

Author's Footnote: Will Hannah be saved? Will Jhuisa and Illusen stop fighting? Will Illusen get her wand back? Will Jhuisa be grounded for the rest of her life? Will Jhudora be defeated? Will... okay, okay. All will be revealed in the final part, coming out next week!

Previous Episodes

Jhudora's Neopet: Part One

Jhudora's Neopet: Part Two

Jhudora's Neopet: Part Three

Jhudora's Neopet: Part Four

Jhudora's Neopet: Part Six

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